-sweet talklover's prattle-
"我想做你心里的那个秘密,偷偷藏在你最深处,只有你才能发现我的存在。""I want to be the secret in your heart, hidden deep within, only for you to discover my existence."
"每次你走进房间,我的心就像开了派对,灯光闪烁,音乐响起,只为迎接你。""Every time you walk into a room, my heart throws a party—lights flashing, music playing, all just to welcome you."
"我觉得我的心是一辆失控的车,而你是那条唯一的道路,让我忍不住朝你驶去。""I feel like my heart is a runaway car, and you are the only road that makes me want to drive straight to you."
"我在你的眼中找到了整个宇宙,星辰大海不过是背景,你才是最耀眼的那颗星。""In your eyes, I found the entire universe; the stars and the sea are just the backdrop, and you are the brightest star."
"你知道吗?你就是我的‘调味料’,没有你,生活就像白开水,再清淡不过了。""Do you know? You’re my 'spice'; without you, life is just plain water, utterly bland."
"你就像我的私藏乐曲,只有我能听到每一个音符的美妙,每次旋律响起,我的心都在舞动。""You’re like my secret melody; only I can hear the beauty in every note, and every time the tune plays, my heart dances."
"我想把你的笑声录成铃声,这样无论何时我听到,都会情不自禁地想起你。""I want to record your laughter as my ringtone so that whenever I hear it, I can’t help but think of you."
"你就像我生命中的GPS,带我走出迷雾,让我每一步都充满方向感和期待。""You are the GPS of my life, guiding me through the fog, making every step full of direction and anticipation."
"我想和你一起写未来的故事,字里行间都是我们的甜蜜与疯狂,永远不想停下。""I want to write the story of our future together, with every line filled with our sweetness and craziness, never wanting to stop."
"你的眼神就是我的指南针,指引我走向心底那个最柔软的地方,永远不想离开。""Your gaze is my compass, guiding me to the softest part of my heart, a place I never want to leave."
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