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 Drink the strongest wine and dance the wildest dance 

Simone de Beauvoir



9 January 1908-14 April 1986


■ 一种没有雄心也没有激情的金光闪闪的平庸,漫无目的,无限地周而复始的日子,缓缓地滑向死亡,不寻思原因的生活。原封不动地保存和重复世界,看来既不可取,也不可能。

A golden mediocrity without ambition or passion, an aimless, endless cycle of days that slowly slide towards death, a life without a cause in mind. Preserving and repeating the world as it is seems neither desirable nor possible.

■ 女性是第二性,排除在男性以外的“他者”。权力归于男性,女性仅仅是附庸。附庸的庇护来自权力,歧视也来自于权力。事实就是如此,谁家生了女儿也还是叹惋一阵儿。连在性交中,女性都是处于被动和守势,像个容器,收纳男性的欲望。

Women are the second sex, the "other" except men. Power is vested in men, and women are merely vassals. The patronage of the vassal comes from power, discrimination also comes from power. It was so, who gave birth to a daughter or sigh son. Even in sexual intercourse, women are passive and defensive, like containers for male desire.

■ 男人的极大幸运在于,他,不论在成年还是在小时候,必须踏上一条极为艰苦的道路,不过这是一条最可靠的道路;女人的不幸则在于被几乎不可抗拒的诱惑包围着;她不被要求奋发向上,只被鼓励滑下去到达极乐。当她发觉自己被海市蜃楼愚弄时,已经为时太晚,她的力量在失败的冒险中已被耗尽。

The great fortune of a man is that he, in his manhood and in his childhood, must embark on an exceedingly hard road, but it is the surest road; The misfortune of a woman is to be surrounded by an almost irresistible temptation; She was not asked to rise, only encouraged to slide down to bliss. When she found herself fooled by a mirage, it was too late, and her strength had been exhausted in a failed venture.

■ 无数的女人都在反复重复着这样的生活方式--无聊、期待和失望。即使是自恋者,也包含着想被别人欣赏的意味。

Countless women repeat this lifestyle over and over again -- boredom, expectation, and disappointment. Even narcissists have feelings of wanting to be appreciated.

■ 一个女人如果“功成名就”,如果在某种真正的职业当中,如在戏剧,音乐,舞蹈当中被承认是一个天才,便会摆脱高级妓女的地位。她能够懂得真正的独立,但是大多数人一生都处于不安定的地位,她们永远需要重新勾引大众和男人。

If a woman is "successful," if she is recognized as a genius in some real profession, like drama, music, or dance, she will get rid of her status as a high-class prostitute. She can understand true independence, but most people are in a precarious position throughout their lives, and they will always need to reengage with the public and men.

■ 一种徒有其表却无抱负和热情的平庸,一种周而复始重复着的漫无目的的日子,一种渐渐走向死亡却不问及其目的的生命——这就是他们所谓的“幸福”。

An apparent mediocrity without ambition or passion, a kind of aimless life that repeats itself over and over again, a life that gradually goes to death without its purpose -- this is what they call happiness.

■ 我渴望能见你一面,但请你记得,我不会开口要求要见你。这不是因为骄傲,你知道我在你面前毫无骄傲可言,而是因为,唯有你也想见我的时候,我们见面才有意义。

I'm dying to see you, but remember, I won't ask to see you. Not because of pride, you know I have no pride in front of you, but because, only when you also want to see me, we meet is meaningful.

■ 我和所有人一样,一半是同谋,一半是受害者。

I'm half an accomplice, half a victim, like everyone else.

■ 需要很多力量,很多傲气,或者很多爱,才能相信人的行动是有价值的,相信生命胜过死亡。

It takes a lot of strength, a lot of pride, or a lot of love to believe that a person's actions are worthy, that life is better than death.

■ 我们依靠回忆、希望、距离、信件彼此相爱。我们能使这爱情成为幸福的人世间的爱吗?我们一定要做到。我相信我们会的,然而不容易。纳尔逊,我爱你。如果我不能把生命也给你的话,我值得你爱吗?我试图向你解释,我不能把生命全都交给你。你能理解吗?你不会有丝毫怨恨吗?永远不会吗?你会永远相信我给予你的真正是爱情?也许我不该这么提问,这么尖锐地提出问题使我痛苦。但是我无法躲避,我也问自己。我不能对你说谎,不能隐瞒什么。这两个月来我心中非常不安,这个问题一直缠绕在我心头,使我痛苦。既想把自己献给另一人,但又不愿全部给予,这样做对吗?我能爱他,对他说我爱他,而在他要求我把全部生命都给他时我又做不到,能这样吗?

We rely on memories, hopes, distance and letters to love each other. Can we make this love the love of a happy world? We must do it. I'm sure we will, but it won't be easy. Nelson, I love you. If I can't give you my life, am I worthy of your love? I tried to explain that I couldn't give my life to you. Do you understand? Don't you hold any grudge? Never? Will you always believe that what I give you is true love? Maybe I shouldn't have asked so many questions. But I couldn't avoid it, I asked myself. I can't lie to you. I can't hide anything. I've been very upset for the past two months. The problem has been haunting me and causing me pain. Is it right to want to give yourself to another person without wanting to give everything? Can I love him, tell him I love him, and not be able to when he asks me to give him my whole life?

西蒙·波伏娃的个人经历比任何文学虚构所能达到的程度更丰富更复杂更精彩。历史上,还从未有过哪位女性,能像她这样在那么多的领域获得赫然的座席、赢得震耳的名声:现代妇女运动最早的权威理论家;现代存在主义思潮的发起者之一;龚古尔文学大奖获得者;圣西门式的传记家;激进的左派人士;社会主义阵营的朋友;惊世骇俗的才女 ......法国的两届总统密特朗和希拉克,都把她的才华和成就引为法兰西的骄傲。


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