2024-06-21 10:20
涉外民事诉讼中的送达问题Service of Process in Foreign-Related Civil Litigation涉外民事诉讼中的送达问题是指在涉及外国当事人的民事案件中,如何将法律文件(如起诉书、传票、判决书等)送达给外国当事人。这一过程涉及跨国司法协助,通常比较复杂,且不同国家的法律和程序差异较大。Service of process in foreign-related civil litigation refers to the procedure of delivering legal documents (such as complaints, summons, judgments, etc.) to parties located in foreign countries. This process involves cross-border judicial assistance and is often complex due to varying legal systems and procedures across different countries.1.外交途径:Diplomatic Channels:-通过外交途径:一般由法院通过本国的外交部门,将法律文件转交给外国的外交部门,再由该国外交部门将文件送达给被送达人。-Via Diplomatic Channels: Courts send legal documents through their country's diplomatic department to the foreign country's diplomatic department, which then serves the documents to the recipient.-缺点:时间长、程序复杂,且可能受到国际关系的影响。-Disadvantages: Time-consuming, complex procedures, and can be influenced by international relations.2.司法协助:Judicial Assistance:-双边或多边司法协助条约:如《海牙送达公约》1965年,提供了一个标准化的跨国送达程序。-Bilateral or Multilateral Judicial Assistance Treaties: Treaties like the Hague Service Convention of 1965 provide standardized cross-border service procedures.-司法协助请求:本国法院向外国法院提出司法协助请求,通过对方国家法院进行送达。-Judicial Assistance Requests: Domestic courts request foreign courts to serve documents on their behalf.-国际邮寄:通过邮政系统直接将法律文件寄送给外国当事人。-International Mail: Directly mailing legal documents to foreign parties through the postal system.-Limitations: Some countries do not recognize the legality of service by mail.4.电子送达:Electronic Service:-电子邮件或其他电子通讯手段:在双方同意的情况下,可以通过电子手段送达。-Email or Other Electronic Communication Means: With mutual consent, documents can be served electronically.-问题:需确认接收方确实收到了文件,并且电子送达的合法性在各国法律中尚未普遍得到认可。-Challenges: Requires confirmation that the recipient received the documents and legal recognition of electronic service varies by country.
送达难点Challenges in Service of Process1.法律体系差异:Differences in Legal Systems:-各国对送达的法律要求和程序不同,可能导致送达失败或不被对方国家法院承认。-Different countries have varying legal requirements and procedures for service of process, which can lead to service failure or non-recognition by foreign courts.2.当事人不配合:Uncooperative Parties:-外国当事人可能故意规避送达或不提供准确的联系方式,增加送达难度。-Foreign parties may deliberately evade service or not provide accurate contact information, complicating the service process.3.国际关系影响:Impact of International Relations:-Strained international political relations can hinder smooth judicial assistance.-涉外送达通常需要较长时间且成本较高,尤其是通过外交或司法协助途径。-Cross-border service is usually time-consuming and costly, especially through diplomatic or judicial assistance channels.
中国涉外送达的规定和实践Regulations and Practices in China1.《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》:Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China:-Article 266 outlines the procedures for service in foreign-related civil litigation.- 第276条和280条进一步规定了送达方式和程序,包括通过外交途径、司法协助、邮寄以及其他合适方式送达。-Articles 276 and 280 further specify methods and procedures, including diplomatic channels, judicial assistance, mail, and other appropriate methods.2.司法解释和指导文件:Judicial Interpretations and Guiding Documents:-《最高人民法院关于适用〈中华人民共和国民事诉讼法〉的解释》对涉外送达进行了具体说明。- The "Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on the Application of the Civil Procedure Law" provides detailed guidelines on foreign-related service. -《第二次全国涉外商事海事审判工作会议纪要》提供了更多实际操作中的指导。- The "Minutes of the Second National Symposium on Foreign-related Commercial and Maritime Trials" offers additional practical guidance.3.实际操作中的改进:Practical Improvements:-为了解决“送达难”问题,中国法院近年来不断探索和改进送达方式,如增加电子送达的尝试、优化司法协助程序等。-To address the "difficulty in service," Chinese courts have been exploring and improving service methods, such as increasing the use of electronic service and optimizing judicial assistance procedures.
