
幽默   2024-09-13 22:15   河南  


对她来说,这需要强硬的同理心,正是这种同理心引导民主党人做出了艰难的投票,比如对《合理医疗费用法案》(Affordable Care Act)的投票,尽管该法案最终很受欢迎,但在当时似乎很冒险。

一拳 punch

大约  roughly

“You have to be able to take a punch, you have to be able to throw a punch … for the children,” she said to laughter from the crowd of roughly 350.

拳击手 boxer

本能 instincts 

保卫 defend

脆弱的 vulnerable

见解 views

坚韧的 tough

共鸣 empathy

平价医疗法案 the Affordable Care Act

负担得起的 Affordable

法案 Act

危险的 risky

最终的 ultimate

受欢迎 popularity

To her, it requires tough empathy that has guided Democrats to make tough votes such as for the Affordable Care Act, which seemed risky at the moment despite its ultimate popularity.
