
财富   2024-08-26 10:43   北京  















联合国教科文组织东亚地区代表处(UNESCO Beijing)

联合国教科文组织世界遗产培训与研究中心(WHITRAP Beijing)







  • 《世界遗产公约》实施已有50年,但在当今复杂的世界形势中,世界遗产地的保护和管理依然面临着挑战。随着方法和视角的不断演变,自然与文化遗产、物质与非物质遗产之间的传统界限正在消弭——这要求我们采取一种全面的、以人为本的新方法。尽管新方法的必要性被诸多研究所强调,但基于区域特征的具体方法还待进一步发展。世界遗产地的阐释与展示可被视为应对这些挑战的建设性方法。

  • 要实现包容性的遗产阐释,不仅需要从突出普遍价值等有形的角度深入理解遗产地,还需探索和反思对遗产地的维护、保护、管理和利用等重要的无形元素。采用物质与非物质遗产相结合的方法,将使遗产地管理人员考虑那些常被忽视的声音。这种将世界遗产(物质遗产)与活态遗产(非物质文化遗产)联系起来的综合方法,也能通过考虑多元化的视角和途径,实现对遗产地更为整体的管理。

  • 作为遗产管理和阐释的活跃地区之一,东亚非常适合开展试点,并在此基础上开发出可推广的管理策略。为了制定综合管理和阐释遗产的方法,涵盖物质和非物质遗产的各个方面,WHIPIC和UNESCO东亚地区办公室将于2024年10月举办东亚遗产管理综合能力工作坊。












  • 申请者须为来自中国、日本、蒙古或韩国的世界遗产遗址管理人员。

  • 申请者须以双人组的形式申请(即2名成员组成的团队)。

  • 双人组中,一人担任管理职位,另一人应处于职业的初期或中期者,将优先考虑。

  • 参与者须具备英语能力,以便顺利参与工作坊。





  1. 封面页:包含您管理的世界遗产遗址的照片(1页)

  2. 遗址简介:简要介绍遗址,包括其文化和自然价值、物质和非物质重要性(1页)

  3. 案例描述:根据以下问题描述您的案例(3页):

  • 您在为遗址制定保护和管理计划时考虑了哪些物质和非物质价值/元素?

  • 物质与非物质协同效应对世界遗产遗址产生了怎样的积极影响?

  • 在整个过程中有哪些参与者,他们作为遗址的重要利益相关者/社区的角色是什么?



  • 将通过公开征集过程选拔15至20名参会者。

  • 参会者需具有积极性、活跃性,并对世界遗产领域有兴趣。

  • 参会者需自行负责签证申请事宜(注:详见[七、差旅信息])。

  • 参会者必须能够全程参加工作坊的所有会议。



  • 住宿、餐饮及往返中国的机票

  • 在中国期间的旅行保险(仅限正式工作坊项目)




Capacity-Building Workshop for East Asia on Integrated Approach to Heritage Management: Tangible and Intangible Synergies

1. Outline


9:00-10:00 a.m.

27 September 2024 (Online), 

21-23 October 2024 (In-person)



Peking University






International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO (WHIPIC), UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia

(UNESCO Beijing), School of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University


Funded by

Korea Heritage Service, UNESCO Beijing, WHITR-AP Beijing


2. Background

  • The World Heritage Convention has been implemented over the past 50 years. Nonetheless, conservation and management of World Heritage properties encounter challenging missions in today's complex world. Evolving methodologies and perspectives underscore the management of World Heritage, where the traditional boundaries between natural and cultural heritage, tangible and intangible aspects, now necessitate a comprehensive, people-centered approach. Many studies highlight the need for such an integrated approach, but specific methods need to be developed more on a regional bases. World Heritage Interpretation and presentation could serve as a constructive method in addressing these challenges. An inclusive heritage interpretation requires a thorough understanding of the heritage sites not only from the Outstanding Universal Value and other tangible heritage perspectives. It also requires an exploration and reflection of intangible heritage elements that are integral to the maintenance, protection, management, and use of the sites. Applying the tangible intangible heritage integrated approach allows site managers to take into account and reflect upon voices that have often been neglected. This integrated approach

  • linking World Heritage (tangible heritage) and Living Heritage (Intangible Cultural Heritage) can also enable a more holistic management of the sites through the consideration of diverse perspectives and methods.

