Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2024
Natural GmACO1 allelic variations confer drought tolerance and influence nodule formation in soybean
aBIOTECH | 田志喜团队发现大豆正调控抗旱新基因GmACO1
The maize ZmCPK39-ZmKnox2 module regulates plant height
aBIOTECH | 中国农业大学徐明良团队报道ZmCPK39调控玉米株高的新机制
Early surveillance of rice bakanae disease using deep learning and hyperspectral imaging
aBIOTECH | 浙江大学刘羽飞团队基于高光谱与深度学习技术实现水稻恶苗病早期高效监测
A sensitive one-pot ROA assay for rapid miRNA detection
aBIOTECH | 阮珏团队开发快速和特异性检测miRNA/短RNA片段的方法
Inference and prioritization of tissue-specific regulons in Arabidopsis and Oryza
aBIOTECH | 高俊祥团队开发拟南芥和水稻组织特异性regulon的推断与排序方法
Zig, Zag, and ’Zyme: leveraging structural biology to engineer disease resistance
aBIOTECH评述 | 马文勃/Alexander J. McClelland-结构生物学助力植物抗病性的改造
Strategies for adaptation to high light in plants
aBIOTECH | 王宏斌/靳红磊团队综述植物适应强光的策略和机制
Impact of acute heat stress on mitochondrial function, ultrastructure and cardiolipin distribution in Arabidopsis
aBIOTECH | 潘荣辉/Jianping Hu 揭示植物线粒体和心磷脂在高温胁迫响应中的变化规律
Plants against cancer: towards green Taxol production through pathway discovery and metabolic engineering
aBIOTECH | Philipp Zerbe_通过生物合成途径解析与代谢工程实现紫杉醇的绿色生物制造
Decoding the microbiome for sustainable agriculture
aBIOTECH评述 | 解码根系微生物组,推动农业可持续发展
Double-barreled defense: dual ent-miltiradiene synthases in most rice cultivars
Characterization and functional analysis of gerbera plant defensin (PDF) genes reveal the role of GhPDF2.4 in defense against the root rot pathogen Phytophthora cryptogea
Heterologous expression of the maize transcription factor ZmbHLH36 enhances abiotic stress tolerance in Arabidopsis
Removal of the C4-domain preserves the drought tolerance enhanced by CsMYB4a and eliminates the negative impact of this transcription factor on plant growth
Prof. Sanwen Huang
2023 IF 4.6
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The aims of aBIOTECH are two-fold: First to publish seminal articles that focus the relevant research communities to achieve development of superior agroecosystems, globally. Next, to foster national and international engagement, including business, politics, and society, to build an understanding of modern agrobiotechnology/genomics-empowered strategies, which can ensure the availability of adequate nutritious foods to feed the growing global population.