办公科技研究园区:德国·Trumpf Schramberg 技术中心

楼市   2024-12-29 13:33   上海  


二十多年来,通快位于弗莱堡东北部施兰贝格的公司园区一直在稳步发展。该园区目前拥有 1400 多名员工,是仅次于德国迪琴根总部的公司第二大生产基地。根据 Barkow Leibinger 公司对厂址当前和未来扩展的总体规划,第一座扩建大楼于 2000 年竣工,随后于 2013 年建成了新的激光技术研发中心,并于 2017 年建成了生产大楼。作为该计划的最新组成部分,一座新的多功能技术中心已于 2023 年 3 月投入使用,在其屋顶下结合了多种用途:实验室、办公室和会议区,以及一个可容纳 400 人的大型校园餐厅。由于场地的地形和实验室的特殊要求,所分配的大部分空间都建在地下或倾斜的地形中。从主入口处只能看到上面的两层,参观者在走近时可以看到象征性的建筑 “冰山 ”一角。新建筑共分四层,面积超过 14000 平方米。
TRUMPF's corporate campus in Schramberg, northeast of Freiburg im Breisgau, has been growing steadily for over twenty years. With more than 1,400 employees, it is now the company's second-largest location, after its headquarters in Ditzingen, Germany. In line with Barkow Leibinger's master plan for the current and future expansion of the site, a first extension building was completed in 2000, followed by a new Development Center for Laser Technology in 2013 and a Production Building in 2017. As the latest component of this plan, a new multifunctional Tech Center has been in operation since March 2023, combining various uses under its roof: laboratories, offices, and conference areas, as well as a large campus restaurant that seats 400 guests. Due to the topography of the site and the laboratories' special requirements, a significant portion of the allocated space has been built underground or into the sloping terrain. Only the two upper floors are visible from the main entrance, giving visitors a glimpse of the symbolic tip of an architectural "iceberg" as they approach. In total, the new building comprises four levels with an area of more than 14,000 square meters.

每栋建筑都围绕着一个内庭院,这是施兰贝格校园的基本模式。约 60 x 60 米的技术中心遵循了这一逻辑,但其楼层略有交错,因此其立方体形式被悬臂/雨篷、钢护栏和露台打断,使其比邻近建筑更具动感和水平感。它的木质和玻璃外墙同样使其有别于以金属为主的生产和研究建筑,传达出其独特的功能。中央庭院使日光能够深入建筑内部,形成视觉连接,并实现了透明性和导向性。玻璃隔断为各层房间提供了与外部空间和内院花园的视觉连接。开放式的主楼梯直接与庭院相邻,其镜面与其说是一个通道元素,不如说是一个雕塑装置、移动和相遇的场所。
Orthogonal buildings, each surrounding an inner courtyard, serve as a basic model for the Schramberg campus. The approximately 60 x 60 meter Tech Center follows this logic, although its levels are slightly staggered, such that its cubic form, interrupted by cantilevers/canopies, steel parapets, and terraces, gives it a more dynamic and horizontal feel than the neighboring buildings. Its wood and glass façade likewise sets it apart from the predominantly metal production and research buildings, conveying its unique function. The central courtyard allows daylight to penetrate deep into the building, creating visual connections and allowing for transparency and orientation. The glass partitions provide rooms on all levels with a visual connection to the outside space and to the garden, across the inner courtyard. The main, open staircase is directly adjacent to the courtyard and, with its mirrored surfaces, is more a sculptural installation and place of movement and encounter than an access element.
新大楼是整个园区的主要入口,也是通快在施兰贝格的 “门面”。员工从花园层(1层)进入大楼,可通往其他各层,并与邻近的生产设施直接相连。行政和实验室楼层还设有应用实验室、办公室、会议室和一个可容纳 100 人的会议区。下层(2 层)设有测试实验室、更衣室、储藏室和技术区,以及整个厂区的大型自动喷水灭火控制中心。此外,还修建了一条通往未来第二座生产大楼的隧道。
The new building serves as a main entry point to the entire campus, and thus as the "face" of TRUMPF in Schramberg. Employees enter the building from the garden level (Level -1), which provides access to all other levels and a direct connection to the neighboring production facility. This administrative and laboratory floor also houses application laboratories, offices, meeting rooms, and a conference area that can be used for events with up to 100 participants. The lower level (Level -2) houses test laboratories, locker rooms, storage and technical areas, and a large sprinkler control center for the entire site. A tunnel to a future second production building has also been constructed.
游客从 0 层宽阔的大厅进入大楼,可以俯瞰庭院。除了裸露的混凝土和落叶松木表面外,该空间还铺设了灰色水磨石地面和不锈钢墙面,墙面上有激光雕刻的装饰图案。吊顶采用三角形图案,模仿了建筑的木质屋顶结构。除大堂外,入口层还设有供上层和下层管理人员使用的办公区和会议区,围绕庭院形成一个环形。几乎所有的办公区都通向露台、庭院或花园。现有生产大楼的后部是厨房的送餐室和辅助用房,厨房位于顶层的正上方。厨房为校园餐厅提供服务,由于天花板采用了轻盈、宽阔的三角形木质框架,因此餐厅仍然是一个无柱空间,围绕着内庭院流动,成为一个具有凝聚力的公共区域。餐厅的净空高度为 3.6 米,视野开阔,周围的景观一览无余,同时还优化了音响效果,为员工提供了一个放松和交流的场所。每根胶合梁之间都有一块由两片隔音棉组成的面板,隔音棉由通快机器激光切割而成。面板之间的微小偏移产生了视觉上的摩尔纹效果,照明、扬声器和喷淋装置等必要的技术设施也与表面齐平。
Visitors enter the building on Level 0 through an expansive lobby that overlooks the courtyard. In addition to the exposed concrete and larch wood surfaces, the space features a gray terrazzo floor and a stainless-steel wall with laser-engraved ornamental hatching. With its triangular pattern, the suspended ceiling mimics the building's timber roof structure. In addition to the lobby, the entrance level contains office and conference areas for lower and upper management, organized in a ring around the courtyard. Nearly all of the building's office workstations exit onto a terrace, courtyard, or garden. At the rear of the existing production building are the delivery and ancillary rooms for the kitchen, which is located directly above, on the top floor. The kitchen serves the campus restaurant, which, thanks to the ceiling's light, expansive, triangular timber frame, remains a column-free space that flows around the inner courtyard as a cohesive, communal area. With 3.6 meters of headroom, expansive views of the surrounding landscape, and optimized acoustics, it offers employees a place for relaxation and encounter. Between each of the gluelam beams is a panel consisting of two sheets of acoustical fleece, laser-cut on TRUMPF machines. A slight offset between the panels creates a visual moiré effect, and necessary technical installations such as lighting, loudspeakers, and sprinklers have been integrated flush with the surface.

The roof of the multifunctional building has been greened and, together with the terraces and numerous exits, fits into the concept laid out in the master plan for the campus, which in the future will feature welcoming, livable green spaces.

建筑师:Barkow Leibinger
面积:14000 m²
摄影:© Simon Menge s, Berlin
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