鸡尾酒之王马天尼缘何风靡 | 经济学人精读(213)

财富   2024-09-24 21:37   上海  


How the martini became the world’s most iconic cocktail马天尼为何能成为世界上最具标志性的鸡尾酒

It has a glamorous history and can be endlessly personalised 马天尼拥有迷人的历史,且可无限个性化

September 19th 2024

AT DUKES BAR in London there is a limit of two martinis per person. Enrico Chiappini, the head bartender, says that in his 16 years he has made almost no exceptions. That is because the bar’s martinis, made with chilled gin or vodka and vermouth, are famously dangerous: each contains 120ml of booze. Two hold ten shots.
在伦敦的杜克斯酒吧,每人限点两杯马天尼。首席调酒师恩里科・基亚皮尼(Enrico Chiappini)表示,在他 16 年的职业生涯中,几乎没有破例过。这是因为这家酒吧的马天尼由冰镇的杜松子酒或伏特加以及苦艾酒调制而成,非常厉害:每杯 120 毫升。两杯就相当于十小杯。
As James Thurber, an American humorist, warned, two martinis may be too many—but three are not enough. That thrill has attracted drinkers for more than a century. Ian Fleming, a British novelist and frequent patron of Dukes, invented the Vesper martini for James Bond, who ordered his “shaken not stirred”. Ernest Hemingway, also a committed drinker, extolled the macho tipple in his novels, including “A Farewell to Arms”.
正如美国幽默作家詹姆斯・瑟伯(James Thurber)所警告的那样,两杯马天尼可能太多了 —— 三杯反而不够。一个多世纪以来,这种刺激感一直吸引着饮酒者。英国小说家伊恩・弗莱明(Ian Fleming)是杜克斯酒吧的常客,他为詹姆斯・邦德(James Bond)发明了Vesper马天尼,邦德点酒时会说 “摇匀,不要搅拌”。欧内斯特・海明威(Ernest Hemingway)也是个忠实的马天尼酒徒,他在自己的小说《永别了,武器》中赞美了这种充满男子气概的烈酒。
A “boozy cultural prism” is what Alice Lascelles, who writes a column in the Financial Times, calls the drink in a new book, “The Martini”. It is resilient and adaptable. As distilling improved in the 20th century, drinkers started to request dry cocktails. In the 1980s tastes swung the other way, with fruity froths and coffee liqueur filling the Y-shaped glasses.
《金融时报》专栏作家爱丽丝・拉斯塞尔斯(Alice Lascelles)在新书《马天尼》中称这种酒是 “一种醉人的文化棱镜”,具有韧性,适应性强。随着 20 世纪蒸馏技术的改进,饮酒者开始喜欢干型鸡尾酒。20 世纪 80 年代,口味又发生了转变,Y型酒杯中装满的是果味泡沫和咖啡利口酒。
Yet the martini’s basic recipe has always been simple. It requires no specialised equipment. That makes it “a kind of perfection that’s well within one’s grasp”, writes Ms Lascelles. During Prohibition in the 1920s in America, martini-making moved from bars to homes. A century later, covid lockdowns once again enticed many to experiment with mixology at home.
然而,马天尼的基本配方一直都很简单,不需要专门的设备。拉斯塞尔斯写道,这使得马天尼成为“一种触手可及的完美”。在 20 世纪 20 年代美国禁酒时期,马天尼从酒吧转移到了家庭。一个世纪后,疫情封锁再次吸引许多人在家尝试调酒。
A basic formula can be endlessly personalised. That taps into the trend across lifestyle industries, from fragrances to fashion, of tweaking a product to express something about yourself. You may have a rotating repertoire of spirits. (In your correspondent’s case, it is a potato vodka from Poland.) Or it may be the garnish: citrus rind or olives? Franklin D. Roosevelt would add both, along with a splash of the olive brine. Hemingway had a fetish for adding onions: both frozen and raw.
一个基本的配方就可以实现无限个性化。这一特点融入了香水、时尚等高档生活产业的趋势之中,即通过个性化表达自己。你可以有一系列用于轮换的烈酒。(笔者喜欢一种来自波兰的土豆伏特加。)或者可以使用不同的装饰:柑橘皮或者橄榄。富兰克林・D・罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)会同时加入柑橘皮和橄榄,再加上一点橄榄盐水。海明威的癖好是加洋葱:有冷冻的,也有生的。
A study by Claire Warner and Tristan Stephenson, two mixologists, identifies at least 21 variables yielding 6.9 quadrillion possible martini combinations. Meanwhile, bartenders use the drink to show off their skills. Tayēr + Elementary in London, one of the world’s best bars, riffs on its form by serving a green olive stuffed with blue cheese in a bite-sized vodka martini.
调酒师克莱尔・华纳(Claire Warner)和特里斯坦・斯蒂芬森(Tristan Stephenson)的一项研究确定了至少 21 个变量,可以组合成 6.9 千万亿种的马天尼。与此同时,调酒师们用马天尼来展示他们的技艺。作为世界上最好的酒吧之一,伦敦的 Tayēr + Elementary 会在一口就能干掉的伏特加马天尼中,放入一个塞满蓝纹奶酪的绿橄榄,来改变马天尼的配方。
As people drink less, they want to drink better. That is especially true among young drinkers; last year a survey of millennials in America and Britain showed that 30% opted for homemade cocktails to start the night—almost double the share five years ago. They might even drop £25 ($33) on a martini at Dukes, which is made tableside to their specifications and poured theatrically into an ice-cold glass. It is a ritual rich with history—and potential for sharing on Instagram. #Cheers. ■
随着饮酒量的减少,人们希望饮酒质量更高。这在年轻饮酒者中尤其如此;去年对美国和英国千禧一代的一项调查显示,30% 的人选择在夜晚自制鸡尾酒 —— 这一比例几乎是五年前的两倍。他们甚至可能在杜克斯酒吧花 25 英镑(33 美元)买一杯马天尼,让调酒师按照他们的要求在桌边调制,然后变戏法般地倒入冰冷的玻璃杯中。这是一种充满历史的仪式 —— 也适合在 Instagram 上分享。#干杯!


