清华大学土木工程系为加强土木工程领域国际化学术交流,提升教学与科研国际化水平,扩展学生国际化视野,搭建国际化院校沟通桥梁,特开展土木工程系国际化系列讲座——清华土木工程前瞻讲座CIvil engineering VIsion Lecture at Tsinghua(CIVIL@Tsinghua). 每期将特别邀请土木工程领域国际知名专家作专题报告,分享最新行业发现和科研成果,洞悉未来土木行业发展趋势。
CIvil engineering VIsion Lecture at Tsinghua
A Japanese Approach to Collecting and Utilizing Seismic Data for Earthquake Disaster Mitigation
报告人:Masayoshi Nakashima教授
Seismic performance evaluation of existing RC buildings considering column collapse
报告人:Manabu Yoshimura教授
报告时间:10月25日 15:00~17:30
报告人 1
Masayoshi Nakashima
中岛正爱教授在日本京都大学从事结构工程教育和研究工作已数十年。他的研究领域包括钢结构的地震分析和设计以及模拟地震响应的大尺度实验技术。他指导了120多名研究生和博士后,并在期刊上发表了约250篇论文。他获得了各种研究奖项,包括ASCE Moisseiff奖、ASCE霍华德奖和EERI Housner奖。
中岛教授曾担任拥有世界上最大振动台的E-Defense设施的主任、日本建筑学会会长和国际地震工程协会会长。他还担任了《Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics》期刊的执行主编。中岛教授曾被授予各种荣誉称号,包括美国工程院院士、墨西哥工程院院士和斯洛文尼亚艺术与科学院院士。
Japan is highly earthquake-prone, and earthquake disaster mitigation has been, and will continue to be, a critical national issue. Japan places strong emphasis on “positivism,” or learning from experience, by systematically collecting and analyzing "earthquake-related data" to enhance disaster mitigation measures. The two most common methods for collecting such data are: 1) laboratory testing and 2) monitoring. This lecture provides a partial review of data collection methods in Japan and their applications to real-world disaster mitigation efforts.
The first part of the lecture touches upon laboratory testing using the world’s largest shaking table, E-Defense. It has been in operation since 2004, and more than one hundred large- and full-scale specimens have been tested there. Representative tests introduced in this lecture include: a pair of wooden houses to evaluate the effectiveness of seismic retrofitting, a base-isolated RC hospital to assess the preservation of functionality in medical facilities, a steel moment frame to simulate fractures and collapse, a high-rise room to investigate the disruption of living spaces under long-period ground motion, and a high-rise steel frame to examine progressive collapse, among others.
The second part of the lecture discusses the current status of monitoring in Japan, focusing on monitoring of land, infrastructural systems, buildings, and mechanical facilities. More than 4,000 sensors have been deployed to measure ground shaking, and the data collected from these sensors have been successfully incorporated into the Earthquake Early Warning system, which began operation in 2007. Further, monitoring of railways and elevators, primarily for safety during seismic events, has been practiced for nearly three decades. Building monitoring, now implemented in approximately 1,000 structures across Japan, has gained significant attention since the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, as building owners have come to recognize the tangible benefits of such monitoring in providing safety assurances to their occupants. The utilities of building monitoring and lessons learned from its implementation over the past decade are summarized.
报告人 2
Manabu Yoshimura
For ductile structures, traditional methods such as pushover analysis and nonlinear time history analysis can evaluate their seismic performance with sufficient accuracy. However, for old and brittle structures, even if these methods are used, reliable results cannot be expected. This is because the post-peak behavior of brittle columns is unknown. Therefore, an experimental investigation of the post-peak behavior until collapse of brittle columns was attempted by static tests.
However, in static tests, the test specimens are loaded with a prescribed displacement history that differs from the actual situation during earthquakes. To better understand the collapse of columns during earthquakes, so-called dynamic effects must be considered. Shaking table tests are best suited for this purpose, but are expensive. Therefore, a pseudo-dynamic test method was used. Specimens simulating a three-story RC building designed by the Japanese old code were tested. The columns at the first story were designed to fail in shear, while the columns at the second and third stories were assumed to be strong enough to behave elastically.
编辑|谢 盼
审核|王 菲