4月13日 @ 莫须有工厂,北京
#liveset #rave #techno #industrial #harddance
Party:晚10:00 - 深夜 (Room A+B)
April. 13, Party: 10:00 PM - Late Night
Trovarsi 工作坊:晚8:00 - 9:30
Trovarsi Workshop 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
扫码购票 Scan QR for ticket
全场通票:¥80 早鸟 | ¥100 预售 | ¥120 当日
Ticket: ¥80 early | ¥100 adv. |¥120 on-dayAnJia iWork, #5 Zuigongfen Rd.,Chaoyang Dist., BJ
茶馆演武会的主擂台——“战斗大师”,集合了一众Live Act与DJ好手,除了从大洋彼岸飞到中国的Trovarsi,还包括tamiX、圆形科技局 Yue、Tenkou、Vehement、SPOTLITE等,并由444theGod提供Live Visual视觉支持。Room A "Battle Master" includes a number of Live Act Rave masters. In addition to Trovarsi (Los Angeles) who flew from the other side of the ocean to China, it also includes tamiX, Yue, Tenkou, Vehement, SPOTLITE, etc., and is hosted by 444theGod provides Live Visual support.
如果合成器文化有一部编年史,那么洛杉矶毫无疑问将占据浓墨重彩的一个篇章。当我们深入其中,合成器的女性主义代表Trovarsi,则是“天使之城”中不能被忽略掉的一个名字。If there were a chronicle of synthesizer culture, Los Angeles would be no doubt occupy a prominent chapter. When we go deep into it, Trovarsi, the representative of synthesizer feminism in the "City of Angels", will be a name that cannot be ignored.
出生于威斯康星州的中心地带,在Trovarsi的成长过程中,Techno 和 House 的身影总是交替出现。而贯彻于整个90 年代电子音乐届的那些名字,如Jeff Mills、Joey Beltram、Frankie Knuckles、Cajmere、Felix da Housecat、Miss Kittin以及The Belleville Three 都对她的音乐启蒙产生了重要影响,并成为她音乐灵感的持续源泉。而近些年,在Surgeon、Lady Starlight 和 Rebekah 的影响下,Trovarsi 对现代电子音乐的愿景被进一步构筑与扩展。
Born in the heart of Wisconsin, she pursued the music and culture of the underground. Growing up, techno and house was always on rotation. Prominent DJs of the 90s such as Jeff Mills, Joey Beltram, Frankie Knuckles, Cajmere, Felix da Housecat, Miss Kittin and last but definitely not least The Belleville Three are some of her influences and continue to be a source of inspiration in her music.
As a loyal follower of raw synthetic sound, Trovarsi incorporates the raw sounds of modular synths and rhythmic drum machines into her live performance workflow, creating techno and house music with groove-based gradients that are her own signature.如今,Trovarsi被证明是洛杉矶多元音乐文化圈的重要贡献者之一,她持续活跃在洛杉矶的地下音乐场景。并在Boiler Room、ADE、6AM、DubLab、KXLU、Superbooth等重要场景中持续传播她的声音,同时也是999999999、Derrick Carter、Colin Benders等行业巨擘的舞台座上宾。
Today, Trovarsi is proven to a talented contributors to Los Angeles music and continues to be active in the Los Angeles underground music scene. She continues to spread synthesizer Techno music and House music that emphasizes both technicality and musicality under famouse scenes such as Boiler Room, ADE, 6AM, DubLab, KXLU, Superbooth, etc. She is also the guest of stage with industry giant such as 999999999, Derrick Carter, Colin Benders, etc.
Trovarsi is an active content creater, she works with multiple famous synthesizer manufactures and stores, and continously sharing her knowledge and experience on synthesizer thru Yotube.在个人音乐事业之外,Trovarsi还是一名音乐教育家与文化传播者。她创办的南加州合成器协会(SoCal Synth Society)通过合成器手工制作、展演和工作坊等活动来推广大众对硬件电子音乐的兴趣,同时她在DubLab Radio创办了Transduction Signal栏目,按月度对电子音乐领域内各类有趣的人进行深入访谈。
In addition to her personal music career, Trovarsi is also an active music educator and cultural ambassador. The SoCal Synth Society she founded promotes the public's interest in hardware electronic music through activities such as synthesizer & modular DIY, performance, and workshops. At the same time, she founded Transduction Signal on DubLab Radio, which provides monthly in-depth interviews with a variety of unique people of electronic music.
在本次演武会派对环节开始之前,Trovarsi将在工厂的Room B主持工作坊环节,详细内容,请查看"DAWless茶馆"公众号相关文章。
Before the party, Trovarsi will host a workshop to share her expertise. For more information, please check the correlated articles.
