药通中国春季路演公司介绍 Part 2

学术   2024-05-14 11:21   上海  





药通中国春季路演公司介绍 Part 1

15日上午   海外创新药授权路演专场·公司介绍


CEFObio, founded in 2011 with the long-term research experiences and know-hows on cells, is focusing on developing the new drugs as the fundamental cell therapy agents for thecell regeneration and the incurable diseases that have been doctorless until now. CEFObio is currently conducting the clinical trials with its most advanced pipeline for the osteogenic differentiation cell therapy agent that induces the patient's own bone regeneration and is aiming for the approval as the world's first stem cell therapy agent to have proved the bone regeneration mechanism. For the next pipeline, the company is developing the anti-cancer NK cell therapy agent that has almost no side effects and enables the complete cure as the cell therapy agent that utilizes the human immune system. Global biotrends are slowly moving towards the cell and gene therapies.

Cytimm Therapeutics是位于圣地亚哥的临床阶段生物制药公司。该公司专注于开发具有一线潜力的创新IL-2基因疗法,用于治疗癌症、神经退行性疾病和自身免疫性疾病。Cytimm利用创新技术解耦IL-2的两种相反功能,开发了两种专有的IL-2基因疗法药物,CTM103和CTM201,各自针对一系列疾病:CTM103主要针对实体瘤,包括肺癌、黑色素瘤、乳腺癌、卵巢癌、胰腺癌、肉瘤、结肠癌和膀胱癌;CTM201主要针对全身性红斑狼疮(SLE)、银屑病、溃疡性结肠炎(UC)、特应性皮炎、肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)、阿尔茨海默病和帕金森病。

Cytimm Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company located in San Diego.  The company is focusing on the development of innovative IL-2 based therapies with First-In-Class potential for cancer, neurodegenerative and autoimmune diseases. Cytimm uses innovative technologies to decouple the two opposite functions of IL-2 and developed two proprietary IL-2 based drugs, CTM103 and CTM201, each targets a spectrum of diseases: CTM103 targets solid tumors including Lung Cancer, Melanoma, Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Sarcoma, Colon Cancer, Bladder Cancer; CTM201 targets Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Psoriasis, Ulcerative Colitis (UC), Atopic Dermatitis, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson's disease. These two “pipeline-in-a-product” assets have the potential to make tremendous impacts, both socially and commercially.

Camurus 是一家总部位于瑞典的制药公司,致力于开发和商业化治疗严重和慢性疾病的长效创新药物。基于独特的FluidCrystal®药物递送技术和丰富的研发经验,公司开发出具有一流潜力的新药产品。Camurus 的临床管线布局包括依赖症、疼痛、癌症和内分泌疾病。产品管线内部开发与国际制药公司合作开发并行。

Camurus is a Swedish science-led pharmaceutical company committed to developing and commercializing innovative and long-acting medicines for the treatment of severe and chronic diseases. New medicinal products with best-in-class potential are conceived based on the company’s proprietary FluidCrystal® drug delivery technologies and its extensive R&D expertise. Camurus’ clinical pipeline includes products for the treatment of dependence, pain, cancer and endocrine diseases, which are developed in-house and in collaboration with international pharmaceutical companies.


J2H is a developer of synthetic drugs designed to provide medicines to contribute to the health of mankind. The company's drugs focus on the improvement of the oral absorption rate of drugs and the use of patient-linked systems to allow generic drugs for rare intractable diseases, infectious diseases and liver diseases, enabling doctors to present differentiated therapeutic alternatives to their patients.


Latticon Biopharma is a biotechnology company focusing on the fields of tumor immunotherapy and autoimmune diseases. Utilizing its independently developed and globally unique complementary bispecific antibody technology and immunocyte redirection bispecific antibody technology, Latticon Biopharmaceuticals is dedicated to developing biologic macromolecule drugs with higher safety, better clinical efficacy, and global intellectual property rights to address unmet clinical needs. The company has completed the conceptual validation of candidate drug molecules for six FIC projects to date and has submitted patent applications. It is expected that multiple projects will enter clinical development stages successively in the next two years.


E-nitiate Biopharmaceuticals is funded in 2020, which is an innovative pharmaceutical company focused on innovative drugs for autoimmune diseases, developing breakthrough drugs through independent research and development paired with strategic collaborations, dedicated to solving the unmet needs of patients and improving the quality of human life. The company's globally patented Class I innovative drugs QY201, QY101,QY211 have been rapidly advanced to different clinical stages in different indications, and IND filings for multiple additional indications are imminent. By focusing on the unmet medical needs of patients, independently developing highly differentiated molecules, with streamline focus, the company strives to become a leader in the development of innovative drugs for autoimmune diseases.


Aomo Pharma Inc. (the US branch of Adamerck) is a biotechnology company cofound by Ph.D. Youmao Qi and Qing Jie in 2000. Based on proprietary technology platform AMCDx, Aomo applies scientific expertise to develop and commercialize high-quality innovative drugs to meet unmet clinical needs. The company has a pipeline of more than 10 first-in-class drug candidates under development in anesthesia, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancers. Adamgammadex (Aom0498) is one of all patented drug products, which is a best-in-class selective neuromuscular reversal agent. Two phase III pivotal clinical trials of adamgammadex in China have been completed and the NDA approval is expected to be received in China in 2024.

