OSCAR-Taiyuan One Health Innovation and Technology Centre is looking to recruit a Research Assistant, to support the daily operation and research work in Molecular Biology Lab.
疫情过后,世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了“共生健康”(One Health)这一观点,因为它认识到人类健康、动物健康和环境之间相互关联的重要性。共生健康的方针旨在优化和平衡人类、动物和生态系统的健康,强调它们之间的紧密联系。泰源共生健康先进技术创新中心将致力于研发一系列诊断、预防和治疗手段,以更好地控制疾病源头,特别是预防、控制和治疗迅速变异的传染性动物疾病和难以治愈的动物慢性病及人兽共患疾病。通过持续的研究和新型防治方法的开发,我们将深入理解传播性疾病的变异动态,并能够迅速采用共生健康的策略来应对这些复杂的挑战。
In the aftermath of the epidemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) developed the concept of "One Health" to emphasize the interconnectedness of human health, animal health, and the environment. The One Health approach aims to optimize and balance the health of humans, animals, and ecosystems, recognizing their strong interconnections. The Taiyuan One Health ITC platform will be dedicated to developing a range of diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic tools to better control disease sources, particularly focusing on the prevention, control, and treatment of rapidly mutating infectious animal diseases, incurable chronic animal diseases, and zoonotic diseases. Through ongoing research and the development of innovative control methods, we will gain a deeper understanding of the mutation dynamics in transmissible diseases and be able to rapidly adopt One Health strategies to address these complex challenges.
岗位信息 The Role
The vacancy:
Research Assistant in Molecular Biology Lab
1. 执行实验室实验操作,包括但不限于DNA/RNA提取、PCR、克隆、基因编辑、蛋白质分析等。
2. 维护实验设备和实验室环境的清洁与整理,确保实验室的安全和规范运作。
3. 协助设计实验方案、制备试剂和文献检索,为研究项目提供技术支持和数据分析。
4. 收集、整理、记录实验数据,并进行统计分析和结果呈现。
5. 参与实验结果的讨论和解释,协助撰写实验报告和科研论文。
6. 参与实验室的日常管理和学术交流活动,与团队成员合作推进研究项目的进展。
1. Perform laboratory experiments, including but not limited to DNA/RNA extraction, PCR, cloning, gene editing, protein analysis, etc.
2. Maintain the laboratory environment clean and tidy, to ensure safety.
3. Assist in the experimental design, reagents preparation and literature searching, providing support to research projects.
4. Collect, sort and record experimental data, conduct analysis and present the results.
5. Participate in the group scientifical discussion, contribute to reports and publications.
6. Participate in the daily operational management and collaborate with team members to contribute to the progress of research projects.
选拔标准 Selection criteria
1. 本科及以上学历,生物学、分子生物学或相关专业背景。
2. 具备扎实的分子生物学理论知识和丰富的实验操作经验,熟悉常用的分子生物学技术和实验方法。
3. 具有较强的实验技能和数据分析能力,能够独立进行实验设计、操作和数据处理。
4. 具备良好的团队合作精神和沟通能力,能够有效协调和合作团队成员,共同完成研究任务。
5. 具有较强的责任心和工作积极性,能够承受工作压力,保质保量完成工作任务。
6. 具有相关实验室工作经验者优先考虑,有科研论文发表经验者更佳。
1. Bachelor‘s degree and above in Biology, Molecular Biology or relevant disciplinary.
2. Solid theoretical knowledge of molecular biology and rich experience in lab experiments, familiar with common molecular biological techniques and methods.
3. Strong experimental skills and data analysis ability, able to independently carry out experimental design, operation, and data processing.
4. Good team player and efficient communication skills, able to coordinate and cooperate with team members to complete research tasks.
5. Responsible, Enthusiastic about work, able to work under pressure and provide quality results.
6. Relevant laboratory work experience and good publication records preferred.
如何申请 How to apply
1. 电子邮件的标题是姓名+应聘岗位。
2. 邮件请附上一份中英文双语求职信和简历。
Please submit a covering letter and CV (in both English and Chinese) by email attachment to HR@oxford-oscar.cn.
Email subject: the title of the post for which you are applying.