当我们回顾中国电子音乐文化的历程,总有一个人的身影贯穿始终。无论是无数中生代电子音乐人的启蒙媒介Midifan.com,还是知名合成器文化推广团体“交流方式”,背后总有一个醒目的名字:tamiX。When we look back at the history of Chinese electronic music culture, there is always one person who appears throughout. Whether it is Midifan.com, the enlightenment medium for countless Mesozoic electronic musicians, or the well-known synthesizer culture promotion group "Communication Way", there is always a striking name behind it - tamiX..作为中国合成器音乐家的重要代表,tamiX始终追求技术主义的极致性。她以纯粹的DAWless创作演出形式,完全利用独立的硬件设备和纯自然的物理形式根据现场氛围进行即兴的音乐演奏和视觉创作,并拒绝使用电脑、软件、采样等“取巧行为”。
As one of the best known DAWless synthesizer musicians in China. tamiX always pursues the ultimate technicalism of music production and live performance. She refuse to to use any "tricks" of computer, software and sampling. 作为Buchla认证艺术家,tamiX的现场即兴音乐创作以少有的Buchla 200e模块化合成器为基础,创造出集实验性和音乐性于一身的独特声音风格。tamiX始终以高质量的舞台现场作为她音乐内容的核心表达渠道,并确信现场是能感受她声音质感的最佳方式。你或许很少在各类音乐平台上听到她的唱片,但她的演出现场,你却一定能在B站与Youtube这样的视频平台上看到。
tamiX is the certificated Buchla artist, and her live setup is based on the rare Buchla 200-series, to create her unique experimental and musical sound style. tamiX alway insists live performance is the best way to receive her music.除了硬核的声学系统外,tamiX还是一位硬核的即兴视觉创作者。她是国内少有的用Eurorack视频合成器创作矢量视觉、用自然界物品和液体制作迷幻灯景、用反馈回授和自制设备做故障视觉的艺术家。
In addtion to the hardcore sound system, tamiX is also a technical live visual artist. She use Eurorack modules to creat vector arts, natural liquid materials to creata psychedelic light show, and she uses feedback and DIY gear to create glitch arts.而在音乐场景外,tamiX还是一位写真偶像与二次元重度发烧友,她曾联合制作了多张初音未来官方授权专辑,并发行了多部个人写真集。同时她还是一位“板女”兼滑板教练。
Beside her music career, tamiX is also a photographical idol and huge fan of ACG, she created a series of Miku album with official licenses, and published multiple photo book. She is also a skate-girl and skate coach.
tamiX 个人官网:https://tamix.live/Follow tamiX on the official site : tamix.live
DAWless Sound System (DSS) “打铁团” 也将全数到案,包括:
BATTLE MASTER stage will be supported by DAWless Sound System, include:
圆形科技局 Yue
Eggstudio (Yue), chief of the "Circular Technology Bureau", an analog media creation group, and a specialist for analog synthesizers, core member of DAWless Sound System. He has been performing live synthesizers since 2012, advocating spiritual things that cannot be digitized or copied. Over the years, he has continuously explored and developed various technologies, never using his body to hone his modulation skills, and has always held a true belief in what he can touch. As an analog media fanatic and technology researcher, he does not like to use computers during live performances. He creates and performs based on analog aesthetics.
2016/2017年中国百大DJ,青岛ICS学院主理人。善于利用 Ghetto Tech/Hard Techno/Hard Dance,与Bassline填充Groove,独特的Hybrid演出形成了Tenkou独有的四四拍音乐现场。Hailing from Tsingtao City, Tenkou was named as China Top 100 DJs in 2016 and 2017, he is also the founder of Qingdao ICS Institute. He is good at using Ghetto Tech/Hard Techno/Hard Dance, filling groove with bassline, and his unique Hybrid performance forms Tenkou's unique 4-on-the-floor music scenario.
DAWless茶馆与鱼刺厂牌核心成员,坚定不移的DAWless玩家。热爱各种音乐类 型,对电子音乐有着长期且广泛的爱好,并沉溺于 在内心中模拟与数字的世界里进行雕凿,深耕与创 造一个由诡异的音色所构成的电子音乐世界,并不 遗余力的探索崭新的艺术呈现方式。
A core member of DAWless Sound System and AGGRESSIVALOR, a staunch DAWless player. He loves all types of music, has a long-term and extensive hobby for electronic music, and is addicted to carving out the analog and digital worlds in his heart. He deeply cultivates and creates an electronic music world composed of weird sounds, and spares no effort. Explore new ways of presenting art.
DAWless茶馆馆长,电子音乐人、活动策划人,数字音频研究者,LIve Set玩家
Curator of DAWless Teahouse, electronical musician and live act.