从工业废地变身上海翡翠项链:长宁苏河,活力新生 | Suzhou Creek, Shanghai

学术   2024-09-28 13:28   中国  


Changning Suzhou Creek - from industrial wasteland to Shanghai’s emerald necklace 


Suzhou Creek is a preeminent river of Shanghai, connecting the city to major inland cities and the national canal network. It records the city’s rich and evolving history. In the early twentieth century industrialization brought rapid development to Shanghai, but its waterways were used as drains and suffered serious environmental degradation. Since the 1990’s the river precincts have been subject to another transformation: industry has been replaced by high-density residential and commercial development, along with all manner of supporting city programs. The water pollution has been dramatically reduced and the city no longer turns it back upon it. A continuous landscape band now follows the river connecting tens of new parks and providing Shanghai with a crucial metropolitan element.

BAU建筑城市设计事务所从2008年2月开始,便开始为长达11. 2公里的苏州河长宁段制定景观总体规划,提出建立连续、有效的景观网络和生态网络,系统性地整合多元的社会和生态功能。规划中包含十个不同公司设计的新线性公园,BAU作为滨水设计总体控制,对每个公园提供规划策略及建议,以确保长宁区城市规模的设计雄心得以实现。

Changning Municipality has a 11.2 km frontage along Suzhou Creek. In February 2008 BAU commenced work developing the Changning landscape masterplan. After fifteen years of continued effort the river edge design has come to fruition. Ten new lineal parks were identified in the masterplan, to be designed by various companies. BAU provided guidelines for each park to ensure the ambition of a city scale intervention would be achieved; the whole was to be greater than the sum of its parts. 



Continuity of space and access was key. Each park was required to have a jogging track that connected to the adjacent park’s designated track. This was Shanghai’s first jogging path in a public parkland. Its popularity led to jogging paths becoming a standard element in new park design in Shanghai and beyond.


BAU‘s primary ambition for the project was for the river edge to become a public space. This would mean years of negotiation with many landowners fronting the water. At first the client thought it was a bridge too far. Year by year however their conviction grew. The past fourteen years has seen successful negotiations with all landowners, from housing communities to universities. A public passage of minimum three meters wide welcomes the public along the river’s edge. This thread connects nodes of various scales and types of public spaces.



BAU were commissioned to carry out the detailed design of four of the ten lineal parks, as well as several kilometers of road landscapes and river edge pathways. Based on BAU’s concept of Networks Cities, a city of hyper-connectivity, inclusiveness, BAU has incorporated the historical past, the present, and future activities into a flexible network. Importantly BAU has prioritized the establishment of an ecological network, envisioning Suzhou Creek as an ecologically rich urban space connecting vegetation, terrain and water. BAU developed a system of recreational networks connecting back to Suzhou Creek. It connects scattered green spaces via accessible running tracks and bridges, and incorporates fitness stations, resting areas, and cultural hubs along the way. The design approach has served as a model and benchmark for Chinese parks since the first elements were completed in 2008.


The 11.2-kilometer-long Changning Suzhou Creek was fully completed and opened to the public in 2021, becoming a vibrant and culturally unique waterfront space. Changning District’s vision, a myriad of consultants input,and BAU's design philosophy and practice have transformed the Changning Suzhou Creek into a shared open space that is embraced and celebrated by the local community. The ambition to unravel and replace the tangle of ownership, industrial squalor, and pollution with dynamic, inclusive, and cohesive environments for its residents to thrive in has become a reality.





Location: Linhong Road to Tongxie Road, Changning District

Year of completion: 2018


Linkong Skate Park is in the waterfront green band of the Linkong industrial park on Suzhou Creek. Unlike other areas along the river in Changning District, Lingkong Skate Park mainly targets young employees working in the nearby industries.


This is a park with skaters in mind – they can travel the entire length of the park without stepping off their skateboard, and access 7 different levels of dedicated skateboarding areas on the way, including six types of beginner training zones, one large professional zone and different obstacle types. The large skatepark is a competition park for different skill levels that combines a street skate area with ramps 0.9 - 1.8m in height as well as bowl skate areas of 1.5 - 2.5 m depth. 

