重磅直通 | 单方面免签政策常见问题解答

文摘   2024-12-01 00:06   英国  



Who does the visa waiver apply to?


Nationals of 38 countries including Brunei, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Holland, Malaysia, Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Australia, Poland, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia, Slovakia, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Korea, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Malta, Estonia, Latvia, Japan holding valid ordinary passports can be exempted from visa requirement if entering into China for the purpose of business, tourism, family or friends visits, exchange and transit. They can stay in China for no more than 30 days without visa.



Do foreign nationals eligible for a visa waiver need to make declarations to Chinese embassies and consulates in advance?


Foreign nationals eligible for a visa waiver do not need to declare in advance to Chinese embassies and consulates before entering China without a visa.



Will the purpose of intended stay in China be examined by Chinese border inspection authorities when entering China? How will it be done? Are other documents needed for entering China in addition to a passport?


Foreign nationals traveling for purposes of business, tourism, family or friends visits,exchange and transit that meet the visa waiver requirements can be allowed to enter China without a visa upon examination and approval in accordance with law by border inspection authorities. Entry into China shall be denied by border inspection authorities in accordance with law to foreign nationals who travel for purposes that do not meet the visa waiver requirements or who are not allowed to enter China in accordance with laws and regulations. It is recommended to take documents such as invitation letters, air tickets and reservations of accommodation as a proof corresponding to the purposes of entry into China. Visa waiver does not apply to those who come to China for work, study, journalistic or alike purposes.



Is there any additional requirement for minors eligible for a visa waiver?


Visa waiver requirements for minors are the same as for adults.



Are there any requirements on the type and validity of entry documents?


For foreign nationals, an ordinary passport valid for at least the duration of intended stay in China is needed. Holders of travel documents or temporary or emergency documents other than ordinary passports are not allowed to enter into China without a visa.



How to calculate the duration of stay of 30 days?


Foreign nationals eligible for a visa waiver may stay in China continuously without a visa from the date of entry to the 30th calendar day until 24:00.



Does the visa waiver apply to foreign nationals who travel from a third country?


Eligible foreign nationals can depart for China from any country or region.



Does the visa waiver apply to foreign nationals who travel by forms of transport other than aviation?


The visa waiver applies to all travelers coming to China through any sea, road and air port open to foreign nationals (except where laws, regulations and bilateral arrangements specify otherwise). For arrivals in China by private transport, certain procedures for entry and exit of means of transport shall be processed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of China.



Does the visa waiver apply to tour groups?


The visa waiver applies to eligible foreign nationals either in tour groups or as individuals.



If the length of intended stay exceeds 30 days, can the visa waiver be extended?


Foreign nationals planning to stay in China for over 30 days shall apply for visas corresponding to their purposes of stay in advance at Chinese embassies or consulates. If they have to stay longer than 30 days for appropriate and sufficient reasons after entering China without a visa, they shall apply for stay permits to the exit and entry administrations of public security authorities of China.



Does the visa waiver allow multiple entries? Is there any requirement on the length of intervals between each entry, or any restriction on the number of entries without a visa or total days of stay?


Foreign nationals eligible for the visa waiver can enter China without a visa for multiple times. Currently there is no restriction on the number of entries or total days of stay, but those who enjoy visa-free travel to China shall not engage in activities inconsistent with their purposes of entry.  




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