双语字幕Homeostasis and Signs of Body Disequilibrium 体内平衡 VS 失衡时身体的体征 Homeostasis is the medical term for when all systems are in balance.体内平衡(Homeostasis)是表示所有系统处于平衡状态的医学术语。 Homeostasis refers to the dynamic equilibrium of the internal environment of the body.体内平衡指身体内环境保持动态平衡。 This dynamic equilibrium is maintained by the ever-changing processes of feedback and then regulation in response to external and internal feedback changes.这种动态平衡通过不断变化的反馈过程来维持,然后根据外部和内部反馈变化进行调节。 A disease can have signs and/or symptoms. These may be the result of disequilibrium or a disruption of the body’s homeostatic environment.疾病会出现体征和/或症状。这可能是由内稳态失衡或身体稳态环境破坏导致的。 A sign is objective and physically verifiable.体征是客观和生理上能够察觉到的变化。 Common signs would be high blood pressure – called hypertension, fast heart rate – called tachycardia, slow heart rate – called bradycardia, low blood pressure – called hypotension, rash, fever, and high temperature.常见的体征包括高血压(hypertension)、心动过速(tachycardia)、心动过缓(bradycardia)、低血压(hypotension)、皮疹、发烧和高热。 These are all signs of disruption of the body's homeostatic environment.这些都是身体稳态环境破坏的体征。相关单词学习
①发音和释义 ho•me•o•sta•sis/ˌhəʊmɪəʊˈsteɪsɪs/n. 体内稳态,体内平衡A state of psychological equilibrium obtained when tension or a drive has been reduced or eliminated. 单词 homeostasis由下列成分构成 homeo- 相同,相似+stasis 静止
dis•e•qui•lib•ri•um/ˌdɪsiːkwɪˈlɪbrɪəm/n. 不平衡,失衡Lack of equilibrium. 单词 disequilibrium由下列成分构成 dis-(前缀)不,非+equilibrium 平衡,均衡