Study links late sleepers to higher cognitive performance

企业   2024-07-15 08:27   菲律宾  

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New research from Imperial College London, which involved over 26,000 participants, has found that late sleepers consistently outperformed early risers on cognitive tests measuring intelligence, reasoning, and memory. This large-scale study challenges the stereotype that night owls are less mentally sharp compared to their early-rising counterparts.

The study's lead author, Dr. Raha West, emphasized that despite these findings, adequate sleep remains essential for optimal brain function. “Our research shows that individuals who stay up late tend to perform better on cognitive tests. However, this doesn't negate the importance of getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night,” Dr. West explained. She added that the quality of sleep, rather than the timing, is crucial for maintaining cognitive health.

The study has sparked a lively debate among netizens. One user commented, “Finally, some validation for us night owls! I’ve always felt more alert and creative in the evenings.” Another user, however, expressed skepticism, writing, “I think it’s more about the individual’s lifestyle and habits rather than just the time they go to bed. Early risers might simply have a different way of structuring their day.”

Several netizens raised concerns about the impact of work schedules on sleep patterns. “It’s hard to be a late sleeper when society expects you to be at work by 9 am. This study doesn’t really address the practical challenges we face,” one commenter noted. Another user added, “If only employers were more flexible with work hours, maybe more people could find their natural sleep rhythm and be more productive.”

Despite the mixed reactions, the study has also inspired some to reconsider their sleep habits. “I’m going to try adjusting my sleep schedule and see if it makes a difference in my performance at work,” one user shared. Another user commented, “It’s fascinating how sleep can influence our cognitive abilities. I’m definitely paying more attention to my sleep quality now.”

In response to the study, sleep experts have reiterated the importance of sleep hygiene. Dr. Sarah Bennett, a sleep specialist, advised, “Regardless of whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine before bedtime, and creating a restful sleep environment are key to achieving quality sleep.”


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