Communitas Unleashed | Chasing Chances

文摘   2024-06-12 18:00   印度尼西亚  

Kickstart your summer with the latest Communitas edition, Chasing Chances, and explore remarkable milestones and inspiring journeys of our vibrant community over the 2023-2024 academic year. From bold ventures to groundbreaking achievements, our members have seized every opportunity to push boundaries and make their mark. Their stories of resilience, innovation, and triumph will ignite your sense of adventure and fuel your summer explorations.

Lose yourself in captivating tales that capture the Communitas spirit. Discover the passion, creativity, and determination that define our community, and let their energy guide your journey. Get ready to be inspired.

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Cover Story

Chasing Chances: Celebrating Transitions, Achievements, and Milestones at SCIS (Pg. 4)

As the academic year ends, the Shanghai Community International School (SCIS) community reflects on the remarkable transitions, achievements, and milestones that have shaped the 2023-2024 academic year. This period has been a testament to the growth, resilience, and potential of our students as they prepare for brighter futures.

IB Corner

PYP Exhibition: Unveiling Inquiry, Empowering Minds at SCIS (Pg. 6) by Vincent Lehane, PYP Coordinator at SCIS Hongqiao

At Shanghai Community International School (SCIS), our Grade 5 students complete the Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition (PYPx), an in-depth student-led inquiry to demonstrate their understanding of an issue or opportunity they have chosen to explore. 

Campus Spotlights

Smooth Sailing: Navigating Transitions with 10 Expert Tips for Kids and Parents (Pg. 12) by JJ Wu, ECE Counselor at SCIS Hongqiao

As we are approaching the end of the school year, it is time for many of us to prepare for different types of transitions, whether it is for ourselves or for the children. Here are 10 tips for supporting children through a transition to a new grade level, a new school, and even a new country.

Access the Communitas e-version by scanning the QR code:

Keep Reading:

#PAFACorner | Our SCIS Parents Did That?

#PAFACorner | PAFA and the Sense of Togetherness

Crowned Competitors | Celebrating SCIS Student-Athlete Dragons

Shanghai Community International School is an N-12 IB World school in Shanghai. 上海长宁国际外籍人员子女学校公众平台