Maud Caubet Architectes 为 Alderan 公司(SCI EWOK)完成了位于巴黎 12 区的 Racine 项目,该项目将建于 1970 年、高 35 米的野蛮主义塔楼--前国家森林办公室(ONF)总部改造成了一个充满活力、适应性强的多功能建筑。拉辛项目位于新索邦大学校园附近,以住宅区为主。这座塔楼最初由建筑师 Deschler、Thieulin 和 de Vigan 设计,反映了城市发展严重依赖板式建筑的时代,往往造成地面水平的人为化。改造的目的是开垦肥沃的土壤,将自然重新引入场地,在密集化和重新饱和之间取得平衡。Maud Caubet Architectes completes Racine project in Paris‘s 12th arrondissement for Alderan (SCI EWOK), that transformed the former headquarters of the Office National des Forêts (ONF), a 35-meter-high brutalist tower built in 1970, into a dynamic and adaptable mixed-use structure. Located near the Sorbonne Nouvelle campus, the Racine project is set in a predominantly residential area. Originally designed by architects Deschler, Thieulin, and de Vigan, the tower reflects a time when urban development relied heavily on slab construction, often resulting in artificialized ground levels. The renovation aimed to reclaim fertile soil and reintroduce nature to the site, balancing densification with renaturation.最初的渐变花园计划演变成了阶梯状的地面,从地下室自然地流向一楼。这些曲线与 175 平方米的绿色屋顶融为一体,尽管项目的城市密度很高,但却创造了一个和谐的生态环境。大楼地下五层停车场中的两层被重新利用,成为采光充足的高品质生活空间。一个 12 米深的弧形天井将室内空间与露台花园连接起来,进一步加强了这一改造。The original plan for a graduated garden evolved into terraced landings, flowing naturally from the basement to the first floor. These curves integrate with a 175 sqm productive green roof, creating a cohesive ecological environment despite the project’s urban density. Two levels of the building’s five underground parking floors were repurposed into light-filled, high-quality living spaces. A curved patio, 12 meters deep, further enhanced this transformation by linking interior spaces with the terraced garden.新的现代扩建部分环绕着大楼,与原有的野蛮主义设计相融合,同时保留了塔楼的独特轮廓。该结构在设计时考虑到了未来的适应性,最大限度地降低了未来潜在改造的成本和规模。重复的板柱网格和垂直流通的战略布局确保了塔楼的可逆性,使其能够容纳办公、住宅、共用空间甚至学生宿舍,而只需进行最小的结构调整。双层挑高扩建和生物气候温室进一步拓展了建筑的功能,使其同时成为工作、学习、休闲、园艺和生活的场所。The new contemporary extension wraps around the building, blending with the original brutalist design while preserving the tower’s unique silhouette. Designed with future adaptability in mind, the structure minimizes the cost and scale of potential future modifications. Its repetitive slab-post grid and strategic placement of vertical circulation ensure reversibility, enabling the tower to accommodate offices, housing, coliving spaces, or even student housing with minimal structural adjustments. Double-height extensions and a bioclimatic greenhouse further expand the building’s functionality, enabling it to be a place for work, study, leisure, gardening, and living—all at once.
Maud Caubet 的建筑师用一个木结构玻璃顶棚取代了原来 10 层的阁楼,并在顶棚内建造了一个生物气候温室。所有建筑使用者都可以进入这个明亮的空间,它支持城市农业教育,并设有一个公共咖啡厅。到了晚上,温室就会变成一盏发光的灯笼,巴黎的全景尽收眼底,成为当地社区的地标。The architects at Maud Caubet replaced the former 10th-floor attic with a timber-framed glass crown housing a bioclimatic greenhouse. This luminous space, accessible to all building users, supports educational urban agriculture and features a public café. At night, the greenhouse transforms into a glowing lantern, offering panoramic views of Paris and serving as a landmark for the local community.
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