3 Chinese repatriated from Philippines for suspected kidnapping

企业   2024-07-14 07:18   菲律宾  

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On July 13, the joint efforts of Chinese and Philippine law enforcement agencies led to the repatriation of three suspects accused of kidnapping Chinese citizens in the Philippines. This collaborative action underscores the firm commitment of both nations to combat crimes associated with the offshore gambling industry.

China's laws strictly prohibit all forms of gambling, including online betting and the operation of casinos abroad that target Chinese citizens. Any involvement by Chinese nationals in gambling activities, whether domestically or internationally, is considered illegal. 

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines has been in close communication with Philippine law enforcement to address kidnappings and other crimes linked to the offshore gambling sector. This latest operation highlights the ongoing cooperation and shared determination to tackle these issues effectively. The Chinese authorities have emphasized their intention to continue enhancing practical law enforcement collaboration with their Philippine counterparts. Additionally, they have urged the Philippine government to take decisive action to eliminate the offshore gambling industry to eradicate the root causes of related criminal activities.

Netizens have widely supported this joint effort. Many took to social media to express their approval and relief at the news of the suspects' repatriation.

One user commented, "It's reassuring to see such strong cooperation between China and the Philippines. Criminals must know they cannot escape justice."

Another added, "The swift action taken by both countries shows their dedication to protecting their citizens. It's a step in the right direction."

Some netizens highlighted the dangers posed by the offshore gambling industry, with one stating, "Offshore gambling not only ruins lives but also fosters criminal activities like kidnapping. The sooner it is eradicated, the better."

Others praised the collaborative efforts of law enforcement, saying, "This is a clear message that international cooperation is crucial in fighting transnational crimes. Kudos to the authorities for their relentless efforts."

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