How the martini became the world’s most iconic cocktail马天尼为何能成为世界上最具标志性的鸡尾酒
It has a glamorous history and can be endlessly personalised 马天尼拥有迷人的历史,且可无限个性化
September 19th 2024
chilled gin /tʃɪld dʒɪn/ 冰镇杜松子酒。 vermouth /ˈvɜːməθ/ 苦艾酒。 booze /buːz/ 酒;烈酒。例句:He had too much booze last night.(他昨晚喝了太多酒。) extoll /ɪkˈstəʊl/ 赞美;颂扬。例句:He extolled the virtues of the new product.(他赞美了新产品的优点。) macho tipple /ˈmætʃəʊ ˈtɪpl/ 充满男子气概的烈酒。 boozy /ˈbuːzi/ 嗜酒的;有酒意的。例句:They had a boozy night.(他们度过了一个有酒意的夜晚。) prism /ˈprɪzəm/ 棱镜;折射物。例句:The prism refracts light.(棱镜使光折射。) froth /frɔːθ/ 起泡沫;生泡沫。例句:The beer froths up when it is poured.(啤酒倒出来的时候会起泡沫。) garnish /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/ 装饰;给…… 加配菜。例句:The dish is garnished with parsley.(这道菜用欧芹装饰。) citrus rind /ˈsɪtrəs raɪnd/ 柑橘皮。例句:She used citrus rind to add flavor to the dish.(她用柑橘皮给这道菜增添风味。) olive brine /ˈɒlɪv braɪn/ 橄榄盐水。例句:Some people like to use olive brine in their cocktails.(有些人喜欢在鸡尾酒中使用橄榄盐水。) quadrillion /kwɒˈdrɪljən/ (美、法)一万亿;(英、德)百万的四次方。例句:The national debt has reached several quadrillion dollars.(国债已达数万亿。此例句仅为方便理解,现实中的国债数额通常不会达到 quadrillion 级别。) riff on /rɪf ɒn/ 以…… 为主题即兴演奏;围绕…… 发挥。例句:The comedian riffed on current events to get big laughs from the audience.(这位喜剧演员围绕时事进行即兴发挥,引得观众哄堂大笑。)