国际市场上,6月份共签署了28项资产授权和合作协议。最大的一笔交易是QurAlis与与Eli Lilly之间就前者多个临床前资产达成的授权交易,首付款4500万美元,总金额6.22亿美元。
In June, a total of 36 licensing and cooperation deals were signed globally, marking a significant decrease compared to the previous month. Within the China Biotech Industry, 8 deals were signed: specifically, 5 out-licensing deals, 2 domestic licensing deals, and 1 acquisition deal. The most notable deal of the month is the out-licensing agreement between FuturegenBiopharm and AbbVie, valued at $1,710 million, which includes an upfront payment of $150 million.
On a global scale, 28 licensing and cooperation deals were signed. The most significant of these is the license and investment deal between QurAlis and Eli Lilly for pre-clinical stage assets, valued at $622 million, with an upfront payment of $45 million.
2b. Domestic Licensing Deals
雅法资本成立于2013年,作为新型投资和投行咨询机构,致力于中国及海外生物医药项目的投融资、资产跨境交易和资产孵化等。旗下雅法基金联合药企进行资产投资和并购,雅法全球医疗专注于医药产品跨境及国内授权交易。基于雅法在全球广泛的人脉与资源网络,在过去十年成功推进了大量的海外项目进入中国市场并协助多个中国产品完成海外授权。雅法拥有经验丰富的全球交易团队,覆盖美国、日本 、欧洲等全球主要医药创新区域。核心合伙人均为华尔街资深投行人士或具有跨国药企经历,为客户交易提供强力支持。雅法总部位于上海,在美国、欧洲、东南亚等地均设有分部。雅法在生物医药跨境授权及并购业务交易数量连续多年排名第一。
About YAFO Capital
Founded in 2013, YAFO Capital is a Shanghai based boutique investment and advisory firm, with professional team in our China, U.S., EU and SEA offices. Partnering with Pharmaceutical companies, YAFO Fund mainly invests in global assets. YAFO Life Sciences is a leading advisory boutique focused on asset transactions. YAFO has built a strong proven track record and closed dozens of in-licensing and out-licensing transactions with global pharma and biotech companies. Over the past five years, YAFO has been ranked as the No. 1 advisor for China cross border licensing transactions. For more information, please visit www.yafocapital.com
Event Name: ACCESS CHINA Networking & Gathering @BIO