我们邀请了澳大利亚Sk8scapes的滑板专家Brad Shaw,参与从设计图纸到施工落地的全过程。整个公园的硬质场地、下沉式观众席及专业运动赛事照明等均是按照滑板运动的专业要求来设计、选材和施工的。开放的草坪、避雨亭、亲水空间、植物搭配,也与滑板公园的设计相协调,为人们创造了一个休闲放松的环境。

Australian skate park specialist Brad Shaw of Sk8scapes has been involved in the process from design to fruition. The fields, stepped seats, and lighting are designed, selected and constructed in consultation with the skate specialist. The open lawn, pavilions, rain retention swales, and planting locations coordinate with the design of the skate park, creating a relaxing context for all.


Adjacent to the skate park, but submerged under the landscape, lies a surprising building. Four organic courtyards open the building to the light and air. Access to the building is via a two-story café pavilion, raised above the ground like the sail of a submarine. The building provides a headquarters for organising competitions, and for teaching and equipping the new generation of Chinese skaters.


Linkong Skate Park has become a popular destination Changning district. It organically integrates extreme sport with landscape and passive leisure. It provides the lineal river park with a dynamic and vibrant focus, far away from busy city roads.

长宁苏州河沿线景观是多个理念的清晰表达。这些设计理念就像城市本身一样,是对一系列共存的思考。在苏州河沿线景观的设计中,我们提供了一个有效的景观框架,这种方法不仅丰富了文化活动,还增加了城市景观的适应性,为市民带来多样、强烈的文化体验。长宁苏河带状公园, 一个充满活力的、动态的、灵活的,并具有场所精神的滨水文化景观,已成为上海这座城市多元、包容和开放的缩影,向世界展示其独有的魅力。

The Changning Suzhou Creek landscapes are a clear expression of many ideals. Like the city itself, these ideals are found as co-existing programs, forms and expressions. The design approach of providing an effective landscape framework, with a focus on adaptability, enables many design teams to deliver coordinated continuity and programming whilst enabling diversity.  It not only enables a variety of cultural activities, but also brings surprising, intense community experiences to citizens. The Changning Suzhou Creek park ribbon is a vibrant, dynamic and flexible waterfront cultural landscape with a powerful spirit of place. It is the epitome of cosmopolitan Shanghai: diverse, inclusive and open.





Location: Hongqiao Riverside Leisure Park, Gubei Road to Hami Road, Changning District

Year of completion: 2010


Just prior to the start of the Suzhou Creek Promenade project a concrete flood barrier had been constructed along the length of the river. This resulted in a sidewalk squeezed uncomfortably between seven lanes of traffic and a concrete wall blocking all views of the river. By raising the level of the riverside sidewalk higher than the flood barrier, pedestrians gain river views, and have vertical separation from the arterial traffic. In this space between the road and river, plants and trees further screen the traffic and, along with the warm timber decking surface, enhance the riverside character.


The wave form of the riverside balustrade has become a major landmark in the area. It smoothly integrates seating, elbow height leaning ledges, and areas cantilevered over the river allowing views into the water. The frequency of the wave provides a kinetic sculptural experience for those passing-by on both land and water. Despite being a very narrow space this project provides 3.5km of new river edge and sidewalk that not only provides safety for pedestrians, but also becomes a major link in the city’s public open space network.





Location: Intersection of Beizhai Road and Jianhe Road, Changning District

Year of completion: 2010


The project includes the renovation of Fengling Park and it’s pavilions, and the creation of a new children’s playground. In recognition of Suzhou Creek’s historical role as a shipping route, this playground integrates components of a former cargo ship into its fabric. A life boat, bollards, and part of a steel hull have been salvaged from a ship wrecking yard in nearby Jiangsu province. Then transported down the Yangtze River and up Suzhou Creek and craned into place these provide a sculptural, historical and sustainable play place.





Location: Furongjiang Road to Weining Road, Changning District

Year of completion: 2010


This project is the development of three narrow parks between the new high-density housing edge and the riverside arterial road. These three 200m long parks are the first of ten along this stretch of Changning Road. Rather than passive isolated buffers, these green spaces are now designed as one active linear park encouraging residents to leave their enclaves to explore and partake in their new wider community and environment.



BAU has enhanced the landscape design along the Shanghai Suzhou Creek. To overcome the visual barrier of the road and flood-wall, a 400m long elevated walkway weaves its way through existing tree tops to provide users with a variety of views of the river, the park, and the surrounding district.


It also incorporates a 20m viewing tower, a kiosk, rain shelters, office space and a café-tea house. Where the walkway spans a major city road it is wrapped in a screen that is formally inspired by the river’s most distinctive indigenous fish – becoming not only a major landmark for the area but potentially a primary symbol of the project.

本文为 BAU建筑城市设计 授权 建筑联盟 发布

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