涉外民事诉讼中的送达问题具有复杂性和挑战性,需要在国际司法协助、外交途径和各国法律体系的基础上不断完善和优化。在实践中,准确、有效地完成涉外送达是保障涉外民事诉讼顺利进行的重要环节。Service of process in foreign-related civil litigation is complex and challenging, requiring continuous improvement and optimization based on international judicial assistance, diplomatic channels, and the legal systems of different countries. Effective and accurate service of process is crucial for the smooth conduct of foreign-related civil litigation.二、面临的实际困难Common Difficulties and Legal Issues in Service of Process1.找到接收人:Locating the Recipient:-很难获取准确和最新的海外接收人地址。错误或过时的信息可能导致送达失败。-Difficulty in obtaining accurate and up-to-date addresses for recipients residing abroad. Incorrect or outdated information can lead to failed service attempts.2.国际合规性:International Compliance:-不同司法管辖区的送达要求和程序各不相同。一国的有效送达方式在另一国可能不被认可。- Varying legal requirements and procedures for service of process in different jurisdictions. What is considered a valid service in one country may not be recognized in another.3.语言障碍:Language Barriers:-文件通常需要翻译成接收人所在国的官方语言,这既耗时又昂贵。-Documents often need to be translated into the official language of the recipient's country, which can be time-consuming and costly.4.拒绝接收文件:Refusal to Accept Documents:-接收人可能拒绝接收文件,这使得证明送达已完成变得困难。-Recipients may refuse to accept documents, making it challenging to prove that service was effected.5.外交延误:Diplomatic Delays:-通过外交渠道送达可能会很慢,并受到政治或行政延误的影响。-Using diplomatic channels for service can be slow and subject to political or administrative delays.6.邮政服务限制:Postal Service Limitations:-一些国家不接受通过国际邮件送达,或邮政服务不可靠,导致难以证明送达成功。-Some countries do not accept service of process through international mail or have unreliable postal services, leading to potential issues with proof of delivery.7.技术限制:Technological Constraints:-尽管电子送达变得越来越普遍,但并非所有司法管辖区都认可或接受这种方式,且验证接收情况困难。-While electronic service is becoming more common, not all jurisdictions recognize or accept this method, and it can be difficult to verify receipt.1.管辖权挑战:Jurisdictional Challenges:-确定送达适当的管辖区可能很复杂,特别是在涉及多个国家或被告是跨国公司的情况下。-Determining the appropriate jurisdiction for serving process can be complex, especially in cases involving multiple countries or where the defendant is a multinational corporation.2.送达的执行:Enforcement of Service:-即使成功送达,跨境执行判决或法律行为仍然具有挑战性,因为法律系统和国际条约的差异。-Even if service is successfully completed, enforcing judgments or legal actions across borders can be problematic due to differing legal systems and international treaties.-根据接收人国家的法律,建立送达已妥善执行的证明可能很困难,特别是依赖国际邮政服务或电子手段时。-Establishing proof that service was properly executed in accordance with the laws of the recipient’s country can be difficult, particularly when relying on international postal services or electronic means.4.隐私和数据保护:Privacy and Data Protection:-跨境数据传输,特别是涉及个人信息的传输,必须符合如欧盟GDPR等数据保护法规,这会使送达过程复杂化。-Cross-border data transfers, especially involving personal information, must comply with data protection regulations like the GDPR in the EU, which can complicate service processes.-确保送达符合发起国和接收国的法律,以避免送达有效性争议至关重要。-Ensuring that service complies with both the domestic laws of the initiating country and the laws of the recipient’s country is crucial to avoid disputes over the validity of the service.-跨境送达的财务负担,包括翻译费用、法律费用和行政费用,可能很高,影响到国际法律诉讼的意愿或能力。-The financial burden of cross-border service, including translation costs, legal fees, and administrative expenses, can be significant and may impact the willingness or ability to pursue legal action internationally.改进送达程序Improving Service of Process1.