本期诗人:比利·柯林斯 Billy Collins
撰文:美国 D. J. Zheng(特约)
诗歌翻译:D. J. Zheng
——D. J. Zheng
比利·柯林斯(Billy Collins b.1941)曾贵为美国桂冠诗人(2001-2003)和纽约州桂冠诗人(2004-2006)。作为国宝级诗人,他被公认是沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman 1819-1892)、艾米莉·狄金森(1830-1886)、罗伯特·弗罗斯特(1874-1963)之后美国最伟大的诗人。关键是83岁的他仍精神充沛,笔耕不辍极其多产。这是他第13本诗集。前一本2022年《音乐桌子》全是短诗,125首。今天《水,水》这一本,60首,124页。
《水,水》书名,取自浪漫主义诗人塞缪尔·泰勒·柯尔律治名篇歌谣《古舟子咏》(The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere)中的名句,也是我年轻时最着迷的英语诗行。描写遭天谴的船夫,船上完全没了水,毒日头暴虐,干渴绝望。
Water,water every where ,And all the boards did shrink;
封底,柯林斯用自己一首《莫奈之谜》进一步为诗集做理论注脚。他巧妙借了莫奈的画面感,引读者听雨声渐歇,见睡莲池桥上,艺术家踱步冥思,自言自语。“莫奈之问” 问的是诗与诗,究竟同或不同。柯林斯的回答,透露他迷恋时间的狐媚:草垛一垛又一垛/一天里垛上来时间不同/阴影和色调就不同。时间与场景紧密相连。《水,水》是一本场景感极强的诗集,机智诙谐和思想全都藏在场景中。
Is every one of these poemsdifferent from the othersas the rain quieted down,or are they all the same poem,at different times of day,different shadows and shades of hay?
When she runs in her sleep, eyelids twitching, legs churning sideways on the floor, I wonder if she's chasing a squirrel or being chased by an angry farmer waving a rake.
这些意象太可爱了:借喻的出奇,随意的优雅。类似惊艳,“无论你学识的水族馆有多大,总有另一颗彩色鹅卵石可以扔进去。"No matter what the size the aquarium of one's learning, another colored pebble can always be dropped in." 一般认为,他的想象来自音乐、梦想和日常呼吸,像电话一样真实,又像婴儿一样虚幻。
I ask them to take a poemand hold it up to the lightor press an ear against its hive.I say drop a mouse into a poemand watch him probe his way out,or walk inside the poem’s roomand feel the walls for a light switch.across the surface of a poemwaving at the author’s name on the shore.is tie the poem to a chair with ropeand torture a confession out of it.They begin beating it with a hoseto find out what it really means.
Taking Off Emily Dickinson's ClothesFirst, her tippet made of tulle,easily lifted off her shoulders and laidon the back of a wooden chair.the bow undone with a light forward pull.Then the long white dress, a morecomplicated matter with mother-of-pearlso tiny and numerous that it takes foreverbefore my hands can part the fabric,like a swimmer's dividing water,by an open window in an upstairs bedroom,motionless, a little wide-eyed,looking out at the orchard below,the white dress puddled at her feeton the wide-board, hardwood floor.The complexity of women's undergarmentsin nineteenth-century Americaand I proceeded like a polar explorerthrough clips, clasps, and moorings,catches, straps, and whalebone stays,sailing toward the iceberg of her nakedness.Later, I wrote in a notebookit was like riding a swan into the night,but, of course, I cannot tell you everything -the way she closed her eyes to the orchard,how her hair tumbled free of its pins,how there were sudden dashesit was terribly quiet in Amherstnothing but a carriage passing the house,a fly buzzing in a windowpane.So I could plainly hear her inhalewhen I undid the very tophook-and-eye fastener of her corsetand I could hear her sigh when finally it was unloosed,the way some readers sigh when they realizethat life is a loaded gunthat looks right at you with a yellow eye.
