
幽默   2024-09-13 21:16   河南  

然而,佩洛西所做的是代表她所领导的多元化议员向总统提供了清晰的信息,直到几年前,纽约州民主党众议员哈基姆·杰弗里斯(Hakeem Jeffries)才离开白宫成为众议院民主党领袖。



清晰易懂 clarity

代表 behalf

不同的 diverse

直到 until

Yet what Pelosi did do was provide clarity to the president on behalf of the diverse lawmakers that she led until a few years ago, when Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., became the Democratic leader in the House.

赞扬 credit

Slotkin and other Democrats credit Jeffries as well for how he represents them. 

人物 figure

头衔 title

荣誉退休的 emerita

反对者  foes

无与伦比 unparalleled

场景 scenes

幕后 behind the scenes

But Pelosi remains a figure on her own with a new title, “speaker emerita,” and a belief shared by friends and foes alike that she has unparalleled influence behind the scenes.
