Mitral Valve 二尖瓣 The valves of the heart serve the cardiovascular system by controlling the direction of the blood flow during circulation and determining the exact moment in which the blood passes between the chambers of the heart as well as in and out of it entirely. 心脏的瓣膜通过控制循环期间血流的方向,测定血液在心脏腔室之间通过,以及完全进出心脏的准确时间,来满足心血管系统的需要。 In this tutorial, we will specifically explore the anatomy, function, and area of the mitral valve or bicuspid valve.在这个教程中,我们将具体探讨二尖瓣的解剖学、功能和位置。 The mitral valve is one of two atrioventricular valves. Its name comes from the fact that it is comprised of two cusps which, together, look like a bishop’s hat, called a miter.二尖瓣(mitral valve)是两个房室瓣之一。之所以称为二尖瓣,是因为它由两个瓣叶组成,两个瓣叶组合在一起,看起来像是主教的帽子,而主教冠的英文单词是miter。 It is situated between the left atrium and the left ventricle. 二尖瓣位于左心房和左心室之间。 The atrioventricular valves attach to the ventricular walls via the chordae tendineae which in turn attach to the papillary muscles so that the cusps are held tense and don’t invert into the atria. 房室瓣通过腱索,附着在心室壁上,而腱索又附着在乳头肌上,从而使瓣膜保持绷紧状态,不会翻转到心房内。 This extended attachment of the chordae tendineae and the papillary muscles is known as the subvalvular apparatus.腱索和乳头肌的延伸附着部称为瓣下结构。 The mitral valve has an anterior and a posterior cusp. The cusps are named according to their position on the individual valve. 二尖瓣分为前瓣和后瓣。尖瓣根据它们所在的单个瓣膜上的位置命名。 So when referring to the cusps, it’s important to identify which valve it belongs to.所以,提到尖瓣时,重要的是要确定它所属的瓣膜。 The valves of the heart control the blood flow in and out of the heart, specifically the atrioventricular valves function to prevent the backflow of blood from the ventricles to the atria during cardiac systole.心脏瓣膜控制血液流入和流出心脏。具体而言,房室瓣的作用是防止心脏收缩期间,血液从心室反流回心房。 Opening and closing of the valves is governed by the gradient pressure across the valves themselves, and the first heart sound can be heard when the atrioventricular valves close. 瓣膜的打开和关闭受瓣膜本身的梯度压力控制。当房室瓣关闭时,可以听到第一心音。 When you here the classic “lub-dub” sound the heart makes, the mitral valve is contributing to the “lub” sound.当听到心脏发出经典的“lub-dub”音时,二尖瓣有助于产生“lub”音。 相关单词学习