
幽默   2024-09-13 07:01   河南  

南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)以对乔·拜登(Joe Biden)总统的感激之情开始了她的大会演讲,尽管她对拜登竞选活动的怀疑导致了他结束连任努力的压力。



这个时刻避开了哈里斯成为民主党候选人的富有挑战性的对话,这一戏剧性的举动在党内激起了一种兴奋和乐观的情绪,认为自己有机会击败共和党人唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)。

大会 convention

感觉 sense

感激 gratitude 

怀疑 doubts

助长 fed

压力 pressures

再选 reelection

努力 effort

Nancy Pelosi opened her convention speech with a sense of gratitude for President Joe Biden, even after her doubts about his campaign fed into the pressures that led him to end his reelection effort.

立法的 legislative 

成就 legislative 

“Thank you, Joe,” Pelosi said after going through Biden’s legislative achievements.

前众议院长  the former House speaker

议长 speaker

高度 heights

Then the former House speaker added, “I know that Vice President Harris is ready to take us to new heights.”

回避 sidestepped

对话 conversation

民主党的 democratic

候选人 nominee

戏剧性的 dramatic

催化 catalyzed

兴奋 excitement

乐观 optimism

迎战 against

共和党人 Republican

It was a moment that sidestepped the challenging conversation that led to Harris becoming the Democratic nominee, a dramatic act that catalyzed a sense of excitement and optimism in the party about its chances against Republican Donald Trump.
