JCS Focus| 《国际社会学》最新目录及摘要

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The Journal of Chinese Sociology

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「JCS Focus」

社会学 • 国际顶刊 • 每周推介

本周 JCS Focus



International Sociology






— International Sociology —

International Sociology 由国际社会学协会(International Sociological Association)于1986年创立,是首批反映国际社会中社会学家研究兴趣和声音的社会学期刊之一。该刊发表来自社会学不同研究领域的文章,欢迎具有创新性的理论和实证研究,以及具有全球意义和社会学想象力的见解。

International Sociology 为双月刊,最新一期(Volume 39 Issue 4, July 2024)共有7篇文章,详情如下。



—  International Sociology —

The relationship among generalized trust, social networks, and social resources across 30 countries

Joonmo Son,Pildoo Sung

The study proposes an integrative model of individual social capital and examines if trust, social networks, and social resources are related across countries. Although trust and social resources were often referred to as social capital or its essential components, the literature lacks empirical verification of whether and how they are associated. Particularly, examining the relationship by a specific measurement of social networks is imperative. The relationship should be identified considering the influences of country-level contingencies. The study applied a multilevel within-between mixed regression method to the International Social Survey Program 2017 data from 30 countries. Using a position generator of social networks, the study found that generalized trust was associated with interpersonal networks primarily through weak ties across countries, accounting for country-level contingencies. Both strong and weak ties were instrumental in embedding social resources. The results supported the integrative model of social capital that connects generalized trust to social resources.

Portrayal of immigrants and refugees in textbooks worldwide, 1963–2011

Minju Choi,Julia C Lerch

Sociologists have long studied the educational incorporation of immigrants and refugees, but most scholarship focuses on questions of access, achievement, attainment, and acculturation. We extend this literature by examining the incorporation of immigrants and refugees in the cultural content of schooling, drawing on a unique dataset spanning 509 textbooks from 80 countries, representing all regions of the world from 1963 to 2011. Our descriptive and multilevel regression analyses reveal a mixed picture. On one hand, textbook discussions of immigrants and refugees have expanded over time and are especially pervasive in textbooks that invoke post-national conceptions of citizenship and in countries that host large foreign-born populations. But we also document stagnating discussions of immigrants and refugees in recent decades, a casting of these groups as part of the historical past more than contemporary civics and society, and a tendency toward their curricular omission in countries with a recent history of war.

Sword of Damocles hanging over grassroots cadres in China: Understanding the accountability in campaign-style enforcement

Xingyu Qian,Yangguang Yao

The ‘campaign-style enforcement’ is a forceful policy instrument employed by Chinese authorities to address emergencies and intractable issues. However, the accountability embedded in campaign-style enforcement is largely overlooked, leading to the unclear dynamics of political mobilization at the grassroots level. While prior studies suggest that cadres in China are primarily motivated by promotion opportunities based on their political performance, this study, through a grounded-theory approach involving 557 penalized cadres in Hubei Province, argues that grassroots cadres are more likely mobilized by the stringent accountability system rather than by career promotion. Furthermore, this research develops a theoretical framework to elucidate what conditions may trigger accountability and how it drives grassroots political mobilization in the campaign-style enforcement.

Managing protracted displacement: How anchoring shapes ‘agency-in-waiting’ among middle-class Ukrainian female refugees in Berlin 

Claire Maxwell,Maria Leybenson,Miri Yemini

The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 resulted in one of the largest refugee crises in Europe since World War II. A significant number of Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children, have sought asylum in Germany, where they have been granted temporary protection status. These refugees found themselves in a state of protracted displacement, with uncertain futures. This article examines how middle-class Ukrainian women, with children, envision their futures and how this shapes their present. Engaging with the literature on protracted displacement and the concept of ‘agency-in-waiting’, we examine how this relatively privileged group variously respond to living in transit. To enable closer analysis of these variations, we extend examinations of protracted displacement with Grzymala-Kazlowska’s idea of anchors. This allows us to consider how previous social-class positioning, and also other external and internal structures in places migrated to, intersect to reveal the anchors facilitating or constraining ‘agency-in-waiting’.

