Call for paper (IF 2.2):截止2025年3月31日

学术   2025-01-27 22:59   山东  

Harnessing the Medicinal Potential of Himalayan Herbs: Pharmacological and Pharmacokinetic Studies

Submission DeadLine: 31 March 2025

The Himalayan region is known for its rich biodiversity of medicinal plants, traditionally used by indigenous communities. In recent years, Himalayan herbal medicines have gained global recognition as alternative treatments for various ailments. These herbs contain biologically active compounds that aid in disease prevention. Despite advancements in modern medicine, over 80% of medications and one-third of people in developing countries still rely on plant-based products for primary healthcare. Consequently, herbal remedies as dietary supplements are increasing due to their perceived safety, natural qualities, and cost-effectiveness.

Guest editors:

Dr. Tarun Belwal

Texas A&M University

Dr. Laxman Singh

Govind Ballabh Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment

Dr. Indra D Bhatt

Govind Ballabh Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment

Dr. Krishna Bhama

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Arvind Saklani

Sami-Sabinsa Group

Special issue information:

This special issue will focus on and invite cutting-edge research that explores the therapeutic potential of Himalayan herbs that enhance bioavailability, safety risks, and underlying health-promoting mechanisms and offer guidance for consumer health. We invite and welcome leading scholars to contribute wide research topics including original research and reviews, but not limited to the following:

• Discovery of novel bioactive compounds and development of clinical interventions.

• Selection and evaluation of quality markers compounds against complementary therapies based on relationship, pharmacokinetics, and molecular docking.

• Ethno-pharmacology, phytochemistry, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and toxicology studies of Himalayan herbs extracts.

• Mechanistic role of Himalayan herbal extracts and advances in nutraceutical delivery systems and their applications.

• Chemical characterization, metabolic profiling, and in silico pharmacokinetic studies.

• Advances in pharmacovigilance of Himalayan herbs and quality assurances.

• Therapeutically important bioactive compounds and their possible interventions in clinical medicine.

• Availability of herbal raw materials, innovation in propagation techniques and supply chain.

Manuscript submission information:

You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before the submission deadline 31st March 2025. Please select “VSI: Himalayan Herbs” as your article type. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact the journal via


Himalayan herbs, bioactive compounds, biological activity, phytomedicine, ethnopharmacology, new ingredients, metabolomics

Journal of Herbal Medicine的CAR指数

2023年3月份科睿唯安官方一次性踢除35本SCI期刊,多数涉及学术诚信问题,让我们意识到学术期刊的“被踢”指数,也很重要。目前,对于期刊的“被踢”指数,这里介绍一下:CAR指数(关于CAR的细介绍,请关注,这是一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数,指数越高代表可能的风险越大。从数据看,Journal of Herbal Medicine不管是2023年度,还是2024年度实时的CAR指数,都是比较低的。当然,CAR指数仅供参考,期刊风险情况,需以科睿唯安或中科院预警等官方为准!


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