国际条约和协议:International Treaties and Agreements:-利用《海牙送达公约》等框架可以简化和标准化成员国之间的送达程序。-Utilizing frameworks like the Hague Service Convention can streamline and standardize the service process across member countries.2.司法合作:Judicial Cooperation:-加强国家间的司法合作和沟通,以促进更顺畅和更快速的送达程序。-Enhancing judicial cooperation and communication between countries to facilitate smoother and quicker service of process.3.技术采用:Adoption of Technology:-促进接受和使用电子送达方法,同时确保可靠的验证机制和法律有效性。-Promoting the acceptance and use of electronic service methods while ensuring robust mechanisms for verifying receipt and maintaining legal validity.4.集中系统:Centralized Systems:-开发集中数据库或系统,用于跟踪和验证各司法管辖区的送达尝试和结果。-Developing centralized databases or systems for tracking and verifying service attempts and outcomes across jurisdictions.5.培训和最佳实践:Training and Best Practices:- 为法律专业人士提供国际送达程序的培训,并鼓励采用最佳实践,以减轻常见问题。-Providing training for legal professionals on international service of process procedures and encouraging the adoption of best practices to mitigate common issues.通过解决这些常见困难和法律问题,涉外民事诉讼中的送达程序可以变得更加高效、可靠和合法。By addressing these common difficulties and legal issues, the service of process in foreign-related civil litigation can be made more efficient, reliable, and legally sound.三、新民事诉讼法在送达问题上所作改进Improvements in Service of Process in the New Civil Procedure Law2024年1月1日起施行的新《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》在送达问题上作出了若干改进,以提高送达效率,保障当事人的合法权益。以下是主要改进内容:Effective from January 1, 2024, the new "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" introduces several improvements to the service of process. These changes aim to enhance efficiency and protect the legal rights of parties involved. Below are the main improvements:1.多样化的送达方式Diverse Methods of Service新《民事诉讼法》扩大了送达方式的选择,新增和完善了以下送达方式:The new Civil Procedure Law broadens the options for service of process, introducing and refining the following methods:-电子送达:明确了通过电子邮件、手机短信、即时通讯工具等电子手段进行送达的合法性,并规范了电子送达的程序和条件。-Electronic Service: Legalizes service through electronic means such as email, SMS, and instant messaging tools, while standardizing the procedures and conditions for electronic service.-社会公众送达:对于被告下落不明或者拒不接受送达的情况,可以通过公告、媒体发布等方式进行送达,确保诉讼程序不因送达困难而中断。-Public Service: Allows service through public announcements or media publication for defendants who are untraceable or refuse to accept service, ensuring the litigation process is not halted due to service difficulties.-代收送达:明确了特定情况下可以由被告的近亲属、同事或社区居委会代收送达的情形,并规定了代收人的责任。-Substitute Service: Specifies situations where service can be accepted by close relatives, colleagues, or community representatives, and clarifies the responsibilities of the substitute recipient.2.国际送达程序的改进Improvements in International Service Procedures在涉外民事诉讼中,新《民事诉讼法》对国际送达程序进行了改进,以适应国际化趋势和提高送达效率:For foreign-related civil litigation, the new Civil Procedure Law enhances international service procedures to meet global trends and improve efficiency:-简化送达程序:通过与《海牙送达公约》接轨,简化了涉外送达的程序,减少了繁琐的手续和时间延误。-Simplified Procedures: Aligns with the Hague Service Convention, simplifying procedures for international service to reduce complexity and delays.-国际司法协助:加强了与其他国家司法机关的合作,通过司法协助和外交途径,保障国际送达的顺利进行。-International Judicial Assistance: Strengthens cooperation with foreign judicial authorities, utilizing judicial assistance and diplomatic channels to ensure smooth international service.-多语言支持:要求对涉外送达的法律文书进行准确翻译,并明确了翻译的规范和标准,以确保受送达人能够充分理解送达内容。-Multilingual Support: Requires accurate translation of legal documents for international service and specifies standards to ensure recipients fully understand the content.3.