博后 | 瑞典隆德大学AMBER项目第三次博士后招聘

文摘   2024-12-11 09:57   德国  



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    Title:    AMBER’s third postdoctoral call in biological imaging

    Employer:   Amber Project

    Location:   Paradisgatan 5 Lund, Sweden

    Published:   2024-12-09

    Application deadline:  2025-02-24 23:59 (Europe/Stockholm)
                                           2025-02-24 23:59 (CET)

    Job type:    Postdoc


About the position

AMBER, (Advanced Multiscale Biological imaging using European Research infrastructures) will address scientific and sectoral gaps in biological imaging ranging from molecular, through cellular, to tissue, organ and organism levels of organisation. 

Around 10 postdocs will be recruited in this call, with each fellowship lasting 36 months.  

AMBER has six core partners: Lund University (MAX IV, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Faculty of Engineering), Sweden, the European Spallation Source (ESS), Sweden, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), France, the International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines, (IMOL), Poland, and the Leicester Institute of Structural and Chemical Biology, United Kingdom. The postdoctoral position will be placed at any of these partner organisations. AMBER is coordinated by LINXS Institute of advanced Neutron and X-ray Science. 



The postdoc will be recruited under the following topic areas:

  • Biological and biomedical imaging

  • Lipids, lipid-based therapeutics and partially ordered systems

  • Protein structure in health and pathology

  • Probing, imaging and manipulating molecular interactions in biology    

Scientists holding (or about to receive soon) a PhD in the areas of physics, chemistry, medical sciences, biological sciences, or other relevant areas are welcome to apply.  

The successful candidate's work may include clinical and biomedical projects. It may also include technique development work aimed at combining imaging techniques and data analysis to provide a more integrated picture of life processes in the context of health and disease.  

As a postdoc fellow in the AMBER programme the applicant will acquire unprecedented medical, biological, and methodological capabilities, and be part of making a profound potential impact on Europe’s next generation of research and researchers. Upon completion of the AMBER programme, the fellow will be well equipped to further their career in academia, at infrastructures, in the health and MedTech sectors, and beyond.


More info

The application deadline is the 24th of February 2025.  

AMBER is funded by the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) COFUND scheme. 

Link to the positions: https://www.euraxess.se/jobs/231943

Link to AMBER’s website: https://www.ambercofund.eu/





· The  End ·

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@留德华叫兽:系美国Clemson大学数学硕士(运筹学方向)、Ph.D. candidate,欧盟玛丽居里学者,德国海德堡大学数学博士(离散优化、图像处理),读博期间前往意大利博洛尼亚大学、IBM实习半年,巴黎综合理工访问一季。现任德国无人驾驶资深研发工程师。

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