-sweet talklover's prattle-
"你知道为什么我喜欢看你吗?因为每次看到你,我都能感觉到自己心跳的速度在比赛,生怕落后于你。""Do you know why I love looking at you? Because every time I see you, I feel like my heart is racing to keep up with yours."
"你是不是喝了迷魂汤?怎么我每次一靠近你,心就开始‘扑通扑通’跳个不停。""Did you drink some love potion? Because every time I get close to you, my heart just starts racing uncontrollably."
"你是我心里的火,明明不想靠近,却总是忍不住被你点燃。""You’re the fire in my heart, and even though I try not to get too close, I can’t help but let you set me on fire."
"每次和你对视,我就像一个偷心的小贼,偷走你的目光,却不敢说出我的心意。""Every time our eyes meet, I feel like a heart thief—stealing your gaze but too shy to confess what’s in my heart."
"我不是会占星的,但我知道我和你之间的距离,注定是引力最强的地方。""I’m not an astrologer, but I know that the space between us is where the strongest gravity lies."
"我一直以为我很坚强,直到你用一句话就能让我的世界瞬间崩塌。""I always thought I was strong, until you say just one thing and my whole world crumbles."
"你是我心中最危险的陷阱,每次我靠近,你的魅力就像毒药,让我无法自拔。""You’re the most dangerous trap in my heart. Every time I get closer, your charm is like poison, and I can’t break free."
"我能感受到你每次靠近的气息,像电流一样刺激着我,弄得我一颗心早已失控。""I can feel the energy every time you get close, like an electric current running through me, making my heart lose control."
"有时候我真怀疑,自己是不是已经中了你的‘爱情病毒’,一旦感染,无法治愈。""Sometimes I wonder if I’ve already caught your ‘love virus.’ Once infected, there’s no cure."
"我想把你藏在我的心里,然后每天偷偷告诉自己,‘这是我独有的宝藏’。""I want to hide you in my heart and then whisper to myself every day, ‘This is my own private treasure.’"
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