不用逼自己看完这篇文章,立刻就去发表白信息给自己喜欢但又不敢联系的人,或是逼自己去和别人大聊特聊,先明白改变从来不易,尝试do something small. 一步一步的重建你开始敢于主动联系他人的信心。 不如先从和我打个招呼开始吧? 「来测测你的自尊水平」 原价:69.9元限时三天免费长按扫码免费测试👆 参考文献————————Harter, S. 1993. Causes and Consequences ofLow Self-esteem in Children and Adolescents. In Baumeister, R.F. (Ed.)Self-Esteem: The Puzzle of Low Self-regard (pp. 87-116). Mruk, C. (1995). Self-Esteem: Research,Theory, and Practice. Springer.Guindon, M. H. (2002). TowardAccountability in the Use of the Self‐Esteem Construct.Journal of Counseling & Development, 80(2), 204-214.Robins, R.W., Trzesniewski, K.H., Tracy,J.L., Gosling, S.D., & Potter, J. (2002). Global self-esteem across thelifespan. Psychology and Aging, 17, 423-434. ▽ 点击阅读原文,免费领取测试