Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words given below. Use each word once only, and change the word form where necessary.
denigration cancellation circle legality tank
The US House of Representatives passed the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO) Certification Act on Sept 10. The act __1___ Hong Kong's laws on safeguarding national security and smears Hong Kong's human rights situation, maliciously slanders the ___2___ and legitimate purpose of implementing the Hong Kong National Security Law and the National Security Ordinance, and clamors for the __3___ of the legal rights and even the closure of the HKETOs. The Hong Kong SAR government has established 14 HKETOs around the world, including three in the United States — in New York, Washington and San Francisco. The HKETOs established in the US maintain close ties with local government departments, business __4___, think __5___ and people from different sectors with the aim of strengthening exchanges between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the US.
另外还有一种“鞋”:white shoe,字面意思白鞋,它与股票的发行无关,而是指那些拥有或者经营大公司的上流社会成员,如white shoe banker(上流银行家)。white shoe—词产生于20世纪的70~80年代。当时在美国的一些城郊地区,男士们喜欢穿白鞋参加某些“较正式”(moderately formal)的活动,而且这种穿着相当流行。人们就戏称这些俨然的上流人士为white shoes,并逐渐用来指代“较成功的商业人士”。
float v. 是指公司股票上市的过程。经申请、批准,公司的股票(或其他证券)在证券交易所公开进行交易,即开始上市流通,或称“实现上市”(get listed/quoted/floated)、“公开上市”。这一过程就称为flotation(上市)。“上市公司”一般称为listed company或quoted company,面floated company比较侧重于“上市”这一过程本身,即“被拿去上市的公司”。
quotation/flotation price是指上市时的价格,由于多数IPO与上市是同步进行的(我国全部同步),所以也可翻译为“发行价”,近似等于offering price。
“在某—证券交易所上市”,英语表达是be listed/traded on(an exchange),相应的名词形式是listing/trading on(an exchange).
退出在某一交易所上市,即退市的英文是delist from(an exchange)或pull listing off(an exchange)或withdrawing。
第15章 证券交易
我们所称的证券交易所(简称证交所)在英交中对应的是Stock Exchange,而不是 Securities Exchange,翻译时应注意,否则会贻笑大方的(不过大阪证交所是这样的)。如“美国证交所”为American Stock Exchange(简称Amex),“纽约证交所”为New York Stock Exchange(NYSE),“东京证交所”(Tokyo Stock Exchange),“香港联交所”(香港联合证券交易所,它是由香港证交所、远东证交所、金银证交所和九龙证交所合并而成,因此加“联合”二字)英文名称为the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong。另外,英文报纸在报道前一日各证交所的交易情况时,一般只用各证交所的名称(大写并加黑),而省去Stock Exchange 二字,翻译时也可不译出。
很多国家除了设立有主板市场(main board/exchange,或称一板市场)外,还设有二板市场(second board)。二板市场在有的国家是独立的市场,如美国的纳斯达克市场;有的是主板市场的附属交易场所,如伦敦证券交易所下设的AIM市场。关于二板市场,我们将在下一章详细介绍。
Big Board是不同于Main Board和Second Board的概念。Big Board是纽约证券交易所(New York Stock Exchange,NYSE)的别称,因此可直接译为“纽约证交所”。