aBIOTECH直播倒计时 | 钟思林-表观基因组和顺式调控元件重塑植物基因表达模式

文摘   2024-09-26 15:01   北京  


How plant evolve new gene expression pattern by rewiring epigenome and cis-regulatory elements

报告人:钟思林 教授

香港中文大学 (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

主持人:段成国 研究员   aBIOTECH Editor

中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心 (CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences

时间:2024年9月27日(周五) 上午9:00 





aBIOTECH专刊征稿 | 表观遗传调控及其在作物改良中的应用


Prof. Sanwen Huang 

Prof. William John Lucas

2023 IF 4.6

Indexed in  EI, ESCI, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, CSCD, Google Scholar, CNKI, Dimensions...

The aims of aBIOTECH are two-fold: First to publish seminal articles that focus the relevant research communities to achieve development of superior agroecosystems, globally. Next, to foster national and international engagement, including business, politics, and society, to build an understanding of modern agrobiotechnology/genomics-empowered strategies, which can ensure the availability of adequate nutritious foods to feed the growing global population.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the followings:
TRANSGENE, GENOME EDITING TECHNOLOGIES & APPLICATIONS: Advanced transgene or genome editing technologies or methodologies; applications of transgene or genome editing in genetic improvement of agriculturally important traits, which otherwise are impossible by conventional breeding; commercialization of modified or gene-edited crops/livestock for agricultural production; safety and regulatory affairs/policies.
METABOLIC ENGINEERING: Synthesis of bioactive natural products, including study of their metabolic networks and functions, using both genetic and synthetic biology approaches.
TECHNOLOGIES FOR DISEASE CONTROL: Developmental, physiological, biochemical, and technological studies, and innovative strategies relevant to disease control in crop or livestock production systems.
GENOMICS & BREEDING: Genome, pan-genome, and metagenome studies, multi-omics data mining approaches, intelligent design breeding theory, approaches, and practice, and innovative analytical/bioinformatics tools/methods, with potential to advance crop and livestock breeding programs.
ROOT-SOIL-MICROBIOME AGROECOSYSTEMS: Targeted breeding and engineering of essential root biology and associated microbiome traits directed to enhance crop performance under sub-optimal soil abiotic and/or biotic conditions.







aBIOTECH 定位于国际高影响力学术期刊,报道内容聚焦植物生物技术、农业科学及其交叉领域最新研究成果。