The Inaugural Tsinghua Alumni London Art Exhibition Family Day, “Ubiquitous Technology: The Science of Aesthetics” will be held on November 9, 2024, at 20 King Street, St. James’, London SW1Y 6QY. This event focuses on the intersection of art, technology, and traditional Chinese culture. Led by architect Yiyuan Shi and artist Hongyi Jia, the event is designed for children aged 6-15 and aims to inspire their creativity and imagination through hands-on activities and collaborative painting. Drawing inspiration from the exhibition pieces, the event encourages children to explore new materials and integrate art, technology, and traditional Chinese culture, experiencing an interdisciplinary approach to creation. Through practical engagement, children will draw inspiration from the exhibition and expand their creative thinking. Participants will enjoy the process of artistic expression and, through interactive activities, deepen their understanding of the connections between art, technology, and culture. The event will be held in a designated gallery space, with parents required to accompany their children. During the activity, parents may choose to participate or explore the exhibition. This Family Day aims to blend art and culture, enhance children’s innovative abilities and curiosity, and foster their awareness of public spaces and community building.
The Inaugural Tsinghua Alumni London Art Exhibition Family Day
Ubiquitous Technology: The Science of Aesthetics
Art, Technology, Chinese Culture
Satarday, November 9th 2024, 1pm-4pm
20 King street, St. James’, London SW1Y 6QY
In-person, free event
Workshop 1 Tangible Light
Architect Yiyuan Shi will introduce the traditional culture of hanging lanterns on Dong ethnic architectural structures in China and guide six children aged 6-15 in creating a simple handmade lantern in the exhibition space. This activity will encourage the children to use their imagination by utilizing lightbox sheets and LED light beads to craft shapes of light. Through origami and the play of light and shadow, the children will experience how design can transform an environment. The workshop will focus on the theme of creating built environments, helping children develop an awareness of public spaces and a sense of responsibility for community building through collaborative teamwork.
Workshop 2 Drawing for Free
The artist Edward JIA will guide children aged 6-15 in a collaborative drawing session, facilitating a freeform creative activity in the exhibition space to inspire their imagination and creativity. Under the artist’s guidance, the children will work together to create a 0.85x10 meter painting, experiencing the joy of artistic expression and focusing on emotional expression and mental well-being through the drawing process. The activity aims to highlight the importance of art education and creativity, helping the children develop an appreciation for art and a sense of responsibility for collaborative creation through teamwork.
Yiyuan Shi, born into a Dong ethnic minority family in China, is an accomplished architect currently based in London and endorsed by Art Council England as a Global Talent under architecture sector. She completed her undergraduate studies in architecture at Tsinghua University and advanced her education at London Metropolitan University. Her undergraduate thesis, which explored the colorimetry in historical architecture, was published in the Journal of the Palace Museum and was acknowledged as a top 1% highly cited paper in the field in 2023. Yiyuan’s architectural practice emphasizes minimalist structural forms and the innovative application of traditional craftsmanship, with a focus on fostering community cohesion through architecture. Her completed projects and exhibitions span China, the UK, Germany, Portugal, and India.
Artwork on Display: Tangible Light
Edward Hongyi JIA (b. 1996) is a London based multidisciplinary artist. He obtained his MA in painting at the Royal College of Art and his BA from the University of the Art London in Fine Art. Awards include: “RISING STARS 2021” and RBA Rome and RBA Rome Scholarship semi-finalist. Selected collections include British Museum, Bulgarian Embassy, Horniman Museum & Gardens, Burgh House Hampstead Museum.
Artwork on Display: Samsara
Introduction: Yuan Gao
G Floor
Exhibition Tour
M Floor
Workshop1:Tangible Light
M Floor Exhibition Hall 2
Workshop2:Drawing for free
G Floor
Workshop Presentation
M Floor Corridor
This event is free and open to the public. To enter the venue, you must complete the registration form. If you have any specific access requirements, please inform UKTA in advance (
Before making a reservation, please read the following information:
This is a family event, and parents are required to participate alongside their children. We recommend at least one parent per child, with a maximum of two parents per group.
The event is limited to 18 children aged 6-15. We regret that siblings without a reservation will not be permitted to enter the venue.
If you are unable to attend, please inform UKTA promptly so we can release your reservation.
We will provide floor cushions for parents and children during the event. You are welcome to bring your own drinking water, but food is not allowed.
UKTA is committed to respecting and protecting personal privacy and image rights. You may choose whether you and your child’s images are used for post-event promotional purposes.
伦敦亚洲艺术展于每年10月至11月举行,汇集亚洲艺术领域的知名经销商、画廊和拍卖行,展出涵盖印度、伊斯兰、中国、日本、韩国及东南亚的古今艺术作品。该展览吸引大量国际游客,并通过印刷指南、官方网站及社交媒体推广,提升参与者的市场影响力和专业声誉。展会还由Apollo和Antiques Trade Gazette赞助,设立奖项表彰优秀艺术作品,致力于推动伦敦成为亚洲艺术的国际中心。
深圳市埃克苏照明系统有限公司专注于博物馆照明领域,致力于为全球博物馆和美术馆提供高质量的照明解决方案。公司主要产品包括博物馆轨道灯、美术灯、展柜灯及智能照明控制系统,广泛应用于国内外知名文化场所。在国内,埃克苏的照明产品被广泛应用于中国国家博物馆、故宫博物院、 秦始皇帝陵博物院等重大文化项目;国际上,公司参与了印度国家博物馆、加拿大皇家BC博物馆、澳大利亚国家美术馆等百余个项目,凭借优质的产品与服务,赢得了全球客户的高度认可。作为集研发、设计、制造于一体的创新企业,埃克苏凭借领先的技术和卓越的产品质量,不断推动博物馆照明行业的进步,助力行业降本增效,并推动中国博物馆照明技术走向世界舞台。
NetMind.AI是AI解决方案的领先提供商, 为全球个人和企业提供最先进的技术。致力于开发创新和实用的解决方案,NetMind.AI的专家团队在大数据分析、机器学习和自然语言处理方面拥有丰富的经验。该公司致力于站在快速发展的AI领域的最前沿, 不断探索增长和进步的新机遇。NetMind.AI是一家由清华校友创立的人工智能科技公司。NetMind.AI总部位于英国伦敦,并在美国、英国、中国设有子公司。
Hirsch & Mann 是一家提供全方位服务的创意公司,总部位于伦敦,旨在为全球领先企业创造大胆的数字和实体体验。公司的核心目标是构思并实现吸引客户的项目,加强客户与我们合作品牌的联系。Hirsch & Mann为客户提供全方位的设计和技术服务,为零售空间、快闪活动、博物馆、画廊、企业总部、活动场地等提供量身定制的短期和长期多感官装置的综合解决方案。
策划 | 石艺苑
排版 | 夏彤
活动海报手绘 | 贾弘毅、张伊洁
审稿 | 高远