-sweet talklover's prattle-
"I’ve realized you’re dangerous, because every time I see you, a little piece of my heart gets stolen, and now it’s almost overflowing.""你知道月亮为什么每晚都挂在天上吗?它怕你太亮,把星星都比得没了存在感。"
"Do you know why the moon stays in the sky every night? It’s afraid you’re so radiant that the stars will lose their shine.""你的眼睛像一片漩涡,每次对上它,我都甘愿溺在里面,不想逃出来。"
"Your eyes are like whirlpools; every time I meet them, I willingly drown in their depths, never wanting to escape.""你笑起来的样子太过分了,明明不动声色,却让我心跳失控。"
"The way you smile is just unfair—it’s so subtle, yet it sends my heartbeat into chaos.""如果我能进入你的梦,那我一定每天都赖着不走,哪怕天亮了也不愿醒来。"
"If I could step into your dreams, I’d stay there forever, refusing to leave even when morning comes.""我不懂占星术,但我确信你是我命中注定的星座,靠近你就像宇宙完美对齐。"
"I don’t understand astrology, but I’m certain you’re my destined star sign; being near you feels like the universe aligning perfectly.""你知道吗?每次你靠近,我的呼吸都像被风偷走了,只剩心跳还在努力为你活着。"
"Do you know? Every time you come closer, it feels like the wind steals my breath away, leaving only my heartbeat struggling to live for you.""我原本以为自己挺酷的,直到发现每次看到你,我的目光就追着你跑,毫无抵抗力。"
"I thought I was pretty cool until I realized that every time I see you, my gaze follows you helplessly, with zero resistance.""你就像一颗糖,刚入口是甜的,慢慢化开却让人上瘾,再也戒不掉。"
"You’re like a piece of candy—sweet at first, but as it melts, it becomes addictive, impossible to quit.""如果你是阳光,那我甘愿做那片云,哪怕每天被你融化,也想包围着你。"
"If you were sunlight, I’d gladly be that cloud, melting away under your warmth just to stay wrapped around you."
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