Epicardium 心外膜 The heart is a large, muscular organ that is comprised of four different layers.心脏是一大的肌肉器官,由 4 个不同的层组成。 From the outside to the inside, they are called the pericardium, the epicardium, the myocardium, and the endocardium.从外到内,这 4 层分别为心包膜、心外膜、心肌层和心内膜。 Each layer has a different function, which primarily aids the pumping action of the heart which allows the blood to flow through the body.每一层都有不同的功能,主要是辅助心脏泵血,使血液流向全身。 The aim of this tutorial is to highlight the epicardium.这节课重点介绍心外膜。 The epicardium is the layer of muscle found covering the external surfaces of the heart. It is comprised mainly of connective tissue and protectively encompasses the heart.心外膜是覆盖心脏外表面的肌肉层。它主要由结缔组织组成,保护包围心脏。 The epicardium is directly fused with the myocardium internally and is in contact with the serous layer of the pericardium.心外膜内部直接与心肌融合,与浆膜性心包连接。 You will find that some instructors will state that the heart has three layers and that this is because the epicardium is sometimes considered a division of the inner layer of the pericardium.大家会发现,有些讲师说心脏有 3 层,这是因为心外膜有时被认为是心包膜内层的一部分。相关单词学习
①发音和释义 ep•i•car•di•um/ˌɛpɪˈkɑːdɪəm/n. 心外膜The inner serous layer of the pericardium, lying directly upon the heart. 单词 epicardium 由下列成分构成 epi-(前缀)表面+-cardium 心脏(图源:太帅图库)
《心脏听诊教学》(课时:7) 《心脏听诊教学》持续更新中(目前更新到第7节课)......涵盖听诊区、听诊器、听诊方法,S1心音等内容,适用于临床医生,医学生,及相关人士的医学教育,课程简短,知识点精炼,高效提高学习效率。Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。 戳“阅读原文”,查看全部视频课程