轶诺药业专注首创新药研发,聚焦免疫和炎症通路;充分利用对复杂疾病信号网络的系统生物学平台能力,提出创新靶标和干预策略,开发差异化产品。可合作管线包括:针对心脏手术相关性急性肾损伤(CSA-AKI)的高选择性小分子抑制剂(Ph2 ready)、突破性口服治疗糖尿病眼底疾病的药物(Ph2 ready)、用于治疗IBD的新型共药化合物(Ph1)、双靶点全新机制治疗炎症性皮肤病药物(IND)等。

Ennovabio is aiming at immunology and metabolic complications. Leveraging the capabilities of the systems biology platform for complex disease signaling networks, innovative target and intervention strategies are proposed to develop differentiated products. Potential collaborative opportunities include highly selective small molecule inhibitors (Ph2 ready) targeting acute kidney injury associated with cardiac surgery (CSA-AKI), breakthrough oral therapy for diabetic retinopathy (Ph2 ready), novel combination compounds for treating IBD (Ph1), and dual-target novel mechanism therapy for inflammatory skin diseases (IND).

Radiopharm Theranostics有志成为放射性药物制剂开发领域的知名领导者,为高度未满足医疗需求领域的诊断和治疗目的提供放射性药物制品。Radiopharmaceuticals是安全并具有放射性的药物,可用作诊断或治疗工具。患者只需血液注射非常少量的安全放射性药物。该公司拥有包括Nano-mAbs、pivalate、PSA-mAb、AVβ6整合素、DUNP19和PTPµ在内的多个强大技术平台。

Radiopharm Theranostics has the ambition to become a recognised leader in the development of radiopharmaceutical products for both diagnostic and therapeutic uses in areas of high unmet medical needs. Radiopharmaceuticals are safe radioactive drugs that can be used as diagnostic or therapeutic tools. Patients are given a very small amount of safe radioactive medication injected into the blood stream. The company possesses powerful technological platforms including Nano-mAbs, pivalate, PSA-mAb, AVβ6 integrin, DUNP19, and PTPµ.


Kanglin biotech has set itself the goal of developing first-in-class and best-in-class gene therapies. Guided by scientific innovation, their aspiration is very simple, to make good medicine for patients. The company is currently developing gene therapies for devastating diseases such as β-thalassemia, Parkinson’s disease, AIDS, hemophilia and others. Years of dedicated research and development have yielded initial results. Kanglin’s AIDS functional cure project has received support from the National Science and Technology Major Project as well as the Key Research and Development Projects of Zhejiang Province. Exploratory trials of their investigational β-thalassemia candidate have shown promising results, generating efficacy and safety data that indicates best-in-class potential.


CommBio Therapeutics, a trailblazer in the field of Bacterial Vector Gene Therapy and Recombinant Live Biotherapeutic Products (LBPs), is revolutionizing the future of medicine by harnessing the power of genetically engineered bacteria to address complex diseases and promote daily health. With its headquarter in Zhangjiang Pharma Valley, Shanghai, CommBio has established end-to-end technology platform and robust pipeline of therapeutic candidates for metabolic and inflammatory immune diseases.


NeuDreamer is dedicated to alleviating the sleep challenges faced by one hundred million individuals in the US, ensuring that everyone can enjoy restful sleep effortlessly. Leveraging this opportunity, the company aspires to pioneer early prevention and treatment strategies for Alzheimer's disease, confronting the century-long obstacle of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases.

ACCESS CHINA药通中国持续助力中国创新药全球BD,特举办本次“ACCESS CHINA 药通中国交易合作论坛2024”。诚邀您的加入!






关于雅法资本(YAFO Capital)

雅法资本成立于2013年,作为新型投资和投行咨询机构,致力于中国及海外生物医药项目的投资、融资服务、产品引进和资产孵化等。雅法在生物医药跨境授权及并购业务领域过往三年交易数量排名第一。旗下雅法基金联合药企进行资产投资和并购,雅法全球医疗专注于医药产品跨境及国内授权交易。基于雅法在全球广泛的人脉与资源网络,在过去十年成功推进了大量的海外项目进入中国市场并协助多个中国产品完成海外授权。雅法拥有经验丰富的全球交易团队,覆盖美国、日本 、欧洲等全球主要医药创新区域。核心合伙人均为华尔街资深投行人士或具有跨国药企经历,为客户交易提供强力支持。雅法总部位于上海,在伦敦、洛杉矶、东京、米兰、剑桥等地均设有分部。

Founded in 2013, YAFO Capital is a Shanghai based boutique investment and advisory firm, with professional team in our China, U.S., and London offices. Partnering with Pharmaceutical companies, YAFO Fund mainly invests in global assets. YAFO Life Sciences is a leading advisory boutique focused on asset transactions. YAFO has built a strong proven track record and closed dozens of in-licensing and out-licensing transactions with global pharma and biotech companies. YAFO has been ranked as the No. 1 advisor for China cross border licensing transactions in the past three years.  For more information, please visit www.yafocapital.com


Event Name: ACCESS CHINA Networking&Gathering @BIO

Date & Time: June 2-6, 2024

Venue: San Diego

Content:  Reception, 1X1 meeting

Participants: Pharma/Biotech senior management and BDs.

Registration Link: https://jinshuju.net/f/AqkB9m?x_field_1=BIO
