Emerging insights for Magnetic Susceptibility and Electrical Properties Mapping
Exploring the electromagnetic tissue properties of the human body, including magnetic susceptibility and electrical characteristics precisely.
Guest editors:
Hongjiang Wei
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Email: hongjiang.wei@sjtu.edu.cn
Hongfu Sun
The University of Newcastle
Email: hongfu.sun@newcastle.edu.au
Jiaen Liu
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Email: jiaen.liu@utsouthwestern.edu
Yang Gao
Central South University
Email: yang.gao@csu.edu.cn
Yuyao Zhang
ShanghaiTech University
Email: zhangyy8@shanghaitech.edu.cn
Special issue information:
This special issue aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest research in imaging techniques related to biological magnetic susceptibility and electrical conductivity mapping.
- Technique developments for magnetic susceptibility mapping and electrical properties mapping reconstruction, at low field or at ultrahigh field strength.
- The clinical applications of magnetic susceptibility mapping and electrical properties mapping for brain developing and brain disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's & Dementia, Epilepsy, Multiple sclerosis and others.
- Deep learning methods for image analysis related to susceptibility and electrical properties mapping, such as atlas reconstruction, segmentation, classification, network analysis, and others.
Manuscript submission information:
The Journal’s submission system is open for receiving submissions to our Special Issue.
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue you are editing, it is important that authors select, “VSI: Magnetic Susceptibility & Electrical Mapping" when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.
Please submit your manuscript via https://www.editorialmanager.com/ynimg/default.aspx before 15th June 2025.
For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact the Executive Guest Editor, Dr. Hongjiang Wei at hongjiang.wei@sjtu.edu.cn
Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before writing your manuscript. The Guide for Authors and link to submit your manuscript is available on the Journal’s homepage https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/neuroimage
magnetic susceptibility, electrical properties, imaging biomarkers, brain disorders