The post-war Japanese eating model: A sociological exploration of semi-compressed food modernity 

Haruka Ueda

Among multiple factors that can influence people’s food security, the gender inequality factor has attracted inadequate attention in high-income countries, particularly in Japan. To analyse how and why gender inequality issue has been neglected in food policy in Japan, I propose the notion of the ‘post-war Japanese eating model’ based on the sociologies of family and food. I demonstrate how Japanese society has persisted with this eating model by examining two dominant dietary discourses, the Japanese dietary pattern and Hōshoku (deterioration of dietary practices). The former reinforced the post-war Japanese eating model, despite the prevailing agricultural and nutritional accounts. Regarding the latter discourse, Hōshoku was overestimated, resulting in enlarging the contradiction between norms (the Japanese dietary pattern) and practices. Given the increasing difficulty in performing such practice, their dietary norms need to be reconstructed through awareness of reflexive or ‘semi-compressed’ food modernity facing Japan.

Grandparental childcare and maternal labor supply in Chinese families with young children: Evidence from the China Family Panel Studies 

Hua Bai,Min Li,Yu Hong

With the implementation of the three-child policy and delayed retirement policy, the conflicts between childcare responsibility and mothers’ labor supply in China have increased dramatically. The present study utilized data from the 2018 China Family Panel Studies to investigate the impacts of grandparental childcare on the labor supply of mothers with children aged 0–6 years. The results of the Probit model and Tobit model indicated that grandparental childcare could significantly increase mother’s labor force participation rate and extend their weekly working hours. The relation of grandparental childcare to mothers’ labor force participation in one-child families was stronger compared with multi-child families. However, its relation to mothers’ working hours in one-child families was smaller than that in multi-child families. Furthermore, the effect of grandparental childcare on mothers’ labor supply was more pronounced when children were younger, particularly for those with children aged 0–2 years. The findings highlight the important role of grandparental childcare and have several implications for family support policies.

Privilege, place, and patronage: ‘Giving something back’ to Wales 

Sally Power,Flossie Caerwynt,Jesse Heley Amy Sanders,Najia Zaidi

This article explores the complex relationship between civil society, social inequality, and nationhood through examining the motivations of elite members of Welsh civil society as they volunteer to serve on the boards of a wide range of Welsh charities. We interviewed nearly 60 trustees and patrons, all of whom enjoyed successful and influential careers in business, politics, or public service. Their narratives reveal diverse vocabularies of motive, but prominent within these is the desire to ‘give something back’, and not just to society in general but to Wales in particular. While their desire to ‘give back’ reflects an awareness of their own privileged position, their commitment to Wales can be seen as a response to the country’s historic and current dominance by England, as well as a legacy of non-conformism and community. The article concludes by discussing the implications of these narratives for understanding the specificities of ‘geographies of responsibility’, civil society, and nationhood.

以上就是本期 JCS  Focus 的全部内容啦!



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关于 JCS

《中国社会学学刊》(The Journal of Chinese Sociology)于2014年10月由中国社会科学院社会学研究所创办。作为中国大陆第一本英文社会学学术期刊,JCS致力于为中国社会学者与国外同行的学术交流和合作打造国际一流的学术平台。JCS由全球最大科技期刊出版集团施普林格·自然(Springer Nature)出版发行,由国内外顶尖社会学家组成强大编委会队伍,采用双向匿名评审方式和“开放获取”(open access)出版模式。JCS已于2021年5月被ESCI收录。2022年,JCS的CiteScore分值为2.0(Q2),在社科类别的262种期刊中排名第94位,位列同类期刊前36%。2023年,JCS在科睿唯安发布的2023年度《期刊引证报告》(JCR)中首次获得影响因子并达到1.5(Q3)。

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