  • As one of the most advanced regions in the heritage management and interpretation, East Asia is a very suitable region to pilot new approaches, based on the lessons learned methodologies can be developed for further replication. With a view to develop a methodology that ensuring an integrated approach to managing and interpreting heritage, including both intangible and tangible aspects, the International Centre for the Interpretation and Presentation of World Heritage Sites under the auspices of UNESCO and UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia organize a Capacity-Building Workshop for East Asia on Integrated Approach to Heritage Management in October 2024.

3. Objectives

As the very first pilot capacity-building programme of WHIPIC and the UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia, this workshop aims to collect good practices of heritage management caseswith integrated approaches on understanding heritage values. It is also expected to find out shared issues and challenges of heritage management in the East Asian region, especially to apply integrated approaches that consider synergies of tangible and intangible aspects of World Heritage properties.

4. Expected Outcomes

This workshop will focus on understanding holistic perspectives and methods, collecting diverse good practices, and ultimately developing models in the future. Through the models and good practices in East-Asia, this workshop will bring an outcome in a long-term period to develop a shared framework and methodology of heritage management for the East Asian Region, with consideration of its regional context. It is also expected that the collected cases provide insights on heritage interpretation and presentation process to synergise World Heritage and Living Heritage to deliver its diverse values and stories of the property.

5. Working Methods of the Workshop 

The workshop will follow a case studies approach, combining the delivery of latest principles and concepts with practical cases of World Heritage management in the region. An open call will be issued to East Asian countries’ World Heritage sites’ managers and professionals for case studies on an integrated approach to heritage management, particularly focusing on intangible and tangible aspects. Participants will be selected based on the quality of the cases that they can contribute to the discussion.

The workshop will be led by an expert who is knowledgeable in conservation, management and safeguarding of both World Heritage and Living Heritage. Additional experts and guest speakers will be invited to provide in-depth knowledge on specific themes when necessary. The three-day workshop will be held in Beijing, China, allowing for in-person participation. The workshop modules will concentrate on learnings from the cases submitted by participants. Participants will share their case studies and discuss the processes that are needed to ensure holistic heritage management. In this stage, participants will gain insights and knowledge on the recent issues and paradigms in the World Heritage sector, including heritage interpretation and presentation. Additionally, participants will engage in a site visit to a World Heritage property.

The workshop will be carried out in English.

6. Application and Selection


  • The applicants need to be site managers of certain World Heritage properties, and from China, Japan, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea.

  • The applicants need to apply IN PAIR(a team of 2 members)

  • (Preferably) The one who is in a managing position, and the other who are in an early-to mid-career position.

  • The participants are required to have English proficiency as a working language of the workshop.


The applicants need to submit application form (Annex1, see Read the original Article at the end of this notification), CVs for each applicant (up to 2 pages), and PowerPoint Slides (up to 5 pages) that introduce your case, with consideration of the topic below:

This workshop aims to collect good practices and cases of World Heritage properties in East Asia that brings synergies with other UNESCO Conventions and programmes, especially the 2003 Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention. Those cases include synergies with tangible and intangible significance of a World Heritage property which promote community engagement, enhance cultural/natural diversity, establish disaster risk resilience, and other specific issues that the place needs to deal with. 

The structure of PowerPoint Slides should be as followed;

  1. A Cover Page with a photo of your WH site (1 Page)

  2. Brief Introduction on the WH site, including cultural and natural, tangible and intangible values and significance of your site (1 Page)

  3. Description on your case by suggesting the questions below (3 pages);

  • Which tangible and intangible values/elements of the World Heritage property have you considered for the conservation and management plans for your property?

  • How did the tangible-intangible synergies bring a positive impact on the World Heritage property?

  • Who has participated in the overall process and what were their roles as important stakeholders/communities of your property?

The application form must be submitted by 8th September 2024, 11:59 PM(KST) by email(whipic@unesco-whipic.org)

The selected participants will be informed by their email.

Selection of Participants:

  • 15 to 20 participants will be selected through an open call process.

  • The participants are required to be motivated, active, and interested in engaging in the field of World Heritage.

  • The participants must be responsible for their visa application.Note: Please see [7. Travel Information and Costs] for details.

  • The participants must be able to attend ALL sessions during the official workshop period. 

7.Travel Information and Costs

The host institution will provide following supports during the official period of the workshop;

Accommodation, meals and a round-trip flight tickets from your home country to China

TravelInsuranceINChina(during the official workshop programme)

Note: The participants need to be responsible for their visa application. The invitation letters will be provided to support the participant's visa application

8.Contact Information regarding application





