Geostationary Ocean Color Remote Sensing Data for Improved Understanding of Surface Ocean Biogeochemistry
Submission deadline: 31 July 2026
Topics for this special issue include, but not limited to:
Recent advances in “typical” ocean color data products at various steps (atmospheric correction, Level 2 algorithms of various biogeochemical products, and Level 3 time series)
Geostationary satellite application to HAB detection index, floating algae biomass, surface ocean currents, fluxes of SPM, POC, DOC, etc. along with its diurnal variations
Deep/Machine-learning application for ocean color satellite retrievals
Impacts of sensor calibration on ocean color products
Validation of geostationary ocean color products with in situ observations in coastal waters and the data accuracy improvement
Geostationary satellite applications to monitor and/or solve the diverse marine issues combined with other non-Geo sensors (EO. Microwave, Lidar, etc.) or geo-/bio- physical models
Guest editors:
Dr. Jongkuk Choi
Director of Korea Ocean Satellite Center (KOSC), Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), Busan, Korea
Dr. Myungsook Park
Principal Research Scientist, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), Busan, Korea
Prof. Joseph Salisbury
Principal Investigator of the NASA-UNH mission GLIMR, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA
Dr. Cara Wilson
Program Leader of CoastWatch West Coast Node and of PolarWatch, NOAA, Washington, DC, USA
Dr. Hayley Evers-King
Marine applications expert, EUMESAT, Darmstadt, Germany
Manuscript submission information:
When submitting your manuscript please select the article type “VSI: Geostationary Ocean Color Satellite” at Please submit your manuscript before the submission deadline (31-Jul-2026).
Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before writing your manuscript. The Guide for Authors and the link to submit your manuscript is available on the Journal’s homepage:
Geostationary Ocean Color, GOCI, GLIMR, GeoXO, SEVIRI
Remote Sensing of Environment的CAR指数
2023年3月份科睿唯安官方一次性踢除35本SCI期刊,多数涉及学术诚信问题,让我们意识到学术期刊的“被踢”指数,也很重要。目前,对于期刊的“被踢”指数,这里介绍一下:CAR指数(关于CAR的详细介绍,请关注,这是一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数,指数越高代表可能的风险越大。从数据看,Remote Sensing of Environment不管是2023年度,还是2024年度实时的CAR指数,都是比较低的。当然,CAR指数仅供参考,期刊风险情况,需以科睿唯安或中科院预警等官方为准!