送达确认和追踪机制Service Confirmation and Tracking Mechanisms新《民事诉讼法》引入了送达确认和追踪机制,以确保送达的有效性和可追溯性:The new law introduces confirmation and tracking mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness and traceability of service:-送达回执:明确了送达回执的法律效力,要求送达人在送达后取得受送达人的签字确认,作为送达完成的证明。-Service Receipts: Clarifies the legal validity of service receipts, requiring the server to obtain the recipient's signature as proof of service completion.-送达追踪系统:推广使用信息化手段,建立送达追踪系统,对送达过程进行实时监控和记录,方便查阅和核实送达情况。-Tracking System: Promotes the use of information technology to establish a tracking system for real-time monitoring and recording of the service process, facilitating verification.-拒收机制:规定了受送达人拒收法律文书时的处理办法,如视为送达完成,以防止恶意拖延诉讼程序。-Refusal Mechanism: Defines procedures for handling cases where the recipient refuses to accept documents, such as deeming service completed to prevent intentional delays.4.送达费用的规定Regulations on Service Costs新《民事诉讼法》对送达费用的承担作出了明确规定,以公平分担诉讼成本:The new Civil Procedure Law clearly defines the allocation of service costs to fairly distribute litigation expenses:-送达费用分担:规定由提出送达申请的一方当事人先行垫付送达费用,最终由败诉方承担,合理分配送达成本。-Cost Allocation: Specifies that the party requesting service initially covers the costs, with the losing party ultimately bearing the expense, ensuring a fair distribution of costs.-费用减免措施:对经济困难的当事人,提供送达费用减免或缓交的措施,保障其诉讼权利不受影响。-Fee Waivers: Provides measures for fee reductions or deferrals for economically disadvantaged parties, ensuring their litigation rights are not compromised.通过这些改进,新《民事诉讼法》在送达问题上大大提高了效率和规范性,保障了当事人的合法权益,适应了国际化发展的需求,为司法实践提供了更加灵活和高效的送达方式。These improvements in the new Civil Procedure Law significantly enhance the efficiency and standardization of service of process, protect the legal rights of parties, accommodate international development needs, and offer more flexible and effective methods for judicial practice.三、最高院法官总结民诉法所作修改摘要Service of Process and Evidence Collection in Foreign-Related Civil Litigation
涉外案件“送达难”“调查取证难”一直是制约我国涉外民商事审判效率提升的关键因素,社会各界对提升涉外送达效率的呼声尤为强烈。新《民事诉讼法》采取问题导向、求真务实的立法态度,全面总结涉外案件送达和调查取证审判实践经验及需求,在充分保障当事人诉权的前提下,积极改革涉外送达制度,增设域外调查取证制度,力求解决制约涉外审判质效的“卡脖子”问题。Difficulties in the service of process and evidence collection in foreign-related cases have long been key factors limiting the efficiency of China's foreign-related civil and commercial adjudications. There is a strong demand from all sectors of society to improve the efficiency of service in foreign-related cases. The new "Civil Procedure Law" adopts a problem-oriented and pragmatic legislative approach, comprehensively summarizing the practical experiences and needs of service and evidence collection in foreign-related cases. It actively reforms the service system for foreign-related cases and introduces a system for collecting evidence abroad, aiming to resolve the bottleneck issues restricting the quality and efficiency of foreign-related adjudications.第一,合理拓展涉外送达渠道,缩短公告送达期限。新《民事诉讼法》第283条共从八个方面对现行民事诉讼法的涉外送达制度进行了完善。1. Expanding Channels for Foreign-Related Service and Shortening the Notice Period for Public Service. The new Civil Procedure Law, in Article 283, has improved the current service system for foreign-related cases in eight ways:一是删除对诉讼代理人进行送达时其须“有权代其接受送达”的规定。诉讼代理人,无论其为一般授权还是特别授权,均有义务为其所代理的当事人接受法院送达的司法文书,此系诉讼代理人的基本义务和当然义务,也是其参与诉讼活动不可或缺的一环。鉴于司法实践中存在诉讼代理人提交的授权委托书载明“不包括接受司法文书”,意图逃避送达、拖延诉讼的情形,因此《修改决定》删除了诉讼代理人“有权代其接受送达”之限制性规定。