“请君入瓮” 「茶馆演武会」硬式打铁 @ 莫须有工厂,4月13日,北京

文摘   音乐   2024-03-05 18:55   广东  

江湖传言,一群危险的人物正从各地向东五环汇集,这些恶人之中,包括洛杉矶硬件Techno女王Trovarsi、合成器先锋布道者tamiX、硬件电子兄弟会DAWless Sound System、西南硬派电子帮派The Core等,一场“”的搏杀之夜,恐在所难免…


A group of dangerous people are coming for Beijing. Including the LA-based hardware Techno matriach Trovarsi, synthesizer prophet tamiX, hardware fraternity DAWless Sound System and southwestern rave party gang The Core...

April 13, BATTLE AT TEAHOUSE IV, at Groundless Factory, Beijing. DAWless inviting....

4月13日 @ 莫须有工厂,北京

#liveset #rave #techno #industrial #harddance

Party:晚10:00 - 深夜 (Room A+B)

April. 13, Party: 10:00 PM - Late Night

Trovarsi 工作坊:晚8:00 - 9:30

Trovarsi Workshop 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM

扫码购票 Scan QR for ticket

全场通票:¥80 早鸟 | ¥100 预售 | ¥120 当日
Ticket: ¥80 early | ¥100 adv. |¥120 on-day
(票价包含工作坊 Workshop incl.)

AnJia iWork, #5 Zuigongfen Rd.,Chaoyang Dist., BJ

莫须有工厂Groundless Factory


茶馆演武会的主擂台——“战斗大师”,集合了一众Live Act与DJ好手,除了从大洋彼岸飞到中国的Trovarsi,还包括tamiX、圆形科技局 Yue、Tenkou、Vehement、SPOTLITE等,并由444theGod提供Live Visual视觉支持。
Room A "Battle Master"  includes a number of Live Act Rave masters. In addition to Trovarsi (Los Angeles) who flew from the other side of the ocean to China, it also includes tamiX, Yue, Tenkou, Vehement, SPOTLITE, etc., and is hosted by 444theGod provides Live Visual support.

If there were a chronicle of synthesizer culture, Los Angeles would be no doubt occupy a prominent chapter. When we go deep into it, Trovarsi, the representative of synthesizer feminism in the "City of Angels", will be a name that cannot be ignored.

出生于威斯康星州的中心地带,在Trovarsi的成长过程中,Techno 和 House 的身影总是交替出现。而贯彻于整个90 年代电子音乐届的那些名字,如Jeff Mills、Joey Beltram、Frankie Knuckles、Cajmere、Felix da Housecat、Miss Kittin以及The Belleville Three 都对她的音乐启蒙产生了重要影响,并成为她音乐灵感的持续源泉。而近些年,在Surgeon、Lady Starlight 和 Rebekah 的影响下,Trovarsi 对现代电子音乐的愿景被进一步构筑与扩展。

Born in the heart of Wisconsin, she pursued the music and culture of the underground. Growing up, techno and house was always on rotation. Prominent DJs of the 90s such as Jeff Mills, Joey Beltram, Frankie Knuckles, Cajmere, Felix da Housecat, Miss Kittin and last but definitely not least The Belleville Three are some of her influences and continue to be a source of inspiration in her music. 


As a loyal follower of raw synthetic sound, Trovarsi incorporates the raw sounds of modular synths and rhythmic drum machines into her live performance workflow, creating techno and house music with groove-based gradients that are her own signature.

如今,Trovarsi被证明是洛杉矶多元音乐文化圈的重要贡献者之一,她持续活跃在洛杉矶的地下音乐场景。并在Boiler RoomADE6AM、DubLab、KXLU、Superbooth等重要场景中持续传播她的声音,同时也是999999999Derrick CarterColin Benders等行业巨擘的舞台座上宾。

Today, Trovarsi is proven to a talented contributors to Los Angeles music and continues to be active in the Los Angeles underground music scene. She continues to spread synthesizer Techno music and House music that emphasizes both technicality and musicality under famouse scenes such as Boiler Room, ADE, 6AM, DubLab, KXLU, Superbooth, etc. She is also the guest of stage with industry giant such as 999999999, Derrick Carter, Colin Benders, etc.


