-sweet talklover's prattle-
"你每次微笑的时候,我都觉得自己在偷看一场秘密的电影,心跳不敢喘气,生怕打破这美好的场景。""Every time you smile, I feel like I’m secretly watching a private movie, holding my breath and afraid to break this beautiful moment."
"我从来没见过像你一样的人,你的一瞥让我怀疑自己是不是也成了一个有故事的主角。""I’ve never met someone like you. One glance from you makes me wonder if I’ve become the main character of my own story."
"你是那种让人忍不住想多看几眼的美,不是因为你外表有多惊艳,而是因为每个看你的瞬间,心跳都会多跳一拍。""You have a kind of beauty that makes me want to look at you again and again—not because you're stunning, but because every time I look at you, my heart skips a beat."
"每次和你说话,我都在偷偷练习怎样把我的心脏藏得不那么明显,因为它一直在你面前跳得太急。""Every time I talk to you, I’m secretly practicing how to hide my heart better, because it beats too fast when you’re around."
"你知不知道,和你眼神交汇的那一秒,我几乎忘了呼吸,因为我怕你看穿我所有的小心思。""Do you know, the moment our eyes meet, I almost forget to breathe because I’m afraid you’ll see through all my little secrets."
"我以为我有很多选择,直到我遇见你,我才明白,选择只不过是个谎言,心动才是真正的答案。""I thought I had many choices, until I met you, and realized that choice was just a lie—heartfelt attraction is the true answer."
"你就像一本精美的小说,每一页都充满了诱惑,我忍不住想要读下去,直到彻底迷失在你的小世界里。""You’re like a beautifully written novel, each page full of temptation, and I can’t help but want to read on, until I’m completely lost in your little world."
"你有一个特别的能力,每次靠近我,我的心跳就会变得不按常理出牌,好像只为你一个人跳动。""You have a special ability—every time you get close to me, my heartbeat goes wild, like it only beats for you."
"我不是天使,但你每次看我一眼,都让我觉得自己是世界上最幸运的人,仿佛一切都是为你而存在。""I’m not an angel, but every time you look at me, I feel like the luckiest person in the world, as if everything exists just for you."
"你是不是精通心电感应?每当我想你时,你总能恰巧出现在我面前,简直像是心里有个秘密,只有你知道。""Are you a master of telepathy? Because every time I think of you, you just happen to appear in front of me, like there’s a secret in my heart that only you know."
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