Top Beijing international school opens, stylish moms steal show

企业   2024-09-12 07:26   菲律宾  

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On August 30th, the opening day of Beijing's prestigious Keystone Academy, an unexpected spectacle unfolded at the school gates, capturing widespread attention on Chinese social media. A video posted by a self-described "retired elderly person" revealed a scene that was far from ordinary, showcasing the stark divide between China's elite and the general population.

The footage, which quickly went viral, displayed a parade of luxury vehicles pulling up to the school entrance. Range Rovers, Tesla Model S cars, Porsches, and Mercedes-Benzes lined up in a display reminiscent of a high-end car show. This automotive extravaganza set the stage for what many netizens described as an equally impressive parade of "beautiful mothers" escorting their children to school.

These mothers, despite attempts at low-key appearances with hats and partially covered faces, inadvertently drew attention with their designer clothing and striking physiques. Comments flooded in, with one viewer noting, "Looking around, it's all slim, gorgeous moms. Their looks and figures are all top-notch!" The contrast between the mothers' casual yet expensive attire and their meticulously dressed children did not go unnoticed.

The school's English-style architecture and luxurious campus layout further emphasized its elite status. As children disappeared behind the gates – where parents are not permitted to enter – the gathered mothers were left to admire the surroundings, sparking additional commentary from online observers.

Keystone Academy's reputation as Beijing's top international school comes with a hefty price tag. Annual tuition starts at 280,000 yuan (approximately $43,000) for elementary students, rising to over 400,000 yuan ($62,000) for high school, with additional mandatory boarding fees of about 100,000 yuan ($15,500) for secondary students. Extracurricular activities can push the total annual cost to around 600,000 yuan ($93,000) or more.

However, the school's stringent admission process ensures that even wealth alone is not a guarantee of entry. Prospective students must pass written tests and interviews, with questions designed to assess not just academic ability but also emotional intelligence and family background. Parents, too, must undergo interviews, with reports of rejections based on factors as seemingly trivial as parental weight, viewed by the school as an indicator of self-discipline.

The school's curriculum follows the internationally recognized IB system, with a faculty recruited globally. Its success is evident in the impressive university acceptances of its graduates, including placements at Stanford, Yale, and other Ivy League institutions.

This snapshot of Keystone Academy's opening day has reignited discussions about educational inequality and the growing divide between China's ultra-wealthy and the rest of the population. While some view the school as a beacon of educational excellence and a pathway to global opportunities, others see it as a symbol of deepening social stratification.

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