柯林斯这首《脱掉艾米莉·狄金森的衣服》1998 年 2 月在《诗歌》杂志上发表后,立即引起轩然大波。本来就是一个想象的场景,激情邂逅。但触到性爱被视作黄诗,客气的批评说他跟莎士比亚一样流氓,因为莎剧里荤句子多多。严厉的批评则直指柯林斯淫秽、毫不掩饰的粗俗。而且当觉得柯林斯在亵渎伟大女性诗人,女权主义者倍感愤慨。
让我来说,这既是一首漂亮的爱情诗,也是一首下了功夫的寓意诗,整个“脱掉”的动作写得淋漓尽致,顺畅舒畅。最黄一行哪里黄了,明明是灵与肉的美丽交融:“我们每次说出口,都那样地突然冲刺” how there were sudden dashes whenever we spoke 。欢爱中你你你的激情话和最后接连几个狄金森诗意引用,交相辉映,出色出彩。柯林斯几乎所有诗,都像这样 先无中生有一个情境,让情景越说越真,一路生动到了最后,而后笔锋轻轻一转突然就让你悟出深意来。
“希望有羽毛”典出狄金森《希望是长着羽毛的东西》(“Hope” Is The Thing With Feathers); “理性是一块木板”说法出自《280》;而“生命是一把上了膛的枪/用一只黄色的眼睛直视着你”则是一字不差从《我的生命是一把上了膛的枪》(My life had Stood- a Loaded Gun)抄出来。全诗来自狄金森诗和她的实际生活的意象,处处可见(那是要下大工夫的),比如薄纱披肩、帽子和蝴蝶结、白色连衣裙、还有果园和窗户。甚至脱光衣服也可以在狄金森的诗里找到。这就使得柯林斯的这首诗整个儿地笼罩在狄金森的光影中。
我特别注意到柯林斯隐晦地提示了死亡。美好静谧中的性爱,只有屋外一辆马车踢踏经过和屋内 “一只苍蝇在窗玻璃上嗡嗡作响。” 狄金森有一首名为《死亡》(Dying)的诗,开篇就是
I heard a fly buzz when I diedThe Stillness in the RoomWas like the Stillness in the Air ——Between the Heaves of Storm ——
Because I could not stop for Death ——He kindly stopped for me ——The Carriage held but just Ourselves ——
There Is a Solitude of Space(1855)There is a solitude of spaceA solitude of death, but theseCompared with that profounder siteA soul admitted to itself——柯林斯今天的诗与狄金森1855年的《有一种孤独的空间》对照着读,是件有意思和有意义的事。可比较的点、可比较的角度都很多。包括狄金森的抽离时空毫无“场景感”和柯林斯那么依赖场景描述的绘声绘色。这有点像体验中国”白话诗”到“口语诗”的百年过渡,从三十年代闻一多徐志摩到现在杨黎何小竹,风格和趣味的同与不同,跳来跳去。
Space 这个词,是两首诗近170年跨越的衔接点。
Space当然是“空间”,也有人凭现在知识硬作“太空”解,不管对那个时代和那个狄金森是不是太牵强。不过现在不一样了,有了柯林斯这首诗,太空可以大模大样跟狄金森联系起来。这是柯林斯独有的机智,通过意大利宇航员Paolo Nespoli一段轶事,太空Space 便成了“灵魂面对自己有限的无限”的象征。
而这的确是《有一种孤独的空间》的本意,从世俗世界抽离出来,进入自我内心空间,孤独而满足。顺便说一句,这里solitude这个词,就是马尔克斯《百年孤独》(One Hundred Years of Solitude,1967) 那个孤独。
柯林斯邂逅宇航员Paolo Nespoli本来就是诗一样的情景,领着“狄金森和她的诗以每小时一万七千英里的速度环绕地球”更是诗意盎然。心灵和诗歌,君临人世间一切的一切,何其辉煌。
we heard an Emily Dickinson poembeing recited by our teacher,then we looked around the classroom at each other.Later, I graduated to reading one of her poems every morningbefore I rose from my bed with the dawn.Once in a famous library,I was allowed to hold a letter she'd written, and when no one was looking, I shook it a little, the way it might have trembled in her hand, then it began to tremble in mine.and this is harder to believe— before giving a talk about herI was introduced by an Italian astronautwho spoke not from the podiumbut from the orbiting space stationsaying nice things about me, as he floated on a big screen, Behind him, an oval windowwas radiant with the sun's spotless light.Then he read one of Emily's poemsfrom a slip of paper in his hand.There is a solitude of space, a solitude of death ... Finite infinity.And when he waved goodbye, I waved back like a schoolboy from the front row of the auditorium in Trastevere, near the flowing Tiber, then I stood up and gave my earthling talk.Afterward, a woman told methe astronaut was none otherwho had spent an entire year in spaceand who was said to have been the final lover of the late Oriana Fallaci.Imagine that, I said to myself, looking up at the evening sky, her little poem still circling the globe at seventeen thousand miles an hour,hands-down the fastest poem in historyif such records were kept, passing over everything below once every ninety-three minutes including the Vatican and the Colosseum,not to mention the leafy canopyof Amherst, Massachusetts, and her small graveand headstone in the West Cemeterybehind an iron fence, just down an unpaved road.