A. Deleting the Requirement for Authorized Agents to Have Authority to Accept ServiceThe provision that required authorized agents to have the authority to accept service has been removed. Regardless of whether the litigation agent has general or special authorization, they have the obligation to accept judicial documents from the court for the parties they represent. This is a basic and inherent duty of litigation agents, integral to their participation in litigation activities. Judicial practice revealed that some litigation agents attempted to evade service and delay litigation by submitting authorization documents that excluded accepting judicial documents. Therefore, the new law eliminates this restrictive requirement.二是删除对法人依法设立的分支机构进行送达时须以其“有权接受送达”为前提的规定。根据《民法典》第74条的规定,法人设立的分支机构并不具有独立的法人人格。分支机构作为受送达人的内设机构,与受送达人之间的关系属于内部关系,其不仅具备向所属法人传递信息的功能,而且负有接受司法文书后及时传递给所属法人的义务,故《修改决定》删除了分支机构接受送达以“有权接受送达”之前提条件。B. Deleting the Requirement for Legal Branches of Legal Persons to Have Authority to Accept ServiceThe requirement that branches of legal persons must have the authority to accept service has been removed. According to Article 74 of the Civil Code, branches established by legal persons do not have independent legal personality. As internal institutions of the entity being served, branches have both the function of transmitting information to the affiliated legal person and the obligation to promptly relay received judicial documents to their affiliated legal person. Hence, the precondition that branches must have the authority to accept service has been deleted.三是新增向受送达人在我国领域内设立的独资企业送达的规定。该送达方式吸收了《纪要》第12条第1项的规定。虽然在公司法意义上,股东与其设立的独资公司系各自独立的法人,但在程序法意义上,送达的功能在于通知相关诉讼事项,因独资企业的日常经营管理人员全来自外国单一股东的委派,并无其他股东委派的人员,不存在送达事项影响其他股东投资利益的问题,所以无须外国股东另行向其设立的独资企业进行授权。在征求意见过程中,有意见提出,此种情形下的送达应不限于“独资企业”,可以拓展至受送达人在我国领域内设立的合资企业、合作企业等企业形式。为避免诉讼事宜波及其他股东,引发其他股东的担忧,最终未采纳这一建议。C. Adding Provisions for Service to Wholly-Owned Enterprises Established in China. The new law incorporates provisions for serving wholly-owned enterprises established in China, as outlined in Item 1, Article 12 of the Summary. Although shareholders and their wholly-owned companies are independent legal entities under the Company Law, in procedural law, the function of service is to notify relevant litigation matters. Since the daily management personnel of wholly-owned enterprises are appointed solely by the foreign shareholder, there is no concern about affecting other shareholders' interests. Thus, there is no need for the foreign shareholder to authorize their wholly-owned enterprise separately for service.四是新增受送达人为外国人、无国籍人,其在我国领域内设立的法人或者其他组织担任法定代表人或者主要负责人时的送达规则。本次修法吸纳了《纪要》第12条第2项的规定。与一读稿的规定相比,《修改决定》增加了“且与该法人或者其他组织为共同被告的”之限制性表述。原因在于:如果该外国人、无国籍人系因私人事务涉诉,例如,婚姻纠纷案件、继承案件、涉及个人隐私的案件等,由公司、企业接受送达可能导致个人隐私泄露等损害受送达人利益的后果。因此,将该种送达方式限制在商事纠纷领域,且规定仅适用于其任职的法人或者其他组织成为共同被告的情形。D. Adding Service Rules for Foreigners or Stateless Persons Acting as Legal Representatives or Key Managers in China. The new law incorporates the provisions of Item 2, Article 12 of the Summary, specifying service rules when the recipient is a foreigner or stateless person acting as a legal representative or key manager of a legal person or other organization established in China, provided they are co-defendants. This aims to avoid privacy issues and conflicts with personal legal interests in non-commercial disputes.五是新增规定受送达人为外国法人或者其他组织,其法定代表人或者主要负责人在中华人民共和国领域内时,向其法定代表人或者主要负责人送达。该规定来源于《民事诉讼法司法解释》第533条的规定,经司法实践证明是一种行之有效、十分成熟的途径,故《修改决定》将其上升为法律。