-sweet talklover's prattle-
"你知道吗?我的心跳一看到你就乱了节奏,好像每一秒都在为你跳动,我已经完全被你电到了。""Do you know? My heartbeat goes out of rhythm every time I see you, it’s like every second is beating just for you. I’ve totally been electrified by you."
"如果你是糖,我愿意是那颗溶化在你嘴里的盐;如果你是火,我愿是那个越靠越近的木柴。""If you were sugar, I’d gladly be the salt that melts in your mouth; if you were fire, I’d be the wood getting closer and closer."
"我发现你是我最大的魅力源泉,每次你一笑,我的世界就瞬间明亮,你说,我该怎么谢你才好?""I realized you’re the source of my greatest charm—every time you smile, my world lights up instantly. So, tell me, how should I thank you?"
"每次你走近,我都感觉空气突然变得甜蜜,我是不是已经开始习惯你带来的这种‘心动’感了?""Every time you walk closer, the air feels sweeter. Have I already started getting used to the ‘butterfly’ feeling you bring?"
"我从不相信一见钟情,直到遇见你。那一刻,我才明白什么叫做‘瞬间陷落’。""I never believed in love at first sight, until I met you. That moment, I finally understood what it means to ‘fall instantly.’"
"你是不是知道我最软的地方?每次你靠近,我的心就像软糖一样,慢慢融化了。""Do you know where my weakness is? Every time you come close, my heart turns into soft candy, slowly melting away."
"我想成你的宇宙,这样无论你去哪儿,我都能跟随你走遍每个星球。""I want to be your universe, so no matter where you go, I can follow you across every single planet."
"你就是那种,让我不敢眨眼的人,怕一眨眼,整个世界就会失去最美的景色。""You’re the kind of person I don’t dare blink around, because I’m afraid if I do, the world will lose its most beautiful sight."
"我发现自己开始有点贪心了,心里总想着要你的一切,不只想要你的笑容,我还想要你所有的温暖。""I’ve started to become a little greedy; my heart keeps wanting everything from you. Not just your smile, but all your warmth too."
"你每一次的靠近,都像在我心里种下一个小小的火种,悄悄地,却渐渐蔓延成无法扑灭的火焰。""Every time you get closer, it’s like planting a tiny spark in my heart. Quietly, yet it slowly spreads into an unstoppable flame."
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