
文摘   情感   2024-10-30 19:00   云南  


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  • "每次见到你,我的理智就像放风筝一样越飞越远,拉都拉不回来,只剩下心跳在为你狂奔。""Every time I see you, my reason drifts away like a kite, too far to pull back, leaving only my heartbeat racing toward you."

  • "我发现了一个秘密,靠近你时,我的呼吸会乱掉,仿佛空气都只属于你。""I’ve discovered a secret: when I get close to you, my breath stumbles, as if the air itself belongs to you."

  • "你知道吗?每次靠近你,我的自制力就像冰淇淋在太阳下融化,完全控制不住自己。""Do you know? Every time I’m near you, my self-control melts like ice cream in the sun, completely out of my hands."

  • "你靠近的时候,我感觉世界在变慢,只剩下我们两个人的呼吸和彼此之间无法逃避的心跳。""When you come close, it feels like the world slows down, leaving only our breaths and the inescapable rhythm of our hearts."

  • "如果你靠近一点,我保证会告诉你一个秘密——我每晚入睡前最后的念头都是你。""If you come just a little closer, I’ll tell you a secret—I think about you every single night before I fall asleep."

  • "你知道吗?每当你看我一眼,我的心跳就像琴弦被拨动,发出专属于你的旋律。""Do you know? Every time you glance at me, my heartstrings pluck out a melody that belongs only to you."

  • "我对你有一种特别的瘾,想靠近,却怕离得太近会让自己彻底失控。""I have a special addiction to you; I want to get close, but I fear being too near will make me lose all control."

  • "你靠近时,我的呼吸像是在跑马拉松,每一步都想追上你,却又怕被你发现我的心事。""When you’re near, my breath feels like running a marathon—each step trying to catch up with you, but afraid you’ll discover my secret."

  • "每次你靠近,我的理智都想逃跑,但我的心却不由自主地向你靠拢,无法抗拒。""Every time you get close, my logic wants to run away, but my heart can’t help leaning toward you, completely unable to resist."

  • "如果目光可以拥抱,我早就把你紧紧搂在怀里,心跳和你同步。""If looks could embrace, I’d have already wrapped you tightly in my arms, with our heartbeats syncing together."



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