女方行事张扬,导致过往被彻底曝光,随后悄然宣布退出网络世界,微博账号也被注销。长时间保持沉默的黄晓明,最近终于出面,对引发的争议进行了回应,为女友深深鞠躬道歉,整整持续了30秒的时间。The romance between Huang Xiaoming and Ye Ke is indeed full of interest.The woman's flamboyant behavior led to her past being completely exposed, after which she quietly announced her withdrawal from the online world, and her Weibo account was also closed.Huang Xiaoming, who had remained silent for a long time, finally came forward recently to respond to the controversy, bowing deeply in apology for his girlfriend, which lasted for a full 30 seconds.
当下这位弄得沸沸扬扬,前任Angelababy那边却是宁静祥和,暗自比拼。先在微博超话连更五条状态,向粉丝传达“我十分挂念你们”的心意。随后,值黄晓明47岁寿辰之际,她前往香港出席了另一场庆生活动,专程为经纪人kim妈(周优根)祝贺生辰。Subsequently, on the occasion of Huang Xiaoming's 47th birthday, she went to Hong Kong to attend another celebration event, specifically to congratulate her agent, Kim Ma (Zhou Yougen), on her birthday.A group photo with shining stars, once again catapulting oneself to the top of the hot search list.
画面中,经纪人周优根与古天乐并肩坐在C位,一侧陪伴着的是邓丽欣和琦琦等圈内挚友。In the scene, agent Zhou Yougen sits side by side with Louis Koo in the center position, accompanied by close friends from the industry such as Teresa Deng and Qi Qi on one side.The baby stands at the back, with a happy smile on its face.
她是那位让Angelababy声名鹊起的香港金牌经纪人,两人多年间始终维系着亲密的关系,不是亲人却胜似亲人的存在。在粉丝们的吹捧之下,你鼻姐那貌美心慈、情深义重的形象再次树立了起来。To be able to summon so many celebrities to celebrate one's birthday is no small feat for Zhou Youjie.She is the Hong Kong's golden talent agent who helped Angelababy rise to fame. They have maintained a close relationship for many years, one that is more than just professional, akin to family.With the adulation of fans, the image of your elder sister, known for her beauty, kindness, deep affection, and sense of righteousness, has been re-established.在娱乐圈中,即便是再好的情谊,也离不开利益的维系。However, if you truly believed that, it would seem too naive.In the entertainment industry, even the best friendships cannot be maintained without the bond of interest.baby与周优根关系亲密,这不仅仅是因为念及旧日情分,更因为对方是能为她精心策划复出之路的重要推手。
众所周知,Angelababy与张嘉倪在去年底因观看“疯马秀”而遭到隐性封杀。影视、时尚资源、代言等均陷入停滞状态,社交账号也被限制了发声。As is well known, Angelababy and Zhang Jiani were covertly blacklisted last year after watching the "Crazy Horse Show".Their film and television, fashion resources, endorsements, and other resources have all come to a standstill, and their social media accounts have also been restricted from making statements.不过,对比张嘉倪近乎“隐匿”的情形,baby的关注度一直居高不下。
那时许多网友对她复出之易感到不解,但略作探究便能洞悉其中的玄机。《风尚志》并非内地出版物,其创办者及行政总裁依旧是周优根。步入四月,baby携手冯德伦共同亮相香港金像奖的颁奖盛典。早在2021年间,冯德伦、古天乐与周优根便已联手创立了CoolStyle公司,身为合伙人,一同出席活动自然也是人之常情吧。As April began, baby joined Feng Derun in making a joint appearance at the Hong Kong Film Awards ceremony.Understanding this relationship is as easy as pie.As early as 2021, Feng Derun, Louis Koo, and Yvonne Chou had already joined forces to establish CoolStyle company. As partners, it's only natural for them to attend events together.
不是每个人都能攀到名利场的顶峰,但脚踏实地走好当下的路,总不会错。She said, "There is no shortcut to success, only taking each step solidly." This statement applies equally well to any field. Not everyone can reach the pinnacle of fame and fortune, but walking the path of the present with a solid footing is never wrong.【特别声明】本公众平台除特别注明原创或授权转载外,其他文章均为转载,版权归原作者或平台所有,出于传递信息之目的,并没有任何商业目的。本公号尊重知识产权,如无意中侵犯了您的权益,请及时联系后台,本公号将及时删除。