2024 PKU International Graduate Student Forum of Archaeology

财富   2024-10-02 14:00   北京  

Introduction to the Forum

(Ⅰ)Theme Interpretation

Chinese civilization is profound and vast. Its formation depended not only on the prosperous development of the Huaxia civilization, but also on integrating good qualities of other civilizations. Standing at the historical threshold of a new era in Chinese archaeology, the best tribute is to create more new historic moments.

Since its inception, Chinese archaeology has been entrusted with a strong historical mission. To establish the subjectivity of Chinese archaeology, we must follow the intrinsic logic of the evolution of Chinese civilization, shifting our focus from the accumulation of materials to the interpretation of civilization, from discovering and verifying history to writing and creating history. It also involves building a disciplinary system, academic system, and discourse system for Chinese archaeology in the new era. At the same time, we must consciously measure the ‘world spirit’ inherent in Chinese civilization from a global perspective.

2024 is the ‘Year of Academic Excellence’ at Peking University. To thoroughly implement this strategic initiative and promote high-level archaeological research and international collaborative innovation, ‘Treasures Gathering at Yan Yuan: the China’s Moment in Archaeology’ - 2024 PKU International Graduate Student Forum of Archaeology will be held at Peking University from 13th December 2024 to 15th December 2024.

Through the five sub-forums of prehistoric archaeology, archaeology of the bronze age, archaeology of the historical period, cultural heritage and ancient architecture, archaeological science and heritage conservation, the forum is open to outstanding graduate students and young scholars in archaeology from all over the world, aiming at showcasing the latest academic achievements and promoting international academic communication and cooperation.


Requirements for Application and Submission

(Ⅰ)Themes for Sub-forums

Prehistoric Archaelogy

Livelihood Patterns and Social Behaviour of Prehistoric Humans

Archaeology of the Bronze Age

Shaping the Realm: Dynastic Order and Regional Society of the Bronze Age

Archaeology of the Historical Period

The Communication and Mutual Learning between Civilizations

Cultural Heritage and Ancient Architecture

Architectural Heritage and Belief Space

Archaeological Science and Heritage Conservation

Technology-driven Recognition, Protection and Inheritance of Cultural Heritage

(Ⅱ)Target Applicants

The forum welcomes contributions from graduate students studying in higher education institutions, research institutes, archaeology and museum units at home and abroad.

The papers should be original, fully respect the intellectual property rights of others, conform to academic standards, and have not been submitted or published in other journals.

The Forum will invite well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad to form a review committee, responsible for reviewing and selecting the papers and finally determining the list of participants.

(Ⅲ)Paper Format

1. The thesis shall be written in Chinese or English, with a total word count of 8,000-15,000 words (including title, abstract, key words, text, notes, etc.). Please attach an abstract in Chinese or English, no more than 500 words; no more than 5 keywords, separated by semicolons.

2. The format of the paper is based on ‘the Format for Papers of the School of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University’, which is attached at the end of this post. Those papers which do not conform to the format will not be selected.

(Ⅳ)Submission of Application Materials

1. Applicants are requested to read the contents of this post and the requirements written in the registration form conscientiously, then carefully fill out the ‘Registration Form for 2024 PKU International Graduate Student Forum of Archaeology’ attached at the end of the post. The authenticity and accuracy of all the application materials are strictly required. In principle, each applicant can only register for one sub-forum and submit one paper. Applicants are required to provide electronic proofs (such as PDF files) of their scientific research and awards according to the instructions in the registration form.

2. Please send the registration form, full paper and electronic proofs to pkuarchforum2024@163.com, with a subject of ‘chosen sub-forum + institution + applicant’s name’. The deadline for submission is 23:59 on 10th November 2024. The registration form should be named as ‘institution+ applicant’s name+ Registration Form’, the full paper should be named as ‘institution+ applicant’s name+ Paper’, and the relevant electronic proofs should be integrated into a compressed file and named as ‘institution+ applicant’s name+ Electronic Proofs’. All those application materials should be sent as email attachment.
3. All sub-forums will determine the selected papers before 30th November 2024 and notify the applicants by email. Please fill in your personal contact information accurately when applying, and pay attention to the subsequent notifications.

Notes for Participation‍‍


1.After participating in ‘Treasures Gathering at Yan Yuan: the China’s Moment in Archaeology’ - 2024 PKU International Graduate Student Forum of Archaeology, the participants will receive an attending certification.

2. No conference fee will be charged for the forum. Round-trip transportation costs and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed for the special guests, commentators and speakers who are officially invited, while other participants should bear all the costs by themselves. The meal expenses during the conference will be borne by the organizing committee.

3. The organizing committee can assist participants to book rooms in hotels on or around campus. Please indicate at the end of the registration form whether you need assistance in reserving a room.

Registration Form.docx