E. Adding Provisions for Serving Legal Representatives or Key Managers of Foreign Legal Persons or Organizations in China. The provision for serving the legal representative or key manager of a foreign legal person or organization present in China is based on Article 533 of the Judicial Interpretation of the Civil Procedure Law. Proven effective in judicial practice, this provision has been incorporated into the new law.六是拓展了电子方式送达的途径。立法过程中,曾对电子送达采取了列举的立法方式,列举出传真、电子邮件、即时通讯工具、特定电子系统等电子送达方式。但考虑到随着信息技术的飞速发展,电子送达途径不断更新,有必要从立法技术上使用“电子方式”这一高度抽象、开放包容的表述,为未来信息技术通信手段作为合法送达方式预留空间。F. Expanding Methods of Electronic Service. Initially, electronic service methods such as fax, email, instant messaging tools, and specific electronic systems were listed. However, considering the rapid advancement of information technology, the term "electronic means" is used to provide a flexible and inclusive description, allowing for future technological developments.因此,新《民事诉讼法》第283条第9项规定“采用能够确认受送达人收悉的电子方式送达,但是受送达人所在国法律禁止的除外”,即电子送达不再主要限于传真、电子邮件等方式,只需能够确认受送达人收悉,同时强调电子送达应以受送达人所在国不禁止该方式为前提。Therefore, the new Article 283, Item 9 of the Civil Procedure Law stipulates that "electronic service of process that can confirm receipt by the recipient may be used, unless prohibited by the laws of the recipient's country." This means that electronic service is no longer limited mainly to methods such as fax and email. Instead, any electronic method that can confirm the recipient has received the documents can be used, provided that it is not prohibited by the laws of the recipient's country.七是增设“受送达人同意的其他方式送达”进行送达的规定。该项兜底式的送达方式具有一定开放性,包括亲友代为转交等,只要受送达人同意,且不违反受送达人所在国法律的,即可采用。至于何为受送达人同意,须司法实践中予以明确。一般而言,受送达人填写的送达地址确认书、签署的包含诉讼送达约定条款的协议等可以认定为其明确表示同意。G. Adding Provisions for Service through Other Agreed Mean. An open-ended clause allows for service through other agreed means, such as by friends or relatives, provided the recipient consents and it does not violate the laws of the recipient's country. This clause provides flexibility while ensuring clarity in judicial practice.八是进一步完善公告送达制度。公告送达系法律拟制的送达方式,非涉外案件公告期限已经从60日缩短至30日,故社会各界对缩短涉外公告送达期限以提升涉外审判质效的呼声颇高。在起草过程中,部分意见提出,为提升涉外送达效率,可以考虑将涉外公告送达的期限与非涉外公告送达保持一致,均规定为30日。H the system of service by public notice has been further improved. Service by public notice is a legal fiction method of service. The time limit for public notice in non-foreign-related cases has already been reduced from 60 days to 30 days, leading to strong calls from various sectors of society to shorten the time limit for foreign-related public notices to improve the efficiency of foreign-related trials. During the drafting process, some opinions suggested that to enhance the efficiency of foreign-related service, the time limit for foreign-related public notices should be made consistent with that for non-foreign-related notices, both set at 30 days.考虑到涉外民商事审判程序的相关期限均一倍于非涉外案件期限,例如,在我国领域内无住所的当事人的上诉期、答辩期均为30天,在我国领域内有住所的当事人上诉期、答辩期则为15天,《修改决定》将对我国领域内无住所的当事人进行公告送达期限由现行《民事诉讼法》规定的3个月缩短为60天。Considering that the relevant deadlines for foreign-related civil and commercial trial procedures are generally twice as long as those for non-foreign-related cases (e.g., the appeal period and the defense period for parties without a domicile within China's territory are both 30 days, while for parties with a domicile within China's territory, both periods are 15 days), the "Amendment Decision" shortens the time limit for service by public notice on parties without a domicile within China's territory from the current three months specified in the Civil Procedure Law to 60 days.