Chinese university holds graduation ceremony for just 1 student

企业   2024-07-11 07:19   菲律宾  

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On June 14, Jingdezhen Ceramic University hosted a unique solo graduation ceremony for Xie Zhilong, a physical education student who had performed a selfless act of stem cell donation just one day before his scheduled graduation. Xie, who enrolled in 2020, received news from Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital in May that he was a match for a patient suffering from a severe blood disease.

Upon receiving the news, Xie did not hesitate to proceed with the donation, prioritizing the patient's life over his own graduation festivities. This act of generosity prompted the university to organize a special ceremony to honor his bravery and compassion. The event was attended by university officials, Xie's family, and close friends who came to support and celebrate his remarkable deed.

During the ceremony, Xie expressed his thoughts on the decision to donate. "When I found out that I could potentially save a life, there was no question in my mind. It felt like a responsibility and an honor," he said. His modesty and dedication moved many in the audience, including his professors and peers who praised his selflessness and courage.

Xie's act of kindness did not go unnoticed by the recipient of his stem cells. In a heartfelt letter, the recipient wrote, "Your kindness has filled me with warmth and hope. May your good actions be recognized and respected by more people, and may your life be filled with joy and happiness." This message highlighted the profound impact of Xie's donation, bringing hope and a second chance at life to someone in dire need.

Netizens also reacted to the news with overwhelming admiration and support. Comments on social media platforms were filled with praise for Xie’s altruism. One user wrote, "Xie Zhilong is a true hero. His actions show that real courage and kindness still exist in this world." Another commented, "This story made my day. We need more people like Xie who are willing to help others selflessly."

Many netizens were inspired by Xie's story and expressed interest in learning more about stem cell donation. Some shared their own experiences and encouraged others to register as potential donors. "Thanks to Xie, I'm motivated to sign up as a donor. You never know when you might be able to save a life," wrote a follower on Weibo.


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