Trovarsi is an active content creater, she works with multiple famous synthesizer manufactures and stores, and continously sharing her knowledge and experience on synthesizer thru Yotube.

在个人音乐事业之外,Trovarsi还是一名音乐教育家文化传播者她创办的南加州合成器协会(SoCal Synth Society)通过合成器手工制作、展演和工作坊等活动来推广大众对硬件电子音乐的兴趣,同时她在DubLab Radio创办了Transduction Signal栏目,按月度对电子音乐领域内各类有趣的人进行深入访谈。

In addition to her personal music career, Trovarsi is also an active music educator and cultural ambassador. The SoCal Synth Society she founded promotes the public's interest in hardware electronic music through activities such as synthesizer & modular DIY, performance, and workshops. At the same time, she founded Transduction Signal on DubLab Radio, which provides monthly in-depth interviews with a variety of unique people of electronic music.

在本次演武会派对环节开始之前,Trovarsi将在工厂的Room B主持工作坊环节,详细内容,请查看"DAWless茶馆"公众号相关文章。

Before the party, Trovarsi will host a workshop to share her expertise. For more information, please check the correlated articles.

When we look back at the history of Chinese electronic music culture, there is always one person who appears throughout. Whether it is Midifan.com, the enlightenment medium for countless Mesozoic electronic musicians, or the well-known synthesizer culture promotion group "Communication Way", there is always a striking name behind it - tamiX..


As one of the best known DAWless synthesizer musicians in China. tamiX always pursues the ultimate technicalism of music production and live performance. She refuse to to use any "tricks" of computer, software and sampling. 

作为Buchla认证艺术家,tamiX的现场即兴音乐创作以少有的Buchla 200e块化合成器为基础,创造出集实验性和音乐性于一身的独特声音风格。tamiX始终以高质量的舞台现场她音乐内容的核心表达渠道,并确信现场是能感受她声音质感的最佳方式。或许很少各类音乐平台上听到她的唱片,但她的演出现场,你却一定能在B站与Youtube这样的视频平台上看到。

tamiX is the certificated Buchla artist, and her live setup is based on the rare Buchla 200-series, to create her unique experimental and musical sound style. tamiX alway insists  live performance is the best way to receive her music.


In addtion to the hardcore sound system, tamiX is also a technical live visual artist. She use Eurorack modules to creat vector arts, natural liquid materials to creata psychedelic light show, and she uses feedback and DIY gear to create glitch arts.


Beside her music career, tamiX is also a photographical idol and huge fan of ACG, she created a series of Miku album with official licenses, and published multiple photo book. She is also a skate-girl and skate coach.

tamiX 个人官网:https://tamix.live/

Follow tamiX on the official site : tamix.live

DAWless Sound System (DSS) “打铁团” 也将全数到案,包括:

BATTLE MASTER stage will be supported by DAWless Sound System, include:


圆形科技局 Yue



Eggstudio (Yue), chief of the "Circular Technology Bureau", an analog media creation group, and a specialist for analog synthesizers, core member of DAWless Sound System. He has been performing live synthesizers since 2012, advocating spiritual things that cannot be digitized or copied. Over the years, he has continuously explored and developed various technologies, never using his body to hone his modulation skills, and has always held a true belief in what he can touch. As an analog media fanatic and technology researcher, he does not like to use computers during live performances. He creates and performs based on analog aesthetics.