▍人间有诗 往期链接
荆园 ‖ 它们无生无死 它们弱肉强食
鲁稚 ‖ 玄奘没有记载 这棵胡杨
沈浩波 ‖ 好的时代 人们都在脱衣服
简天平 ‖ 关注你正落地的那只脚
路雅婷 ‖ 趁滚筒洗衣机滚动最热烈的时候
莯川 ‖ 时事是时事 事实是事实
邓胡子 ‖ 我瞬间有种 精神分裂的感觉
兰亭 ‖ 给他换一枚老钉子,铁锈越多越好
荆园 ‖ 鲁稚 ‖ 沈浩波 ‖ 简天平 ‖ 路雅婷 ‖ 莯川 ‖ 邓胡子 ‖ 兰亭 ‖ 默问 ‖ 余缀 ‖ 祁国 ‖ 洪朝晖 ‖ 雪也 ‖ 一丁 ‖ Jo ‖ 吉木狼格 ‖ 文康 ‖ 方闲海 ‖ 下雪辑 ‖ 淳本 ‖ 尚仲敏 ‖ 月窗 ‖ 小安 ‖ 衣米一 ‖ 拉萨 ‖ 孟凡通点评易水寒 ‖ 李柳杨 ‖ 刘华忠 ‖ 中子 ‖ 钟相达 ‖ 后乞 ‖ 沈浩波 ‖ 白姥姥 & 张3勇勇 ‖ 吴涛 ‖ 何小竹 ‖ 彭先春 ‖ 桉予 ‖ 李文武 ‖ 吁度 ‖ 周晋凯 ‖ 路雅婷 ‖ 紫蝶丫头 ‖ 宁不远 ‖ 芦哲峰 ‖ 衣米妮子 ‖ 袁玮 ‖ 喵小咪 ‖ 何小竹 ‖ 曾璇 ‖ 杨黎 ‖ 无可 ‖ 王林燕 ‖ 周晋晋 ‖ 李文武 ‖ 叶臻 ‖ 公子剑 ‖ 九弟 ‖ 何枰 ‖ 周亚平 ‖ 周晋凯 ‖ 吉林韩少君 ‖ 海氏 ‖ 束晓静 ‖ 刘梅 ‖ 吉林韩少君 ‖ 海青 ‖ 朴素 ‖ 鲁稚 ‖ 紫蝶丫头 ‖ 杨见 ‖ 云瓦 ‖ 美丽笺 ‖ 殷耀硕 ‖ 芳藤 ‖ 弥赛亚 ‖ 吴晨骏 ‖ 安然 ‖ 赵妙晴 ‖ 青杏小 ‖ 正月 ‖ 姜二嫚 ‖ 榆木 ‖ 李伟 ‖ 于斯 ‖ 五月牛 ‖ 孟秋 ‖ 一丁 ‖ 纪念草钤 ‖ 邢东 ‖ 劳淑珍 ‖ 周晋凯 ‖ 温国 ‖ 李点 ‖ 席地 ‖ 乌鸦丁 ‖ 禾秀 ‖ 鲁稚 ‖ 蚂蚁爪子 ‖ 文康 ‖ 瑶溪 ‖ 黑莫尼章 ‖ 默问 ‖ 草钤&姜普元 ‖ 康雪 ‖ 马亚坤 ‖ 皮旦 ‖ 李威 ‖ 醉看斜阳 ‖ 鲁稚 ‖ 路雅婷 ‖ 春树 ‖ 也也 ‖ 赵小北 ‖ 石蛋蛋 ‖ 青晨 ‖ 四马 ‖ 默问 ‖ 梦萝馥秀 ‖ 何小竹 ‖ 李珊支 ‖ 风儿 ‖ 徐庆春 ‖ 鲁稚 ‖ 鹤轩 ‖ 李威 ‖ 七 ‖ 草钤 ‖ 鲁稚 ‖ 钟相达 ‖ 禾秀 ‖ 大康 ‖ 山重小住 ‖ 拉萨 ‖ 沈浩波 ‖ 紫蝶丫头 ‖ 草钤 ‖ 于斯 ‖ 于斯 ‖ 于斯 ‖ 拉萨 ‖ 巴哑哑 ‖ 于斯 ‖ 管党生 ‖ 宗小白 ‖ 默问 ‖ 瑶溪 || 于斯 | 默问 ‖ 2021合辑