时事   2024-08-12 17:31   北京  


The influence of public opinion has become increasingly significant, with Weibo trending topics serving as a primary channel for netizens to stay informed about major news and hot topics. With this in mind, Xinlian is poised to unveil the KEY FINDINGS OF H1 WEIBO TRENDING TOPICS series of reports, providing insights into the ever-evolving landscape of public opinion dynamics.

The reports will analyze Weibo trending topics across nine key areas: country-related topics, culture and tourism, investment trends, festivals, media focus, corporate opinion, 3·15 Special/Two Sessions, societal topics, and societal events, giving a thorough overview of public views from the past six months of 2024, with actionable insights for PR and brand marketing.

This report focuses on Weibo trending topics focusing on Two Sessions and 3·15 Special during the first half of this year.

(Image: 618Media)


1. Deputies' Proposals Related to Social Topics Like Employment and Education Attract Great Deal of Attention
Trending topics related to deputies' proposals accounted for over 50% of the total Two Sessions topics in the first half of 2024, with those proposals centered on education, employment, legal system, and marriage and childbearing.

Proposals from deputies and netizens' concerns

2. Two Sessions: Employment Became Netizens' Top Concern
Based on the heat indexes of trending topics, proposals related to employment and education garnered higher attention than those in other areas such as healthcare, marriage and childbearing, and consumption.


3·15 Special Trending Topics Focus on Industries Like Food, Automobiles, Finance, Dating, and Healthcare

This year's World Consumer Rights Day and its associated TV programs in China highlighted quality issues across various industries including food, automobiles, finance, dating, and healthcare, raising concerns among different consumer groups, and indicating a growing public awareness and concerns about product quality and safety in diverse sectors.

Food safety 

  • Exposure of food safety issues 

  • Consumer rights discussions 

  • Reactions from businesses and industry professionals 

  • Industry regulations and oversight 

  • Changes in consumer attitudes towards food safety

False advertising
  • Product authenticity and false advertising 
  • Regulation and penalties 
  • Corporate response and crisis management 
  • Economic impact 
  • Consumer education and rational purchase

Automotive quality
  • Exposure of product quality issues 
  • Corporate response and crisis management 
  • Brand reputation and PR crisis 


Two Sessions
Based on the trending topics related to the Two Sessions, the proposals made by deputies covered a wide range of issues, with the public paying close attention to social issues such as employment and education. Employment emerged as the top concern among netizens during the Two Sessions.

The trending topics reflected the Chinese netizens’ urgent need for improved quality of life, social equity and justice, and economic development, which could prompt the government to pay more attention to related policymaking and resource allocation.

3·15 Special

The 3·15 Special-related trending topics revealed that food safety was the most concerning consumer issue for netizens during the campaign. Official and media statements, announcements, and reports became crucial components of public opinion, indicating the significant guiding role played by official and authoritative media in shaping public discourse.

The trending topics demonstrated the public's high level of concern for consumer rights, strict demands on corporate responsibility, and expectations for official oversight and transparency. Additionally, trending lists served as an important platform for the public to learn about and discuss the issues exposed during the 3·15 Special.

Notes: Above is the ESSENTIAL version of the report. For the FULL version, please click the link below to pay.

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