2016/2017年中国百大DJ,青岛ICS学院主理人。善于利用 Ghetto Tech/Hard Techno/Hard Dance,与Bassline填充Groove,独特的Hybrid演出形成了Tenkou独有的四四拍音乐现场。

Hailing from Tsingtao City, Tenkou was named as China Top 100 DJs in 2016 and 2017, he is also the founder of Qingdao ICS Institute. He is good at using Ghetto Tech/Hard Techno/Hard Dance, filling groove with bassline, and his unique Hybrid performance forms Tenkou's unique 4-on-the-floor music scenario.



DAWless茶馆与鱼刺厂牌核心成员,坚定不移的DAWless玩家。热爱各种音乐类 型,对电子音乐有着长期且广泛的爱好,并沉溺于 在内心中模拟与数字的世界里进行雕凿,深耕与创 造一个由诡异的音色所构成的电子音乐世界,并不 遗余力的探索崭新的艺术呈现方式。

A core member of DAWless Sound System and AGGRESSIVALOR, a staunch DAWless player. He loves all types of music, has a long-term and extensive hobby for electronic music, and is addicted to carving out the analog and digital worlds in his heart. He deeply cultivates and creates an electronic music world composed of weird sounds, and spares no effort. Explore new ways of presenting art.



DAWless茶馆馆长,电子音乐人、活动策划人,数字音频研究者,LIve Set玩家

Curator of DAWless Teahouse, electronical musician and live act.

本届演武会特别擂台“核心武库”(Room B)由DAWless茶馆联合硬派厂牌The Core共同呈现,包括了444theGod、AbleChano、LUSI.、Nixmoon 等舞池好手,更有手指鼓高手Mitur C现场实敲实打Live Set
The Core专注于硬派电子音乐是由一群喜爱Hard Dance的朋友们创建的派对组织,在其中你可以听到所有硬派风格的多样音乐种类,高速节奏与低音的振荡将会回响在俱乐部的每一个角落与重型鼓点相辅相成, 每一个Raver的核心都在被失真的熊熊烈火所燃烧,在The Core线下派对每位DJ都燃尽最后每一滴体力,进入一个全新的硬派模式,他们的节奏步伐思维,都错乱在这高速中,一步步走向另一个平常无法到达的极限。
Room B "Core Arsenal" stage is powered by DAWless x The Core, include several dance floor veterans like 444theGod, AbleChano, Mitur C (Live finger drum) and LUSI. "The Core" is a party organized by hard dance DJ and ravers active in southwestern China.


444theGod作为DJ&Producer 目前正在运营着自己的派对组织「The Core」,他也作为DAWless Artist Group的一员参与到多种Live Set及Audio/Visual艺术活动场景,同时也参与到了众多俱乐部场景的发展,在他的现场与Mix中,你可以听到一切属于或不属于俱乐部场景的音乐,在他的音乐制作中,你可以发现他将多种元素融合塑造,无限制的制作方式也造就了他独特的风格,在Max/MSP/Jitter方面他专注于声音可视化/交互艺术的研究与创作,同时对于硬派音乐与低音音乐的现场表现也是他不可或缺的一部分,他也曾在Cave Records(The Cave Taiwan),Cloak,Nutrii等电台受邀发布自己的Mix作品,其作品[Hyper Reincarnation]也曾登陆NTS电台的[The Night Slugs Show],同时在「The Core」的派对中,他也致力于为所有的群体营造一个和谐的锐舞场景,不被任何一种风格所限制 “专注于硬派音乐,但包容及欣赏任何一种风格”是「The Core」的基本理念。

同时多元化的选择也是他一直以来所坚持的事情,从解构美学之声再到极端疯狂高速的失真锐利之声,又或者是低音震颤接近失控的丛林魅影与回响,甚者是拉美与南非的热舞律动,都是在他身后不可或缺的部分,在他出现的派对之中,总是会有核武器一般的声音不断降落,轰炸舞池,他在台上的时间中总会打碎每一个人的DNA,发起一次次的暴乱现场,不同情绪的穿插改变重组着场景的每一秒时间,也许上一秒是Happy Hardcore造就出快乐的极限,下一秒就是Rawstyle走向疯狂的边缘,

