据外媒报道,巴黎奥运会即将于当地时间7月26日开幕,各国运动员已经陆续入住奥运村。由于本届奥运会要将环保进行到底,除了不装空调之外,运动员们睡的床都是纸板做的,被外媒吐槽是anti-sex beds(禁爱床)。One of the big talking points among athletes before this summer's Games has been the beds that they will sleep on at the official Olympic headquarters.For the second Games running, the beds have been made using cardboard.在今年夏季奥运会之前,运动员们最热议的话题之一是他们将在奥运村官方宿舍睡纸板床。这是连续第二届奥运会使用纸板床。It has been widely and wildly rumoured that this was a move to discourage sexual activity between athletes.However, Olympic organisers have stressed that they were not designed as 'anti-sex beds', but instead to symbolise the competition's commitment to sustainability.关于奥运村纸板床是为了抑制运动员性行为的传言甚嚣尘上,但主办方澄清称这并非设计初衷,而是为了体现赛事对可持续发展的承诺。这种床真的能抗重吗,不会半夜就塌了吧?来看前方各国运动员们发回的实地测评报告。首先是英国跳水运动员汤姆·戴利(Tom Daley),没错,就是当初在东京奥运会看台上边看比赛边织毛衣的帅哥,不知道今年他去巴黎有没有带毛线。Daley - who will be competing at his fifth Games this summer - uploaded a video to TikTok on Monday with the caption: 'CARDBOARD BEDS IN THE OLYMPIC VILLAGE!'
After sharing some close-up shots of the bed's frame, Daley, 30, then began to jump up and down on top of his mattress, while saying: 'As you can see, they are pretty sturdy.'
还有俄罗斯出生的澳大利亚女子网球运动员达里娅·萨维尔(Daria Saville)也发了纸板床测评视频,搞笑程度拉满。Tennis players Daria Saville and Ellen Perez also gave them a fair workout in a hilarious Instagram post.'Testing out the cardboard beds at the Olympic Village,' Saville posted.网球选手达里亚·萨维尔和艾伦·佩雷兹在社交媒体上发布了一段搞笑视频,对奥运村的纸板床进行了“极限测试”。“测试奥运村的纸板床,”萨维尔写道。Their video started with Saville doing a cannonball before the Aussies went to town on the bed.萨维尔首先做了一个“铁板跳水”的动作,然后她和佩雷兹对这张床进行了疯狂的“蹂躏”。They alternated doing a series of activities including running on it, using resistance bands, the 1980s dance move 'The Worm', squat jumps, step ups, volley practice and even racquet smashing as they cackled with laughter.她们轮流进行了一系列的活动,包括在床上跑步、使用阻力带、模仿80年代的舞蹈动作“虫拱”、深蹲跳、台阶步、排球练习,甚至挥拍击打床板,他们一边笑着一边玩得不亦乐乎。没想到,这种纸板床这么抗造。不过话虽如此,也有运动员表示对纸板床非常失望。比如澳大利亚水球运动员蒂莉 · 卡恩斯(Tilly Kearns)。'Already had a massage to undo the damage,' Kearns posted.In the video, she opens the video by saying: 'Night one on the cardboard beds'.'My back is about to fall off,' Palm can be heard saying in the background.“我已经做过按摩来缓解疼痛了,”卡恩斯发帖说。在视频中,她开头说道:“睡纸板床的第一晚。”
背景中可以听到帕姆说:“我的背快要断了。”'It's actually rock solid. You can kind of move it, apparently there is a softer side,' Kearns says as she tries to adjust the bed, revealing that the mattresses can be flipped over to change the feel of the bed.'That was the soft side,' she then said, sounding disappointed.“它实际上非常坚固,你可以稍微移动它,好像有一面比较软,”凯恩斯一边试图调整床,一边说道,同时发现床垫可以翻转来改变床的软硬度。“那是软的那一面,”她说,听起来很失望。这床看起来确实有点寒碜。难怪不少国外网友在评论区里表示不理解。'Is this the Olympic Games or the Hunger Games… seriously how do they expect elite athletes to achieve peak performance while sleeping on beds worse than you'd find in a backpackers,' one asked.有人问道: “这是奥运会还是饥饿游戏? 他们怎么能指望精英运动员睡在比背包客旅馆还差的床上还能发挥出最佳水平呢?”'How tf are they making athletes sleep on what resembles cheap Bunnings outdoor furniture that's actually made out of cardboard and styrofoam?' questioned another.“他们居然让运动员睡在看起来像便宜的邦宁斯户外家具,其实是用纸板和泡沫塑料做的床上,这到底是怎么回事?”另一位网友质疑道。你怎么看?欢迎来留言区说说吧!
cardboard / ˈkɑːdbɔːd / n.硬纸板,纸板箱
sustainability / səˌsteɪnəˈbɪləti / n.持续性
Olympic Village 奥运村
mattress / ˈmætrəs / n.床垫
sturdy / ˈstɜːdi / adj.结实的,坚固的
resistance / rɪˈzɪstəns / n.反对,抵制;抵抗,反抗;抵抗力,免疫力
racquet / ˈrækɪt / n.球拍
massage / ˈmæsɑːʒ / n/v.按摩,推拿
flip / flɪp / v.(使)快速翻转,迅速翻动
peak / piːk / adj.巅峰状态的,n.巅峰,顶点,v.达到高峰,达到最大值