每当谈论到伦敦的地下音乐场景,总有一些名字反复提及,而在其中,由Ben UFO、Pearson Sound与Pangaea组成的Hessle Audio三巨头则始终占据了大写的位置。Whenever we discuss about London’s underground music scene, there are always some names mentioned repeatedly, and among them, the trio-founder of Hessle Audio, consisting of Ben UFO, Pearson Sound and Pangea, always occupy a capital position.
十年前RA曾对Pangaea进行专访,题为“Just don't say it”,与他如今取得的成就相比,“低调”往往是他传递给世人的第一印象。在移动互联网快消浪潮下,Pangaea显得是那么的另类。他是一个很不喜欢谈论自己的人,“如果实在没什么话说,那就最好别说了,因为这些东西通常都毫无意义”。而与低调的个性形成鲜明对比的,则是他在业内外被广泛赞誉的高质量专辑、混音集与舞池现场。
In the era of mobile Internet fast-moving consumer goods, Pangea's "low-key" profile seems so alternative. In sharp contrast to his low-key personality, he is widely praised in the industry and outside the industry for his high-quality albums, mix collections and dance floor performances.2007年,凯文·麦考利(Pangaea)在经过了英伦低音电子年代的熏陶后,决定拉上她最好的两位朋友本·托马斯(Ben UFO)和大卫·肯尼迪(Pearson Sound)创立一个音乐厂牌,力图将原创性和突破性的音乐交织融合,形成他们具备独特性与唯一性的音乐内容与场景。恐怕他们当时也没有预想到,后面这个叫做Hessle Audio的厂牌,会成为现代俱乐部场景下独树一帜的先锋力量,而他们当初给自己命名的一些略微戏谑的,如“飞碟”、“出版商”、“盘古大陆”这样的名字,会在出道十余年后,在各自方向上成为具备广泛影响力的标志性俱乐部人物。
Over the past seventeen years, Hessle Audio, which he co-founded with Ben UFO and Pearson Sound, has become a unique music label with far-reaching influence, and they have also become iconic club figures in their respective music content directions.“Techno tick all the boxes for me”,Pangaea对于Techno的探索,源自于他对伦敦逐渐固化的音乐场景的疲倦感,相对于“旋律性”的音乐,他更喜欢“节奏性”的音乐,而140 BPM的低沉、冷峻、严肃的Techno音乐让他在俱乐部场景下获得新生,并定义了他音乐的基调,但另一方面,Techno远非Pangaea的全部。
"Techno tick all the boxes for me", the low, cold and serious Techno music at 140 BPM seems to have given Pengaea a new life in the club scene and defined the tone of his music, but that is not all.出道17年来,他始终活跃在Berghain、Fabric、Dekmantel、Glastonbury、Junction 2 和 Houghton 等著名俱乐部和音乐节上,并在Rinse、HÖR、Boiler Room等重要场景中持续传播音乐。在他的 DJ Set以及Mixtape中,你总能听到各种流派相互碰撞与融合,产生出强烈的化学反应,始终给人一种“这个没听过”的新鲜感与现场感。在二十多年英派舞曲的浸淫下,他的现场结合了他对节奏型和实验性内容的探索,具有无法否认的舞池影响力。In the 17 years since his debut as DJ, he has been active in famous clubs and music festivals such as Berghain, Fabric, Dekmantel, Glastonbury, Junction 2 and Houghton, and spread his music in important scenes such as Rinse.FM, HÖR, Boiler Room, etc.
Pangaea并没有躺在过往的功绩簿上踟蹰不前,依然在突破自我音乐的边界。他于2023年所发行的个人专辑《Changing Channels》囊括了他的那些最“刻意”、最“写意”、最“功能”的作品,将他所理解的实验、解构与律动融合于其中。这张专辑一经推出,便迅速在行业内外引起巨大反响,并获得 DJ Mag 英国 年度最佳专辑 提名。
Pangea's solo album "Changing Channels" released in 2023 represents his most "deliberate", "freehand" and "functional" works, integrating the experimentation, deconstruction and rhythm he understands into it. And was nominated for DJ Mag British Best Album of the Year.
On April 3rd, Pangea will return to Asia after many years. As the first stop of his Asian tour 2024, DAWless Teahouse·2nd Anniversary will meet you at OIL Club to listen to the voice of "Pangaea".详细活动信息与购票入口,请关注DAWless茶馆后续文章
For detailed, follow DAWless Teahouse to stay tuned.