也许上一刻是Footwork足疗时间,下一刻就是Post Club重组俱乐部的美学,错乱了空间与时间的界限。

As a DJ & Producer, 444theGod is currently running his own party organization "The Core". As a member of DAWless Artist Group, he has also participated in various Live Set and Audio/Visual art event scenes. He has also participated in the development of many club scenes. In his live performances and mixes, you can hear all music that belongs or does not belong to the club scene. In his music production, you can find that he combines multiple elements to shape it. His unrestricted production method also creates his unique style. Style, in terms of Max/MSP/Jitter, he focuses on the research and creation of sound visualization/interactive art. At the same time, the live performance of hardcore music and bass music is also an integral part of him. He has also worked in Cave Records (The Cave Taiwan ), Cloak, Nutrii and other radio stations were invited to release his Mix works. His work [Hyper Reincarnation] was also featured on NTS Radio's [The Night Slugs Show]. At the party of "The Core", he was also committed to serving all The group creates a harmonious rave scene that is not limited by any one style. "Focusing on hardcore music, but being inclusive and appreciative of any style" is the basic concept of "The Core".


The Core成员,白天是文弱书生,到了夜晚化身阴暗音乐播放器。在他的DJ理念里具有包容和自由,可以驾驭单一风格同时探索不同风格之间的选曲搭配,在它们之间所建立一个桥梁。上一秒你还在跟随律动,下一秒可能陷入支离破碎

A member of The Core, he is a weak scholar during the day, and turns into a dark music player at night. His DJ concept is tolerant and free, and he can control a single style while exploring song selections and combinations between different styles, building a bridge between them. One second you are still following the rhythm, and the next second you may be fragmented.

Mitur C

Mitur C,来自山东青岛的千禧年新生代的Finger drummer,2018年在偶然机会通过身边的朋友接触到了MPC(鼓机),而后在朋友和网络的帮助下进行详细的了解和学习。擅长EDM Trap、Dubstep、Boombap音乐风格,其演奏特点多为Mushup,而在Finger drummer的身份之外,Mitur C则是自幼学习中国传统民族器乐,希望能将中国传统民族器乐与电子音乐通过MPC的形式来呈现给大众。

Mitur C, a new generation finger drummer from Qingdao, Shandong, came into contact with MPC (drum machine) by chance in 2018 through friends around him, and then understood and learned in detail with the help of friends and the Internet. He is good at EDM Trap, Dubstep, and Boombap music styles. His playing characteristics are mostly Mushup. In addition to his identity as a finger drummer, Mitur C has been learning traditional Chinese folk instrumental music since he was a child. He hopes to combine Chinese traditional folk instrumental music and electronic music through MPC presented to the public.


DAWless Sound System成员,跨界音乐人与DJ,自幼年起学习中国舞与声学,15岁开始师从美国打击乐家Anthony Conde学习架子鼓和马林巴琴,并曾多次以舞者身份参与邓紫棋等知名艺人的演唱会,由她参与制作的电子单曲《Chasing》曾获中国电子音乐巅峰榜第二名,她同时也是流行组合GNZ48的DJ技术导师。她曾为知名品牌日产、PIDAN和粤海喜来登制作广告曲。LUSI.的DJ Set通常充斥着空灵感与史诗感,并能同时驾驭地下与主流音乐场景。

Member of DAWless Sound System. A cross-border musician and DJ, she has studied Chinese dance and acoustics since she was a child. She started learning drums from Anthony Gonzalez at the age of 15. She has participated as a dancer in many concerts of well-known artists such as Deng Ziqi. She participated in the production of The electronic single "Chasing" once ranked second on China's electronic music peak list. She is also the DJ technical instructor of the popular group GNZ48. LUSI.'s DJ sets are usually full of ethereal and epic feelings, and can control both underground and mainstream music scenes.

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