-sweet talklover's prattle-
"你知道你笑起来像什么吗?像是一颗炸弹,随时准备引爆我心里的所有思念和柔情。""Do you know what your smile is like? It's like a bomb, ready to explode all the longing and tenderness in my heart."
"每当你靠近,我的心就开始开小差,仿佛要跳出来跑到你怀里。""Every time you get close, my heart starts to wander, as if it wants to jump out and run straight into your arms."
"你就是我心里的禁果,越是不敢碰,越是想要尝一口,越是让我无法自拔。""You are the forbidden fruit in my heart; the more I try to resist, the more I want to taste you, and the deeper I fall."
"你是不是天使降临?每次你靠近,周围的空气都变得不真实,只有你,是真实的。""Are you an angel? Every time you come near, the air around me turns surreal, and you’re the only real thing."
"我本以为自己是个理智的人,直到遇见你,我才发现我的理智在你面前都变成了傻笑。""I thought I was a rational person until I met you, and I realized my logic turns into silly smiles whenever you're near."
"我不知道怎么形容你给我带来的感觉,只知道每次和你在一起,时间都不够我爱你。""I don’t know how to describe the feeling you give me, but every time I’m with you, time never seems enough for me to love you."
"你就像我人生里的一个谜,解开了每一层,都让我更加迷失在你深邃的眼眸里。""You’re like a mystery in my life; with every layer I uncover, I only get more lost in the depth of your eyes."
"如果你给我一分钟,我可以爱你一辈子;如果你给我一秒钟,我也能为你停留一生。""If you give me a minute, I can love you for a lifetime; if you give me a second, I can stay with you forever."
"你就像一杯醉人的酒,每次靠近你,我的世界就开始迷离,我不想清醒,只想一直沉醉在你身旁。""You’re like an intoxicating drink; every time I get close to you, my world begins to blur, and I never want to wake up—I just want to stay lost beside you."
"我可以忍住所有的诱惑,但唯独你一笑,所有的理智都崩塌。""I can resist all temptations, but the moment you smile, all my logic crumbles."
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