  1. chilled gin /tʃɪld dʒɪn/ 冰镇杜松子酒。
  2. vermouth /ˈvɜːməθ/ 苦艾酒。
  3. booze /buːz/ 酒;烈酒。例句:He had too much booze last night.(他昨晚喝了太多酒。)
  4. extoll /ɪkˈstəʊl/ 赞美;颂扬。例句:He extolled the virtues of the new product.(他赞美了新产品的优点。)
  5. macho tipple /ˈmætʃəʊ ˈtɪpl/ 充满男子气概的烈酒。
  6. boozy /ˈbuːzi/ 嗜酒的;有酒意的。例句:They had a boozy night.(他们度过了一个有酒意的夜晚。)
  7. prism /ˈprɪzəm/ 棱镜;折射物。例句:The prism refracts light.(棱镜使光折射。)
  8. froth /frɔːθ/ 起泡沫;生泡沫。例句:The beer froths up when it is poured.(啤酒倒出来的时候会起泡沫。)
  9. garnish /ˈɡɑːnɪʃ/ 装饰;给…… 加配菜。例句:The dish is garnished with parsley.(这道菜用欧芹装饰。)
  10. citrus rind /ˈsɪtrəs raɪnd/ 柑橘皮。例句:She used citrus rind to add flavor to the dish.(她用柑橘皮给这道菜增添风味。)
  11. olive brine /ˈɒlɪv braɪn/ 橄榄盐水。例句:Some people like to use olive brine in their cocktails.(有些人喜欢在鸡尾酒中使用橄榄盐水。)
  12. quadrillion /kwɒˈdrɪljən/ (美、法)一万亿;(英、德)百万的四次方。例句:The national debt has reached several quadrillion dollars.(国债已达数万亿。此例句仅为方便理解,现实中的国债数额通常不会达到 quadrillion 级别。)
  13. riff on /rɪf ɒn/ 以…… 为主题即兴演奏;围绕…… 发挥。例句:The comedian riffed on current events to get big laughs from the audience.(这位喜剧演员围绕时事进行即兴发挥,引得观众哄堂大笑。)
