#StudentSpotlight | Fostering Meaningful Community Engagement

文摘   2024-10-07 18:00   上海  

Written by Haakon Gould, Service-Learning Coach & DP CAS Coordinator

Global engagement sounds big and unclear, but as an IB school, we are making it real.

How we do it: By embedding it in everything we do. Making it accessible to all students. To name a few...

  • Experiential learning in the curriculum

  • Advisory program that nurtures relevant SEL skills

  • Student-led initiatives

  • A running list of opportunities to increase awareness and encourage participation

We help students turn ideas into impact.

The first step to real community engagement? Listening. You can’t act first and listen later.

At the start of the year, we opened our school gates to do just that. Representatives from community organizations, PAFA, and school leaders came together to listen and learn from each other via a story exchange.

By opening up and mapping our community, we’re paving the way for meaningful change by creating something that matters most. 


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...with Communities

The Will Foundation joined us to share their story, mission, and values. They offered students opportunities to get involved, emphasizing how partnership leads to growth.

Lifeline China spoke on the critical issue of mental health and the stigma surrounding it, especially in local communities. They shared key data on their work in China and discussed how we can raise awareness—on this issue that affects our school, community, and the world. We’re exploring ways to partner and make a difference together.

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...with Where We Live 

It’s vital for international students to break the bubble and embrace the surrounding culture, as our interconnected world demands a balance between the local and global.

We’re excited to share a partnership with Historic Shanghai. Several departments are coming together for an experiential learning project where students will co-create a walking tour, bringing their classroom learning to life for all of you! 

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...with Nature 

Nature is healing, yet we often overlook its role in mental health. Research supports this, and Ivy Yan, a Nature and Happiness expert, emphasized its importance, especially in the concrete jungle of Shanghai.

In a society drowning in information overload and technology vying for our attention, she shared personal anecdotes and practical strategies—like eco-photography, creative writing, and mindfulness. We challenge you to connect with nature!

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...To Spark Curiosity

Artificial intelligence can feel overwhelming as we navigate a rapidly changing world filled with hopes, fears, and questions. Thankfully, experts like Ola Handford are here to facilitate exploring how to harness new technology collaboratively, framing our challenges and building a better future.

SCIS. Discover, Connect, Thrive.

Keep Reading:
Empowering Your Child to Succeed at SCIS

Dragons Unleashed | Epic Adventures, Epic China Trips

Open House | Explore the SCIS Community in October

Shanghai Community International School is an N-12 IB World school in Shanghai. 上海长宁国际外籍人员子女学校公众平台