Abnormal swing angle detection of bucket grabs is crucial for efficient harbor operations. In this study, we develop a practically convenient swing angle detection method for crane operation, requiring only a single standard surveillance camera at the fly-jib head, without the need for sophisticated sensors or markers on the payload. Specifically, our algorithm takes the video images from the camera as input. Next, a fine-tuned YOLOv5 model is used to automatically detect the position of the bucket grab on the image plane. Subsequently, a novel geometric model is constructed, which takes the pixel position of the bucket grab, the steel rope length provided by the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system, and the optical lens information of the camera into consideration. The key parameters of this geometric model are statistically estimated by a novel iterative algorithm. Once the key parameters are estimated, the algorithm can automatically detect swing angles from video streams. Being analytically simple, the computation of our algorithm is fast, as it takes about 0.01 s to process one single image generated by the surveillance camera. Therefore, we are able to obtain an accurate and fast estimation of the swing angle of an operating crane in real-time applications. Simulation studies are conducted to validate the model and algorithm. Real video examples from Qingdao Seaport under various weather conditions are analyzed to demonstrate its practical performance.
余柏辰,北京大学光华管理学院商务统计与经济计量系在读博士生,师从王汉生教授。2023年本科毕业于华东师范大学统计学院。主要研究方向为图像数据分析、高维数据分析等,关注统计学在港口运输业和计算病理学中的应用。研究论文发表在Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence期刊上。