Paul Edwards 作为持证会计师,在销售、运营管理和人力规划等方面拥有超过25年的经验。在制定战略计划和收购后的业务整合方面开展了广泛的工作。他在招聘、石油和天然气行业、医疗保健和专业服务领域拥有管理和董事背景。
面对飙升的生活成本、不稳定的经济以及疫情等因素,LH 狮鑫团队不受外界的纷扰,坚定地扎根工作,专注于为合作伙伴、社会甚至未来的经济注入活力并创造持久的价值。怀揣着强烈的使命感,LH 狮鑫将勇立潮头、迎难而上,继续坚持“脚踏实地”的工作,并向 2023 年奋勇迈进。
作者 |Paul Edwards
编辑 |Irene,Nora,Carol
LH 狮鑫资本投资委员会主席 Paul Edwards
但这是否意味着我们的生活彻底回到原点?在即将步入 2023 年这一时间节点上,我们是否还能像 2019 年那样,承载使命、奋勇向前?在我看来,“脚踏实地”是能推动个人福祉、财务决策以及社会发展稳进向好的重要方式。我相信,“脚踏实地”具有冲破当前干扰和阴霾的能力。有很多种方式可以让自己坚持“脚踏实地”。目前,公认的练习方式有 25 种,其中每一种都能够对我们产生或多或少的影响。我采取的方式是,观察并与信任的人交谈。在家庭、商务亦或是娱乐情境下,阴霾和外界干扰要求你作出本能反应时,人们通常会好奇:那些“注重当下”和“脚踏实地”的人是如何在不确定的环境下,仍能做出明确果断的决定并获得成功的。而这正体现了“脚踏实地”的重要性。创造长期可持续的价值与坚持“脚踏实地”其实并没有什么不同。这也是每个认真工作、努力审视多种投资选择的人所追寻的价值所在。在这个过程中,他们可能会发现,长期可持续的价值往往会和一些主观的、甚至有时是误导性的干扰混合在一起。这些干扰可能会阻碍他们做出重要的长期决定。如今,正处于 2022 年后半程向 2023 年年初过渡的阶段。在刨除外界的干扰和嘈杂、无实证的消息之后,你能够识别出可靠的和值得信赖的客观信息是: Lion Heart 狮鑫选择继续坚持“脚踏实地”。实现财务自由,其背后的基本原理以及所包含的为你及家人识别机遇的能力, 都将对社会产生更广泛的积极影响,并最终创造持久的价值和幸福。据我的初步评估,12 个月以来,我们的团队坚持扎根工作,规避外界纷扰,一直专注于为合作伙伴、社会甚至于未来的经济活力而创造价值。我为各位合作伙伴一直以来所给予的厚爱和支持而衷心赞叹,同时也对 LH 狮鑫团队达成既定目标,甚至超越您寄予 LH 狮鑫的期望而感到自豪。选择狮鑫,不忘初心。我们仍致力于:将有限和受限的资源,分配给那些能够为社会中的任何个体或环节创造价值和意义的人。基于我们和您的共同愿景,LH 狮鑫将在 2023 年继续矢志前行。Had the world changed forever?
When I was asked last year to speak about financial freedom and the ability to do good for the community through the process of investment and reinvestment, we probably didn’t realise the depth to which our society would rely on the resolve of the community to simply keep moving. A change in Government has also created a new layer of complexity to already complex economic decision making.
Recently we have stagnated. Soaring costs of living, economic uncertainty and the ever lingering and potentially long-lasting effects of the global pandemic have taken their toll.But does this mean our lives’ paths are forever reset, is there still the ability for us to feel the same sense of purpose as we did in 2019 and forge ahead into 2023 ?For me, I believe the ability to see through the distractions and haze of current life can be achieved through “GROUNDING” and that this becomes a critical technique to help with financial decision making, societal and personal wellbeing.There are many different ways to train yourself to stay “GROUNDED”, I practice visualisation and talking to someone I trust. Each of the 25 recognised techniques will appeal or have greater or lesser impact on all of us, but the importance of GROUNDING is this; When this “haze” and outside noise demands a physiological response from you, whether it be in family, business or recreation, those who stay in the moment and GROUNDED are generally those who people look back on in after thought and wonder how they made such clear and decisive steps to success despite uncertain or chaotic elements trying to derail them.Creating long term sustainable value is not unlike the concept of staying GROUNDED, that is where everyone that works hard, reviews multiple investment options in an effort to find value, will find it often mixed in with subjective and sometimes misleading distractions that can hinder the ability to make important long-term decisions.As you move through the latter part of 2022 and into the early part of 2023 , removing the distractions, outside noise, uneducated support and recognise trusted, sound supported, and objective information is Lion Heart’s version of staying “GROUNDED”.Achieving financial freedom, the fundamentals behind it and the ability to recognise positive outcomes for you and your families will continue to have a positive effect on society more generally, and ultimately creating enduring value and happiness.12 months on form my initial review, our team continues to work “GROUNDED”, undistracted by outside unnecessary noise and remains focused on the creation of value for you, our clients, our society and the economic viability of our futures. I continue to be amazed by their dedication and support for clients and remain proud in our stated goals to achieve and exceed your expectations at Lion Heart.Our goal remains to allocate the limited and finite resources in society to those that can create value and meaning to each and every one of us within our society.澳洲金融圈发布的内容旨在提供常识性知识,不以提供完备信息为目的,也不作为相关意见。我们反复检查所有内容,但是不保证内容的准确性。每一个事件都有其特殊性,在您做任何决定前,请寻求独立的法律意见。阅读我们的文章或接收我们的内容,并不会与澳洲金融圈或本文作者建立起任何法律上的关系。本文为原创内容